
Greg Osuri's dotfiles



Greg Osuri's dotfiles. The below instructions are optimized for OSX.


Fetch the source:

git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles

Link primary shell config:

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.shellrc ~/.shellrc

Link desired shell configs:

# for bash
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.bashrc ~/.bashrc

# for zsh
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.zshrc ~/.zshrc


Optionally setup zsh; zsh comes packaged on OSX, if not you can install with homebrew: brew install zsh. On ubuntu/debian: sudo apt-get install zsh

Change the shell to zsh:

sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh

Errors & Warnings

If you get below error:

Ignore insecure directories and continue [y] or abort compinit [n]? ncompinit: initialization aborted

Fix insecure directories by running:

sudo chmod g-w $(compaudit)


Git comes packaged on OSX, if not you can install with homebrew: brew install git. On ubuntu/debian: sudo apt-get install git. Link git profile using:

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig

Make sure to update your name, email and signature from .gitconfig. The default looks like the below:

	name = Greg Osuri
	email = [email protected]
	signingkey = 688B0D3791621BF3

vim (~>v8.0) with lua

Using brew for macos: brew install vim.

Link .vimrc config file:

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.vimrc ~/.vimrc

dien for Vim

Dien is a package manager for vim.

Install using:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Open vim to ensure the plugins are installed properly.

Go Lang (optional)

Install using brew:

brew install golang

The shell profile uses a default GOPATH. Ensure $GOPATH exists:

mkdir -p $GOPATH

Enable VIM bindings

Open vim and run below:


Rust (Optional)

Install using Homebrew:

brew install rust

The above command installs rustc and cargo. The path will include $HOME/.cargo/bin automatically.