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WETH Invariant Testing

There's been a lot of interest recently in invariant testing, a new feature in the Foundry toolkit, but until recently, there hasn't been much documentation on getting started with this advanced testing technique. The Maple Finance invariant test repo, this example repo from Lucas Manuel, and a new chapter in the Foundry book are all great resources, but it's still tough to get up and running.

In this short guide, we'll write invariant tests from the ground up for Wrapped Ether, one of the most important contracts on mainnet.

How invariant tests work

I like to think of invariant testing as a kind of super-fuzzing. If you've written Forge fuzz tests before, the core concepts are similar. You might write a Forge fuzz test like the following one to test a property about a given function, like a + b == b + a:

    function test_fuzz_additionIsCommutative(uint256 a, uint256 b) public {
        assertEq(math.add(a, b), math.add(b, a));

During a fuzz test run, the fuzzer will call this test with many randomly generated values for a and b, and verify that our assertion holds for each one. This lets us test a specific property of a specific function in a specific contract.

Invariant tests apply the same idea to the system as a whole. Rather than defining properties of specific functions, we define "invariant properties" about a specific contract or system of contracts that should always hold. These may be things like "this vault contract always holds enough tokens to cover all withdrawals," "x * y always equals k in a Uniswap pool," or "this ERC20 token's total supply always equals the sum of all individual balances."

During an invariant test run, the fuzzer goes ham, running against all functions in all contracts (at least until we choose to constrain it). The fuzzer generates random call sequences with random calldata, and checks our defined invariants after every call. If any call sequence breaks a defined invariant, the tests fail.

Invariant tests can be great tools for shaking out invalid assumptions, complex edge cases, and unexpected interactions in a smart contract system. But it can also be challenging to channel the fuzzer's unconstrained chaos into a suite of meaningful, reliable tests.

The WETH contract

We'll be testing the Wrapped Ether contract in this guide.

The Wrapped Ether token allows users to deposit and "wrap" native Ether, which is represented as WETH, an ERC20 token. Users who own WETH can withdraw native Ether by exchanging their WETH tokens for Ether at a 1:1 exchange rate.

Wrapped Ether is a simple but critical primitive in the Ethereum application layer. It enables applications designed to be composable with ERC20 tokens to use a representation of native Ether, and it mitigates the security risks to end users and smart contract systems associated with native Ether transfers.

The canonical wrapped Ether contract, known as WETH9, is only a little over 50 lines of code:

contract WETH9 {
    string public name = "Wrapped Ether";
    string public symbol = "WETH";
    uint8 public decimals = 18;

    event Approval(address indexed src, address indexed guy, uint256 wad);
    event Transfer(address indexed src, address indexed dst, uint256 wad);
    event Deposit(address indexed dst, uint256 wad);
    event Withdrawal(address indexed src, uint256 wad);

    mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;

    fallback() external payable {

    function deposit() public payable {
        balanceOf[msg.sender] += msg.value;
        emit Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);

    function withdraw(uint256 wad) public {
        require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= wad);
        balanceOf[msg.sender] -= wad;
        emit Withdrawal(msg.sender, wad);

    function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
        return address(this).balance;

    function approve(address guy, uint256 wad) public returns (bool) {
        allowance[msg.sender][guy] = wad;
        emit Approval(msg.sender, guy, wad);
        return true;

    function transfer(address dst, uint256 wad) public returns (bool) {
        return transferFrom(msg.sender, dst, wad);

    function transferFrom(
        address src,
        address dst,
        uint256 wad
    ) public returns (bool) {
        require(balanceOf[src] >= wad);

        if (
            src != msg.sender &&
            allowance[src][msg.sender] != type(uint256).max
        ) {
            require(allowance[src][msg.sender] >= wad);
            allowance[src][msg.sender] -= wad;

        balanceOf[src] -= wad;
        balanceOf[dst] += wad;

        emit Transfer(src, dst, wad);

        return true;

(I've slightly modified the version above to compile in Solidity 0.8.x).

