
Solidity smart contract that serves as an on-chain ACL (Access Control List) for Lit Protocol


ACL Smart Contract for Lit Protocol


  • This is a solidity smart contract that serves as an on-chain ACL (Access Control List).
    • This ACL smart contract includes permission and role-based governance


  • Users can have permissions (read or write) on a resource identified by a uint256
  • "admin users" should be able to set and update those permissions
  • There should be some kind of grouping mechanism for both users and admin users, with the ability to apply permissions to an entire group, and to apply multiple groups to a resource.
    (NOTE: More detail of specifications of this ACL smart contract is here: )


  • Diagram that is workflow of this ACL smart contract
    • NOTE①: AccessControlList contract (AccessControlList.sol) is inherited by a Resource contract (Resource.sol) (Every Resource contract inherit AccessControlList contract in this repo)

    • NOTE②: Resource contract (Resource.sol) and ResourceFactory contract (ResourceFactory.sol) are mock contract for demo for this ACL smart contract (Therefore, Both contracts should be replaced depends on projects that use this ACL smart contract) diagram_ACL-smart-contract for-lit-protocol


  • Run a unit test of the AccessControlList.sol
npm run test:AccessControlList

( $ npx hardhat test ./test/AccessControlList.test.js --network hardhat )

  • Run a senario test
npm run test:Scenario

( $ npx hardhat test ./test/AccessControlList.test.js --network hardhat )

  • Run all of unit test
npm run test

( $ npx hardhat test --network hardhat )


  • This is the demo that the test of Scenario ( ./test/Scenario.test.js ) above that includes the whole scenario of this ACL smart contracts is executed.
