
APACHE-2.0 License



Running the Webserver

First, due to upstream Opentelemetry dependencies, make sure to install the protobuf compiler protoc. Instructions for various platforms can be found here.

To start-up the axum webserver, just run:

cargo run

This will start-up the service, running on 2 ports:

  • 3000: main test-template application, including /healthcheck, etc.
  • 4000: /metrics

Upon running the application locally, OpenAPI documentation is available as a swagger-ui at http://localhost:3000/swagger-ui/. Read more in Docs and OpenAPI.

For local development with logs displayed using ANSI terminal colors, we recommend running:

cargo run --features ansi-logs

Debugging and Diagnostics

To better help diagnose and debug your server application, you can run:

RUSTFLAGS="--cfg tokio_unstable" cargo run --features console, ansi-logs

This command uses a compile-time feature-flag, console, to give us local access to tokio-console, a diagnostics and debugging tool for asynchronous Rust programs, akin to pprof, htop/top, etc. You can install tokio-console using cargo:

cargo install --locked tokio-console

Once executed, just run tokio-console --retain-for <*>min to use it and explore.


test-template contains a file for configuration settings, loaded by the application when it starts. Configuration can be overridden using environment variables that begin with an APP prefix. To allow for underscores in variable names, use separators with two underscores between APP and the name of the setting, for example:


This export would override this setting in the default config:

environment = "local"

Making HTTP Client Requests with Reqwest

This web framework includes the reqwest HTTP Client library for making requests to external APIs and services, separate from the axum webserver itself. We use the reqwest-middleware crate for wrapping around reqwest requests for client middleware chaining, giving us metrics, retries, and tracing out of the box. We have an integration test, which demonstrates how to build a client with middleware and configuration:

 // reqwest::Client by default has a timeout of 30s
 let reqwest_client = Client::builder()

 Ok(Self {
     client: ClientBuilder::new(reqwest_client?)
         .with(Metrics {
             name: "AClient".to_string(),

     url: settings.url.to_string(),

Note: Our logging middleware implements traits for both axum and reqwest Request types. Additionally, we implement an HTTP Client-specific middleware for deriving metrics for each external, reqwest request in middleware/client.metrics.rs. For the axum webserver itself, metrics are derived via middleware/metrics.rs.

Testing the Project

  • Run tests

    cargo test


For formatting Rust in particular, please use cargo +nightly fmt as it uses specific nightly features we recommend. Make sure you have nightly installed.

Pre-commit Hook

This project recommends using pre-commit for running pre-commit hooks. Please run this before every commit and/or push.

  • Once installed, Run pre-commit install and pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg to setup the pre-commit hooks locally. This will reduce failed CI builds.

  • If you are doing interim commits locally, and for some reason if you don't want pre-commit hooks to fire, you can run git commit -a -m "Your message here" --no-verify.

Docs and OpenAPI

If you make any changes to axum routes/handlers, make sure to add/update OpenAPI specifications. You can run cargo run --bin openapi to generate an updated specification .json file, located here.

An example of adding an OpenAPI specification is the following:

    path = "/ping",
        (status = 200, description = "Ping successful"),
        (status = 500, description = "Ping not successful", body=AppError)
pub async fn get() -> AppResult<StatusCode> {

Of note, once you add the utoipa attribute macro to a route, you should also update the ApiDoc struct in src/docs.rs:

/// API documentation generator.
        paths(health::healthcheck, ping::get),
            (name = "", description = "test-template service/middleware")

/// Tied to OpenAPI documentation.
pub struct ApiDoc;

Recording: Logging, Tracing, and Metrics Layers

For logs, traces, and metrics, test-template utilizes several log levels and middleware trace layers to control how events are recorded. The trace layers include a: (1) storage layer; (2) otel layer; (3) format layer; and a (4) metrics layer. The log levels include: (1) trace; (2) debug; (3) info; (4) warn; and (5) error. All of this leverages the tracing library and it's related extensions. This approach is heavily inspired by Composing an observable Rust application.

At its core, the storage layer exists to capture everything flowing through test-template before events are diffracted to their respective log levels--this way it is possible for test-template to maintain contextual trace information throughout the lifetime of any event, no matter the log level.

The final layer is the metrics layer, which, of note, removes the stored span information upon span closure.

How Does Logging Work?

The logging middleware automatically drives request/response logging, taking into account status codes and helpful contextual information.