The mainnet WETH contract currently holds over 3.9 million Ether, worth over $6.5 billion USD. Any bugs in WETH would be a very big deal. So let's write some invariant tests that verify that the most important properties of WETH really do hold.

Getting started

Invariant test features in Foundry and forge-std have been under active development lately, so before we start, make sure to run foundryup to install the latest version of forge:

$ foundryup

Next, let's spin up a new Foundry project, remove the example Counter.sol and Counter.t.sol, and add the WETH9 contract as src/WETH9.sol:

$ tree src

Invariant test setup

An invariant test contract looks just like the Test contracts you already know and love from unit and fuzz testing with Foundry. In the latest version of forge-std, all the helpers we'll need in order to define and test invariants are now included in the base forge-std/Test.sol contract. (If you're using 1.3.0, the latest stable release, you may also need to import and inherit from forge-std/InvariantTest.sol).

Let's create a test contract in test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {InvariantTest} from "forge-std/InvariantTest.sol";
import {WETH9} from "../src/WETH9.sol";

contract WETH9Invariants is Test {
    WETH9 public weth;

    function setUp() public {
        weth = new WETH9();

    function invariant_badInvariantThisShouldFail() public {
        assertEq(1, weth.totalSupply());

I like to include invariants in the name of my invariant test files to distinguish them from others, but that's just a convention, not required by the test runner.

Hopefully this looks familiar if you've used Foundry: we declare our contract under test as a state variable, create an instance of the contract in setUp, and write test functions using helpers like assertEq that make assertions about the state of the system.

Unlike unit and fuzz tests, invariants must start with the invariant_ prefix, but otherwise this looks a lot like an everyday Forge unit test.

In case the name wasn't clear, our example invariant should fail:

    function invariant_badInvariantThisShouldFail() public {
        assertEq(1, weth.totalSupply());

Let's give it a try and see what happens. The test runner picks up invariant tests alongside normal unit and fuzz tests automatically. Just run forge test:

$ forge test -vvv
[] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped

Running 1 test for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.] invariant_badInvariantThisShouldFail()
(runs: 1, calls: 0, reverts: 0)
Test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; finished in 2.11ms

Failing tests:
Encountered 1 failing test in test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.] invariant_badInvariantThisShouldFail()
(runs: 1, calls: 0, reverts: 0)

Encountered a total of 1 failing tests, 0 tests succeeded

The test fails right away. In fact, it's failing the very first time it checks the invariants, immediately after setUp, and before the fuzzer even makes any calls to the contract under test. Since the WETH totalSupply() starts at zero, the assertion fails. (Good, that's what we expected).

Let's make a change and try again. We'll change the name, too, since our invariant should actually pass now:

    function invariant_wethSupplyIsAlwaysZero() public {
        assertEq(0, weth.totalSupply());

It's not a particularly useful or realistic assertion, but hey, it works!

$ forge test
Running 1 test for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_wethSupplyIsAlwaysZero()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 8671)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 873.42ms

This time, we can see that the fuzzer made some actual calls to the contract under test: 1000 runs, 15000 calls, and 8671 reverts. This feedback from the fuzzer is very useful diagnostic information as you write and refine invariant tests:

  • Runs: the total number of random call sequences generated by the fuzzer.
  • Calls: the total number of calls the fuzzer made to our contract under test during this test run. This is equal to the number of runs times the depth of each call sequence defined in foundry.toml.
  • Reverts: the number of calls that reverted in this test run. In this case, around 58% of the randomly generated calls to our contract reverted.

Of course, in the real world the WETH supply is not always zero. So why does our test pass? A unit test might help clarify.

A nice feature of Foundry is that it's possible to define unit and invariant tests in the same test class. This can be useful for quick explorations like this, or for concretizing and testing a failed fuzz/invariant result to understand why it failed. Add this right after our invariant test function:

    function test_zeroDeposit() public {
        weth.deposit{ value: 0 }();
        assertEq(0, weth.balanceOf(address(this)));
        assertEq(0, weth.totalSupply());
$ forge test -m test_zeroDeposit

Running 1 test for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] test_zeroDeposit() (gas: 11071)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 2.07ms

Turns out, the WETH contract allows callers to "deposit" zero ETH in exchange for zero WETH!

