
password-store distribution, with plugins.


Password Store Distribution

This repository contains a copy of the application, along with bash completion, a couple of plugins and a simple wrapper.

This repository contains zero secrets, or passwords.


I want to use the same plugins on all systems, without the need to have a complicated setup. So I created a simple wrapper-script pass to load the script, configuring plugins appropriately.

This allows me to clone this repository, and have everything working with one operation.


The following plugins are included in the repository:

  • extensions/age.bash
    • Show the age of all password-store entries, by looking at the git log.
    • Written by me, licensed under the terms of the GPL-3.
  • extensions/env.bash
    • Make passwords available as environmental variables, which is useful for scripting.
    • Written by me, licensed under the terms of the GPL-3.
  • extensions/flat.bash
    • Show the password-store entries, as a sorted flat list of files.
    • No "tree-like" display, and no colours.
    • Easy for grepping, and similar.
    • Written by me, licensed under the terms of the GPL-3.
  • extensions/gen.bash
    • Generate passwords via sysbox.
    • Written by me, licensed under the terms of the GPL-3.
  • extensions/otp.bash
    • 2FA support, via oauthtools.
    • Written by Tad Fisher, licensed under the terms of the GPL-3.


I clone the repository beneath /opt/pass, and then configure my shell to use it:

if [ -d /opt/pass ]; then
    # Add to path.
    export PATH=/opt/pass:$PATH

    # source completion, bash-only.
    source /opt/pass/completion/pass.bash-completion

Once that has been done things work as you'd expect:

pass [args]