

A Docker-friendly CouchDB installation

Built on the work of baseimage-docker, docker-couchdb is a minimal CouchDB installation, configured to be friendly to the Docker ecosystem.

This container is available for pulling from the Docker registry!

What's Inside?

In addition to what baseimage-docker includes, this container contains:

  • CouchDB 1.6.0.
  • A Runit service to ensure CouchDB is brought up with the container and is restarted on crashes.
  • A boot task to ensure permissions are properly set, allowing the database to live outside the container.

Saving the database outside the container

You can save the databases outside the container by mapping it to a directory on your host:

docker run -v /path/on/host/couchdb:/opt/couchdb/var/lib/couchdb/:rw terinjokes/couchdb

For more information, see the Docker documentation on mounting a host directory.

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