So here's what's happening under the hood:

  • The fuzzer is examining all the public functions on the WETH9 contract and calling them with random arguments.
  • Many of these calls will revert. For example, withdraw, transfer, and transferFrom should all revert in most cases since there are no balances or tokens to transfer.
  • Some of these calls will succeed, but do nothing, like calling deposit with zero msg.value.
  • The fuzzer generates random call sequences and calldata, but does not fuzz msg.value, so all calls to the WETH contract have zero value. Since WETH is only created when a caller deposits native ETH, no ETH enters the WETH contract and no WETH tokens are ever created.
  • The WETH balance remains zero and our invariant holds.

This kind of "open testing"allowing the fuzzer to wreak havoc on all contracts, all methods, and all arguments at oncecan be useful in some scenarios, and it's usually a good place to start when building up an invariant test suite. But you'll often want to simulate specific conditions, like a caller sending along native ETH to make a WETH deposit, more precisely.

There is also a probabilistic trade-off between exploring more random call sequences and finding "meaningful" sequences that actually test our invariants. Exposing more contracts and functions to the fuzzer generates much more "surface area" to fuzz that could expose interesting ways to break the invariants. But if 99% of those sequences revert because their arguments or ordering are unrealistic, we might not really be testing our invariants in a useful way at all.

In order to simulate native Ether transfers and test the conditions we really care about, we need to introduce a new concept and another contract: a handler.


A handler is a wrapper contract that we'll use to manage interactions with our contract under test. Rather than expose the WETH9 functions directly to the fuzzer, we'll instead point the fuzzer at our handler contract and add functions to the handler that delegate to WETH9. This lets us use standard Forge cheatcodes and helpers like vm.prank and deal to set up tests with the conditions we care about.

A handler is just another helper contract. Typically, I pass in the contract under test as a constructor argument. Let's add the following in test/handlers/Handler.sol:

import {WETH9} from "../../src/WETH9.sol";

contract Handler {
    WETH9 public weth;

    constructor(WETH9 _weth) {
        weth = _weth;

A word of warning: as soon as we introduce a handler, we are starting to introduce assumptions about the system under test. It's necessary to constrain the system in order to test it meaningfully, but it's also important to stop and consider the assumptions we're making along the way, lest we end up testing a system that's nothing like the real world at all. As we build out our tests, we should make sure we think about each assumption that we add along the way.

With that caveat in mind, let's start building out our handler contract. We'll start with a deposit function that calls through to weth.deposit() and passes on a fuzzed amount as msg.value:

import {WETH9} from "../../src/WETH9.sol";

contract Handler {
    WETH9 public weth;

    constructor(WETH9 _weth) {
        weth = _weth;

    function deposit(uint256 amount) public {
        weth.deposit{ value: amount }();

Remember, the fuzzer will now generate random calls with random values to the functions we define on the handler. It's up to us to pass through these arguments to the contract under test, or constrain them if necessary.

Of course, we'll need an ETH balance in order to make a deposit. Let's deal ourselves some Ether in the constructor:

import {CommonBase} from "forge-std/Base.sol";
import {StdCheats} from "forge-std/StdCheats.sol";
import {StdUtils} from "forge-std/StdUtils.sol";

contract Handler is CommonBase, StdCheats, StdUtils {
    WETH9 public weth;

    constructor(WETH9 _weth) {
        weth = _weth;
        deal(address(this), 10 ether);

    function deposit(uint256 amount) public {
        weth.deposit{ value: amount }();

Over in the tests, we'll need to create our handler contract in setUp and configure the fuzzer to test its functions rather than call WETH9 directly. The helper functions targetContract(address) and excludeContract(address) inforge-std/StdInvariant allow us to include and exclude contracts from invariant fuzzing.

import {Handler} from "./handlers/Handler.sol";

contract WETH9Invariants is Test {
    WETH9 public weth;
    Handler public handler;

    function setUp() public {
        weth = new WETH9();
        handler = new Handler(weth);


    function invariant_wethSupplyIsAlwaysZero() public {
        assertEq(0, weth.totalSupply());

Don't forget to call targetContract! If we don't configure the fuzzer to explictly filter for a given contract, it will implicitly fuzz all methods on all contracts created during setUp.

