
dotfiles and Vim configuration


dotfiles and Vim configuration

These are my dotfiles and Vim configuration to use this awesome editor as a fully-featured IDE for most programming languages.

Polyglot prompt, Git completion and Kubernetes integration

These dotfiles use Polyglot to customize the shell prompt. It also enables bash completion for Git and provides a nice integration with Kubernetes.

These featuers can be installed as follows:

# Clone the repo and get the polyglot fork
git clone
cd dotfiles
git submodule update --init

# Source the provided `.bashrc` file (the one in the cloned repo) and consider adding it
# to your existing `.bashrc`.
source .bashrc

Vim features

  • File explorer and quick search.
  • Language objects information such as classes, methods, variables, etc.
  • Code completion.
  • GitHub Copilot integration.
  • Highlight compilation and lint error on the fly.
  • Integrated Git status information.
  • Easy buffer navigation between open files.
  • Integrated terminal.


In order to use the Vim plugins the following pieces have to be installed manually:

If you are using OSX, you will need to install Vim with Homebrew. Otherwise auto-completion will not work since the version of Vim that comes by default is not compiled with Python3 support.


There is no automatic way to install this, but only a few links need to be created. You can install all the plugins and create the links as follows:

# Clone the repo
git clone

# Create the symbolic links in your home
cd ~
ln -s dotfiles/.vimrc
ln -s dotfiles/.vim
ln -s dotfiles/.ctags

The first time you open Vim, the plugins will be installed automatically. Once the plugins are installed, you can configure the GitHub Copilot plugin by running: :Copilot setup.

Upgrading Python with Homebrew

When upgrading Python with Homebrew, you may encounter issues about some modules not being found by pythonx. This is because Homebrew is still linked to the old Python version. To fix this, check the Python version Vim depends on, and update the links as follows:

$ brew info vim | grep python
Required: gettext, lua, perl, [email protected], ruby

$ brew link --overwrite [email protected] --force

Once the links have been created you're done! All the plugins will be automatically installed the first time you open Vim.

Usage cheat sheet

The following keys have been mapped by default:

Shortcut Description
F2 Toggle NERDTree
F3 Toggle Tagbar (it is opened by default in certain source ccode files)
F4 Open a shell in a tmux split
Shift-Left/Right Change to the previous/next buffer
<Ctrl-Space> In INSERT mode opens the autocompletion popup
sf Opens the FZF file search window
sb Opens the FZF buffer search window
st Opens the FZF tag search window
sc Opens the FZF commit search window

Go custom commands

The configuration comes with some Go shortcuts and additional customimzations to the Go debugger:

Commands Description
gdoc Shows a popup with the GoDoc for the symbol under the cursor
gs Shows the signature of the method under the cursor in the status bar
gdb Toggle a breakpoint in the current line
gdr Run the program while debugging until the next breakpoint
gdn Advance to the next line when debugging
gdi Step into the current function
gdo Step out of the current function