
Tools to make git on the terminal a little more pleasureable


Convenient bits & bobs for Git

Git out-of-the-box isn't your best friend, git-convenience pulls together a few tools that make it that little bit more friendly. You get:

  • Tab auto-completion
  • A more useful command prompt
  • Shortcuts to common operations

Works on OSX, Linux & Windows git-bash.

Gimmie gimmie gimmie

Trial it in your current terminal session:

eval "$(curl -L trial"

If it works for you, have it in all your terminals:

eval "$(curl -L"


  • gwut - List all Git Convenience commands and prompt symbols
  • gs - git status
  • gaa - Add all changes (including untracted files) to staging
  • gc "Message" - Commit all new files & changes with message
  • goops - Add changes to previous commit & edit comessage
  • gp - Pull (via rebase) then push
  • gup - Pull (via rebase)
  • glog - Decorated & graphed log
  • glogo - As glog, including orphan commits
  • gdiff - A word-diff of changes
  • gclean - Compress & garbage collect data store

If you've installed the wonderful git-up (which you should), it'll be used instead of git pull --rebase.


The prompt shows the current branch & among other helpful things:

  • * - Uncommitted changes
  • + - Staged changes
  • % - Untracked files
  • < - You're behind the origin
  • > - You're ahead of the origin
  • <> - You've diverged from the origin
  • = - You're up-to-date with the origin

Other tools & props

  • git-up - A brilliant tool for syncing branches
  • git completion - The scripts used for the prompt & tab completion