Let's give our new, wrapped tests a run:

$ forge test
Running 1 test for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
Test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; finished in 3.89ms

Failing tests:
Encountered 1 failing test in test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.]

 invariant_wethSupplyIsAlwaysZero() (runs: 1, calls: 1, reverts: 0)

Encountered a total of 1 failing tests, 0 tests succeeded

A successful failure! Unlike our very first failure, which broke right after setUp, this time we failed after the first call. The fuzzer has helpfully printed the call sequence that broke our invariant: we called deposit with 65 wei, which broke our (now invalid) invariant that weth.totalSupply() is always zero.

Conservation of Ether

So then, what should our invariant condition actually be? Thinking in invariants can be very different from the way we think about the system when writing unit tests. Invariants are about properties of the system as a whole, rather than specific reactions to specific inputs. Can we define a property that should always hold for the entire system?

Here's one: in the constrained world of our tests, our Handler contract and WETH9 are a closed system. ETH is only created in the Handler when we deal it to ourselves, and can only flow into WETH9 as a deposit, since that's the only function we've exposed so far. So we can test a "conservation of Ether" property: the weth.totalSupply() plus the handler's Ether balance should always equal the circulating supply of ETH in our closed system.

We gave ourselves 10 Ether when we set up our handler contract, but let's make that a little more realistic. There are currently around 120-and-a-half million ETH in circulation. Let's deal all of it to ourselves when we create the handler:

contract Handler is CommonBase, StdCheats, StdUtils {
    WETH9 public weth;

    uint256 public constant ETH_SUPPLY = 120_500_000 ether;

    constructor(WETH9 _weth) {
        weth = _weth;
        deal(address(this), ETH_SUPPLY);

    function deposit(uint256 amount) public {
        weth.deposit{ value: amount }();


And let's update our invariant to describe this property:

    // ETH can only be wrapped into WETH, WETH can only
    // be unwrapped back into ETH. The sum of the Handler's
    // ETH balance plus the WETH totalSupply() should always
    // equal the total ETH_SUPPLY.
    function invariant_conservationOfETH() public {
          address(handler).balance + weth.totalSupply()

We'll also add one more condition to our test: we'll bound the deposit amount to be less than or equal to the remaining Ether balance in the handler contract, so calls don't revert when they attempt to deposit more ETH than they have available:

contract Handler is CommonBase, StdCheats, StdUtils {
    WETH9 public weth;

    uint256 public constant ETH_SUPPLY = 120_500_000;

    constructor(WETH9 _weth) {
        weth = _weth;
        deal(address(this), ETH_SUPPLY);

    function deposit(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        weth.deposit{ value: amount }();


Our tests now passand since we're never attempting an invalid deposit that exceeds our balance, none of our calls revert:

$ forge test
Running 1 test for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 0)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 1.24s

Switching back and forth between open/constrained tests and bounded/unbounded calls can be a useful technique as we write invariant tests. For now we'll constrain the values as we build up our handler and invariants, but eventually we may want to remove these assumptions and let the fuzzer run wild to shake out any invalid assumptions we've made along the way.

Adding handler functions

OK, our tests pass, but we've only exposed one function from WETH9 through our handler. To test the real world behavior of WETH, we need to expose withdraw, transfer, and all the rest. Let's add withdraw to our handler next:

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) public {

    receive() external payable {}

Since withdraw will transfer back native Ether to the caller, we also need to add a receive() function to our handler contract in order to receive it.

$ forge test
Running 1 test for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH() (runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 3535)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 1.17s

Our tests still pass and the invariant holds! Native Ether is now flowing in two directions in our closed system: from Handler into WETH9 on deposit and from WETH9 back to Handler on withdraw. But our "conservation of ETH" invariant still holds, as we should expect.

