
Wordpress, wp-cli, nginx, postgresql



A set of ansible scripts the install Wordpress, wp-cli, nginx, postgresql

Note: Change the IPs in host.local and run with ansible-playbook -i hosts.local site.yml

Deploying locally without Vagrant

If you aren't using vagrant, be sure to update ansible_ssh_user in hosts.local to match your system user

Deploying locally with Vagrant

This setup was developed by deploying to a local vagrant environment running Ubuntu If you're looking to deploy locally like that, remember to do the following:

  1. ssh-add ~/.vagrant/insecure_private_key
  2. Modify hosts.local to include your local VM's IP

Protips with Vagrant

If you just want a vanilla wordpress install to test out locally, run the following:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant up
vagrant provision # don't need this part if it's never been provisioned

That will create an Ubuntu VM and install wordpress, postgress and the wordpress-cli tools on it.

The default Vagrantfile is configured with host-only networking options, meaning you can only reach it from on your host machine. You can reach it at the following addresses:

The hostmanager plugin adds a line to your host machine's /etc/hosts file to facilitate alias.

If you'd like to be able to reach the site from outside of your VM, you can configure the box with bridged networking options. Follow the Vagrant docs to do so.

You can ssh to the vagrant machine by running the vagrant ssh command, and you can find the wordpress site installed in this director:


If you have any other questions, feel free to get ahold of me.