
Script to scrape comments (including name, profile link, pfp, designation, email(if present), and comment) from a LinkedIn post from the URL of the post.


LinkedIn Comments Scraper

Updates 🚀

  • Fix utf-8 encoding error
  • Shift configuration from to config.json
  • Add support for profile pictures of commentors
  • Add support for pulling images in comment section
  • Add headless support
  • Chrome extension
  • Show all replies support

Brief Overview

If you have used LinkedIn, you must have encountered many posts regarding helpful resources, and they would ask email address,to which replies in comments are usually like


I don't like this thing, like you can already share link in the post itself 😠. Nevertheless, I thought to automate this work of collecting all emails. All the comments, with columns of

  • Name of the person commented
  • Designation of the person
  • Profile Picture URL
  • Email address (if present in comment)
  • Comment (UTF-8 encoded)

are stored in a csv.


Install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


  • In config.json, enter the required url of LinkedIn Post in post_url variable:
post_url = ""

NOTE: If you forget to enter here, it will be asked during execution of script itself.

  • You can also change csv file name (in which scraped data will be stored) and dir name (in which profile pics will be downloaded) in config.json .
  • Help:
usage: [-h] [--headless] [--show-replies] [--download-pfp]

Linkedin Scraping.

  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --headless      Go headless browsing
  --show-replies  Load all replies to comments
  --download-pfp  Download profile pictures of commentors

NOTE: Even if the flag --download-pfp isn't provided, URLs of image would get stored in the output csv.

  • Run the script:

Login email and password for your LinkedIn account will be asked and process would start.


config.json contains various fields, containing information about scraping the HTML elements by name or xpath, and other metadata

Suggestions and contributio ns are alwasy welcome!😄

Star History

Extracted from project README's
Star History Chart
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