
Tmux plugin that flashes the active pane on change

MIT License



tmux-pop is a tiny TMUX plugin that flashes the active pane with a given color on move.


Using Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)

set -g @plugin 'roosta/tmux-pop'


git clone

Add this to the bottom of .tmux.conf

run-shell ~/path/to/repo/tmux_pop.tmux

Reload TMUX env

tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf


Background color

tmux-pop defaults to using brightblack as the pop color, but it can be changed in .tmux.conf

set -g @tmux-pop-color 'red'

The choice of color are limited to what is defined in message-command-style in tmux:

The colour is one of: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, aixterm bright variants (if supported: brightred, brightgreen, and so on), colour0 to colour255 from the 256-colour set, default, or a hexadecimal RGB string such as ‘#ffffff’.

Pop duration

tmux-pop defaults to using 0.05s as the duration between background changes, but it can be changed in .tmux.conf by setting this config option:

set -g @tmux-pop-duration 1 # one second

Any value passed to sleep will work, man sleep for details.


tmux-pop works by temporarily changing the terminal background, for this to work in say vim, you'd need a colorscheme that allows the background color to pass through. Plug: Srcery Vim and Emacs themes supports transparent background.