For logging, we use the [tracing][tracing-log] library and structure logs in logfmt style. The implementation of the log generation is inspired by influxdata's (Influx DB's) version. When defining log functions for output, please define them like so:

    .map(|_| {
            subject = "postgres",
            category = "db",
            "connection to PostgresDB successful"
    .map_err(|e| {
            subject = "postgres",
            category = "db",
            "failed to connect to PostgresDB",

How Does Tracing work?

test-template implements hooks around the creation and closing of spans across the lifetime of events and requests in order to track the entire trace of that event or request. Each created span has a unique span id that will match its close. Below is an example which demonstrates the opening of span with an id of 2251799813685249, then a logging event which occurs within that span, and then closing of that span once it's complete.

level=INFO span_name="HTTP request" span=2251799813685249 span_event=new_span timestamp=2023-01-29T15:06:42.188395Z http.method=GET http.client_ip= http.host=localhost:3000 trace_id=fa9754fa3142db2c100a8c47f6dd391d http.route=/ping
level=INFO subject=request category=http.request msg="started processing request" request_path=/ping authorization=null target="project::middleware::logging" location="project/src/middleware/logging.rs:123" timestamp=2023-01-29T15:06:42.188933Z span=2251799813685249 otel.name="GET /ping" http.method=GET http.scheme=HTTP http.client_ip= http.flavor=1.1 otel.kind=server http.user_agent=curl/7.85.0 http.host=localhost:3000 trace_id=fa9754fa3142db2c100a8c47f6dd391d http.target=/ping http.route=/ping
level=INFO span_name="HTTP request" span=2251799813685249 span_event=close_span timestamp=2023-01-29T15:06:42.192221Z http.method=GET latency_ms=3 http.client_ip= http.host=localhost:3000 trace_id=fa9754fa3142db2c100a8c47f6dd391d http.route=/ping

How Does Instrumentation Work?

When leveraging tracing's instrument functionality, we can instrument a function to create and enter a tracing span every time that function is called. There are two ways to use instrumentation:

  • instrumentation macros
  • instrumentation methods.

Instrumentation Macros (used above fn signatures)

    level = "info",
    name = "test-template.songs.handler.POST",
    fields(category = "http.handler", subject = "songs")
pub async fn post(db: Extension<PG>,...)

Instrumentation Method (used with async closures, follows_from reference)

// Start a span around the context process spawn
let process_span = debug_span!(
    parent: None,
    subject = "songs.async",
    category = "songs"

    async move {
        match context.process().await {
            Ok(r) => debug!(event=?r, "successfully processed song addition"),
            Err(e) => warn!(error=?e, "failed processing song"),

Deriving Metrics through Instrumentation

If a function is instrumented with a special .record prefix in the name field, then, as part of the its execution, a counter will automatically be incremented and a histogram recorded for that function's span context (start-to-end):

    level = "info",
    name = "record.save_event",
    fields(category="db", subject="postgres", event_id = %event.event_id,
async fn save_event(...) -> ... {

These metrics are derived via the metrics layer where the metrics are stripped off the .record prefix and then recorded with the [metrics-rs][metrics-rs] library:

let span_name = span
    .unwrap_or_else(|| span.name());
metrics::increment_counter!(format!("{name}_total"), &labels);

How is OTEL incorporated for exporting (distributed) tracing information?

The axum-tracing-opentelemetry crate provides middleware for adding OTEL integration to a tower service, an extended Tracelayer, setting OTEL span information when test-template application routes are executed.

OTEL trace information is exported using a opentelemetry propagation layer, which is registered along with the other layers, for example storage, logging, metrics. This information is exported over [grpc][grpc], using a Rust implementation of the opentelemetry otlp specification, codified in our tracer module. With the proper settings and setup, this will work for local development, exporting to a service like Jaeger or for sending traces to Honeycomb or a similar cloud service.

Recommended Development Flow

Conventional Commits

This project lightly follows the Conventional Commits convention to help explain commit history and tie in with our release process. The full specification can be found here. We recommend prefixing your commits with a type of fix, feat, docs, ci, refactor, etc..., structured like so:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

Getting Help

For usage questions, usecases, or issues please open an issue in our repository.

We would be happy to try to answer your question or try opening a new issue on Github.

External Resources

These are references to specifications, talks and presentations, etc.


This project is licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.