
Dockerize your OpenSSH-server with rsync and bash installed, upon a customizable alpine-image

MIT License


Make your OpenSSH fly on Alpine


Use this Dockerfile / -image to start a slim and highly customizable sshd-server with bash and rsync installed.

Regular builds, automagically

Thanks to Travis-CI this image is pushed weekly and creates new tags if there are new versions available.


For recent tags check Dockerhub.


  • bash-shell and rsync installed
  • Default .bashrc from ubuntu
  • Desired shell is configurable by --env
  • En- or disable root-user by --env
    • Choose between keypar and password auth for root
    • Password for root is configurable by --env
  • Additional ssh-users can be created by --env
    • Authentication for additional users is done by keypair
  • Beautifully colored log output

Usage examples

Authentication as root by password

$ docker run --rm \
--publish=1337:22 \
--env ROOT_PASSWORD=MyRootPW123 \

After the container is up you are able to ssh in it as root with the in --env provided password for "root"-user.

$ ssh [email protected] -p 1337

Authentication as root by ssh-keypair

$ docker run --rm \
--publish=1337:22 \
--volume /path/to/authorized_keys:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys \

After the container is up you are able to ssh in it as root with a private-key which matches the provided public-key in authorized_keys for "root"-user.

$ ssh [email protected] -p 1337 -i /path/to/private_key

Authenticate as additional user by ssh-keypair

$ docker run --rm \
--publish=1337:22 \
--env SSH_USERS="hermsi:1000:1000" \
--volume /path/to/hermsi_public_key:/conf.d/authorized_keys/hermsi \

After the container is up you are able to ssh in it as the given user with a private-key that matches the provided public-key in authorized_keys for your created user.

$ ssh mydomain.tld -l hermsi -p 1337 -i /path/to/hermsi_private_key

Create multiple, additional users with keypair

$ docker run --rm \
--publish=1337:22 \
--env SSH_USERS="hermsi:1000:1000,dennis:1001:1001" \
--volume /path/to/hermsi_public_key:/conf.d/authorized_keys/hermsi \
--volume /path/to/dennis_public_key:/conf.d/authorized_keys/dennis \

After the container is up you are able to ssh in it as one of the given users with a private-key that matches the provided public-key in authorized_keys for your desired user.

$ ssh [email protected] -p 1337 -i /path/to/private_key


While beeing very slim and vanilla this image is still highly customizable.

Environment variables

Variable Possible Values Default value Explanation
ROOT_LOGIN_UNLOCKED 'true' or 'false' 'false' Whether to enable or disable login as 'root' user
ROOT_KEYPAIR_LOGIN_ENABLED 'true' or 'false' 'false' Enable login as 'root' by keypair (implies ROOT_LOGIN_UNLOCKED). Must mount public-key into container: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
ROOT_PASSWORD any desired string undefined Set password for login as root (implies ROOT_LOGIN_UNLOCKED)
USER_LOGIN_SHELL any existing shell /bin/bash Choose the desired default shell for all additional users. If the configured shell is not existent, a fallback to /bin/ash is applied

Extending this image

This image is designed to be as slim and vanilla as possible. If you need additional Tools like git , I definetly recommend to build your own image on top of alpine-sshd:

FROM  hermsi/alpine-sshd:latest

RUN   apk add --no-cache \

Use with docker-compose

I built this image in order to use it along with a nginx and fpm-php container for transferring files via sftp. If you are interested in a Dockerfile which fulfills this need: this way