Note also that we're now seeing some reverts in the test runs: these will be the cases when the fuzzer attempts to withdraw more than our actual balance of WETH. If we bound the withdrawal amount to less than the handler's WETH balance, we should see them go away:

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(address(this)));

    receive() external payable {}
$ forge test
Running 1 test for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 0)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 1.54s

There is one remaining way WETH can come into the world: by sending Ether directly to the WETH9 fallback function. Let's add a handler function for this, too:

    function sendFallback(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        (bool success,) = address(weth).call{ value: amount }("");
        require(success, "sendFallback failed");

$ forge test
Running 1 test for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH() (runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 0)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 1.66s

Looks goodour invariant still holds.

We'll eventually want to add transfers and approvals to our handler, to ensure that WETH transfers from one account to another don't somehow create or destroy any unaccounted-for WETH. But for now, let's skip them, since we know they don't directly wrap or unwrap Ether.

Let's move on to a second invariant: solvency.

Solvency and ghost variables

It's pretty important that the WETH contract's native Ether balance is always enough to cover all possible withdrawals from the contract. Since WETH and native Ether are convertible 1:1, the WETH9 contract's Ether balance should always equal the sum of all deposits.

We can test this invariant in a couple ways: at a high level, we can look at all deposits minus all withdrawals from the contract. At a lower level, we can sum up the individual balances of each WETH token owner. Let's look at each in turn. Both of these approaches will require a new technique, ghost variables.

We can use ghost variables in our handler contract to track state that is not otherwise exposed by the contract under test. For example, keeping track of the sum of all individual deposits into the WETH9 contract using an accumulator variable.

Let's add a ghost_depositSum state variable to our contract, and increase it every time we make a deposit:

    uint256 public ghost_depositSum;

    function deposit(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        weth.deposit{ value: amount }();
        ghost_depositSum += amount;

I like to prefix these variable names with ghost_, but that's just a convention. There's nothing special about these variables besides their purpose. Otherwise, they are standard Solidity state variables in our helper contract.

While we're at it, let's also add ghost_withdrawSum to track all withdrawals. We expect the native Ether balance of the WETH contract to be equal to all the deposits minus all the withdrawals.

    uint256 public ghost_depositSum;
    uint256 public ghost_withdrawSum;

    function deposit(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        weth.deposit{ value: amount }();
        ghost_depositSum += amount;

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(address(this)));
        ghost_withdrawSum += amount;

We could just as easily decrement ghost_depositSum on withdrawals, but I prefer to use separate variables for two reasons. First, it's nice to have these accounting values available as separate properties. Often, building up a good invariant test suite requires defining properties in terms of intermediate values like "all deposits" and "all withdrawals". I find that exposing these explicitly helps me think about the "building blocks" available to test against when defining new invariants.

Second, I think it's good to be wary about any complex or conditional behavior in ghost variables, which makes it easy to introduce invalid assumptions about the system under test. Sometimes this can't be avoided, but if you can use a simple no-behavior accumulator, you usually should.

Let's add our new invariant:

    // The WETH contract's Ether balance should always
    // equal the sum of all the individual deposits
    // minus all the individual withdrawals
    function invariant_solvencyDeposits() public {
          handler.ghost_depositSum() - handler.ghost_withdrawSum()
$ forge test
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH()
(runs: 1000, calls: 14988, reverts: 0)
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.]

 (runs: 1000, calls: 14988, reverts: 0)
Test result: FAILED. 1 passed; 1 failed; finished in 2.06s

It failedcan you see why? Learning to read failed call sequences is part of the art of invariant testing. One important clue is that the last call in the sequence should always be the one that caused the invariant to fail. In this case, it looks like we forgot to account for deposits into the contract through the fallback function. These need to increment our ghost variable, too:

    function sendFallback(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        (bool success,) = address(weth).call{ value: amount }("");
        require(success, "sendFallback failed");
        ghost_depositSum += amount;

With this change in place, our tests should now pass:

$ forge test
Running 2 tests for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 0)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyDeposits()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 0)
Test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; finished in 2.18s

Let's move on and test another solvency invariant: the Ether balance of the WETH contract should be equal to the sum of all balances, including balances before and after transfers. That is, even if users transfer their WETH tokens around, the sum of all balances should stay the same and remain equal to the contract's Ether balance.

