
OSINT tool to scrape names and usernames from large friend lists on Facebook, without being rate limited.

GPL-3.0 License


Facebook Friend List Scraper

OSINT tool to scrape names and usernames from large friend lists on Facebook, without being rate limited. (hmu on Mastodon: @[email protected])

Getting started:

  • Install using pip: python -m pip install fb-friend-list-scraper
  • Script is now installed as fbfriendlistscraper
  • Run with -h or --help to show usage information.


usage: fbfriendlistscraper [-h] -e EMAIL [-p PASSWORD] -u USERNAME [-o OUTFILE] [-w] [-q] [-x] [-s SLEEPMULTIPLIER] [-i PROXY] [-c CMD]

Tool to scrape names and usernames from large friend lists on Facebook, without being rate limited

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
                        Email address or phone number to login with.
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password to login with. If not supplied you will be prompted. You really shouldn't use this for security reasons.
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Username of the user to scrape.
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        Path of the output file. (Default: ./scraped_friends.txt)
  -w, --headless        Run webdriver in headless mode.
  -q, --quiet           Do not print scraped users to screen.
  -x, --onlyusernames   Only the usernames/IDs will be written to the output file.
                        Multiply sleep time between each page scrape by n. Useful when being easily rate-limited.
  -i PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        Proxy server to use for connecting. Username/password can be supplied like: socks5://user:pass@host:port
  -c CMD, --cmd CMD     Shell command to run after each page scrape. Useful for changing proxy/VPN exit.

        fbfriendlistscraper -e [email protected] -p YourPassword123 -u someusername.123 -o my_file.txt
        fbfriendlistscraper --email [email protected] --username another.user --headless -s 2 -x
        fbfriendlistscraper -e [email protected] -u username.johnson -w --proxy socks5://
        fbfriendlistscraper -e [email protected] -u xxuserxx --headless --cmd "mullvad relay set provider Quadranet"
        fbfriendlistscraper -e [email protected] -u markzuckerburger -w -o ./test.txt --cmd "killall -HUP tor"


Facebook changes the markup of it's pages regularly, so the script might break from time to time. Please open an issue if something doesn't work and I'll take a look at it. Pull requests are welcome as well.


  • Make script check for followers if friend list isn't public.
  • Add more error handling.
  • Add proxy rotation.
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