    // The WETH contract's Ether balance should always be
    // at least as much as the sum of individual balances
    function invariant_solvencyBalances() public {
        uint256 sumOfBalances = ???

So how can we track the sum of individual balances? We could add more complicated ghost variables to our handler, perhaps something like a mapping that tracks each caller's balance, increments on deposits, decrements on withdrawals, and updates the sender and receiver on transfers. But by adding this, we'd basically be replicating the ERC20 logic included in the WETH contract!

WETH is simple enough that we could probably get away with it this time, but this is a dangerous path: if any of our assumptions are wrong in both the contract under test and in our ghost variable logic that replicates it, we will simply be replicating bugs in the implementation in our tests.

In general, I think it's a good principle to rely on external state from the contract under test whenever possible. And it is possible here: we can tally up the balance of each user by

  1. Saving the address of every caller
  2. iterating over each address and retrieving the weth.balanceOf the caller
  3. adding up all the balances

We'll need to add some helpers to do this calculation.

If you've paid close attention to the design of the handler so far, you may notice one more thing that's a bit out of sync with reality: so far, every call to WETH9 is originating from the address of our handler contract. That means only one address (the handler contract) ever has a balance in the WETH9 contract, which is not representative of the real world, where many different callers each have an individual balance.

Introducing actors

Although Foundry will fuzz different msg.sender addresses for each call to our handler, we need to pass them on using vm.prank if we want to propagate them to the contract under test.

Let's take a detour to add support for many different actors, then return to adding up their balances.

We should be able to introduce multiple actors with different msg.sender addresses without breaking any of our existing tests.

We can start by simply passing through msg.sender using vm.prank before we call into the WETH contract:

    function deposit(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);

        weth.deposit{value: amount}();

        ghost_depositSum += amount;

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(address(this)));


        ghost_withdrawSum += amount;

    function sendFallback(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);

        (bool success,) = address(weth).call{value: amount}("");

        require(success, "sendFallback failed");
        ghost_depositSum += amount;

However, all these calls will revert if we don't first send the msg.sender enough ETH for their deposits. Since our tests are a closed system with a fixed amount of ETH used in our invariant properties, we'll want to actually send "real" Ether using <address>.call rather than using a cheatcode to "print" Ether, which would mess with our circulating ETH invariant.

We'll add a _pay helper to make transfers before tests that need them:

    function deposit(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        _pay(msg.sender, amount);

        weth.deposit{value: amount}();

        ghost_depositSum += amount;

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(address(this)));


        ghost_withdrawSum += amount;

    function sendFallback(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        _pay(msg.sender, amount);

        (bool success,) = address(weth).call{value: amount}("");

        require(success, "sendFallback failed");
        ghost_depositSum += amount;

    function _pay(address to, uint256 amount) internal {
        (bool s,) = to.call{value: amount}("");
        require(s, "pay() failed");

Finally, we need to make two changes in withdraw. First, we need to update the bound condition in withdraw not to exceed the msg.sender's WETH balance on withdrawals, rather than the handler contract's total balance. (Otherwise many of these calls will revert).

Second, we need to send the withdrawn amount back to the handler using _pay, to keep all Ether in our closed two-contract system. (Otherwise, it will remain with msg.sender):

    function deposit(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        _pay(msg.sender, amount);

        weth.deposit{value: amount}();

        ghost_depositSum += amount;

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(msg.sender));

        _pay(address(this), amount);

        ghost_withdrawSum += amount;

    function sendFallback(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        _pay(msg.sender, amount);

        (bool success,) = address(weth).call{value: amount}("");

        require(success, "sendFallback failed");
        ghost_depositSum += amount;

    function _pay(address to, uint256 amount) internal {
        (bool s,) = to.call{value: amount}("");
        require(s, "pay() failed");
$ forge test
Running 2 tests for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH()
(runs: 10000, calls: 150000, reverts: 0)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyDeposits()
(runs: 10000, calls: 150000, reverts: 0)
Test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; finished in 95.41s

So far, so good. Many different addresses are now interacting with the WETH9 contract under test during our invariant runs, but we need to capture them in our handler in order to reconstruct their balances as part of our test assertion. Ideally, we'd capture a deduplicated list of all the caller addresses we care about.

Creating an AddressSet

If you'll forgive a short detour into Solidity data structures, one clean way to capture this is with a modifier and a simple append-only set. Let's start with an AddressSet struct that stores a dynamic address[] array and a boolean mapping to track which addresses it contains:

struct AddressSet {
    address[] addrs;
    mapping(address => bool) saved;

We can then define a library that adds some behavior to this data structure. add(address) will push an address into the saved array only if it has not already been seen. contains(address) returns whether an address is in the set, and count() returns the total number of addresses in the set:

library LibAddressSet {
    function add(AddressSet storage s, address addr) internal {
        if (!s.saved[addr]) {
            s.saved[addr] = true;

    function contains(
      AddressSet storage s,
      address addr
    ) internal view returns (bool) {
        return s.saved[addr];

    function count(AddressSet storage s) internal view returns (uint256) {
        return s.addrs.length;

Let's use the library in our handler and create an internal AddressSet named _actors. And let's expose the array of saved actors through an external function so we can access it from our tests:

contract Handler is CommonBase, StdCheats, StdUtils {
    using LibAddressSet for AddressSet;

    AddressSet internal _actors;

    // Other handler stuff omitted here

    function actors() external returns (address[] memory) {
      return _actors.addrs;

Finally, we'll add a createActor modifier that automatically adds msg.sender to our _actors set on every function where it's applied:

    modifier createActor() {

Now we can load the actors() in our test, add up their balances, and make our assertion:

    // The WETH contract's Ether balance should always be
    // at least as much as the sum of individual balances
    function invariant_solvencyBalances() public {
        uint256 sumOfBalances;
        address[] memory actors = handler.actors();
        for (uint256 i; i < actors.length; ++i) {
            sumOfBalances += weth.balanceOf(actors[i]);
$ forge test
Running 3 tests for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH()
(runs: 10000, calls: 150000, reverts: 10)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyBalances()
(runs: 10000, calls: 150000, reverts: 10)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyDeposits()
(runs: 10000, calls: 150000, reverts: 10)
Test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; finished in 134.45s

To follow the lead of a pattern in the Foundry Book, let's make one more update to our modifier. We'll add a currentActor state variable and set it in the modifier.

    address internal currentActor;

    modifier createActor() {
        currentActor = msg.sender;

Now we can refer to currentActor as the "selected" actor address in our tests:

    function deposit(uint256 amount) public createActor {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        _pay(currentActor, amount);

        weth.deposit{value: amount}();

        ghost_depositSum += amount;

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) public createActor {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(msg.sender));

        _pay(address(this), amount);

        ghost_withdrawSum += amount;

    function sendFallback(uint256 amount) public createActor {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        _pay(currentActor, amount);

        (bool success,) = address(weth).call{value: amount}("");

        require(success, "sendFallback failed");
        ghost_depositSum += amount;

Helper iterators

Can we do better? Iterating over all callers to calculate a ghost variable or make some assertion is a pretty common pattern, and as we write more tests, we'll probably find ourselves repeating it. Let's flex some rarely used Solidity muscles and add one more abstraction.

Did you know you can pass function types as arguments in Solidity? We can define forEach and reduceiterators for AddressSet that take functions as args:

library LibAddressSet {

    function forEach(
        AddressSet storage s,
        function(address) external returns (address[] memory) func
    ) internal {
        for (uint256 i; i < s.addrs.length; ++i) {

    function reduce(
        AddressSet storage s,
        uint256 acc,
        function(uint256,address) external returns (uint256) func
        returns (uint256)
        for (uint256 i; i < s.addrs.length; ++i) {
            acc = func(acc, s.addrs[i]);
        return acc;

forEach will call the given function for every address in our set, while reduce will call a given function (that must return a uint256) and add its result to an accumulator value.

(One thing that's kind of fun about writing tests in Solidity is getting the chance to do stuff like this that is usually gas-cost-prohibitive or otherwise ill-advised in production contracts).

To use these iterators from our tests, we can expose them from the handler:

    function forEachActor(function(address) external func) public {
        return _actors.forEach(func);

    function reduceActors(
        uint256 acc,
        function(uint256,address) external returns (uint256) func
        returns (uint256)
        return _actors.reduce(acc, func);

Now, we can rewrite our test and tally up balances using a reducer:

    // The WETH contract's Ether balance should always be
    // at least as much as the sum of individual balances
    function invariant_solvencyBalances() public {
        uint256 sumOfBalances = handler.reduceActors(

    function accumulateBalance(
      uint256 balance,
      address caller
    ) external view returns (uint256) {
        return balance + weth.balanceOf(caller);

Cool trick, right?

There's one more change we need to make in the test contract to make this all work. Now that we've added some external functions to our handler to expose our iterators, we want to exclude them from fuzzing. We need to use the more complex targetSelector helper from forge-std/StdInvariants to specify the exact selectors we want the fuzzer to target and exclude everything else:

    function setUp() public {
        weth = new WETH9();
        handler = new Handler(weth);

        bytes4[] memory selectors = new bytes4[](3);
        selectors[0] = Handler.deposit.selector;
        selectors[1] = Handler.withdraw.selector;
        selectors[2] = Handler.sendFallback.selector;

            addr: address(handler),
            selectors: selectors

$ forge test
Running 3 tests for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH()
(runs: 10000, calls: 150000, reverts: 10)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyBalances()
(runs: 10000, calls: 150000, reverts: 10)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyDeposits()
(runs: 10000, calls: 150000, reverts: 10)
Test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; finished in 179.86s

Individual balance invariant

Let's add one more invariant property and make use of our forEach iterator. This is kind of an odd one, but we'll check that no individual token owner's balance can exceed the weth.totalSupply(). An underflow in token transfer logic might be one way to violate this property:

    // No individual account balance can exceed the
    // WETH totalSupply().
    function invariant_depositorBalances() public {

    function assertAccountBalanceLteTotalSupply(address account) external {
        assertLe(weth.balanceOf(account), weth.totalSupply());
Running 4 tests for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 11)
[PASS] invariant_depositorBalances()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 11)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyBalances()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 11)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyDeposits()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 11)
Test result: ok. 4 passed; 0 failed; finished in 5.80s

Debugging with call summaries

Earlier, I mentioned the importance of double checking all our assumptions as we build out our handler contract. Every time we constrain a parameter in our test handler, we may be making changes that interact in unexpected ways. Our handler's withdraw function is a good example. See anything that could go wrong here?

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) public {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(msg.sender));

        _pay(address(this), amount);

        ghost_withdrawSum += amount;

There's a subtle bug here that means we're not testing what we think we are:

  • Since the possibility space for a random address is so large, most of the time the fuzzer will choose a new, never before seen address as msg.sender.
  • Since msg.sender won't yet have a balance, the bound statement will set the withdrawal amount to zero.
  • A close look at the WETH contract shows that it will allow zero withdrawals:
    function withdraw(uint256 wad) public {
        require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= wad);
        balanceOf[msg.sender] -= wad;
        emit Withdrawal(msg.sender, wad);

It's very likely that most of the withdraw calls in our test are zero value withdrawals that don't really exercise the invariants we're trying to test! We may get lucky from time to time by running our tests with lots of runs and a high depth, but we should probably constrain our tests even further.

One technique we can use to explore and fix this problem is a call summary that counts up calls to each of our handler functions and prints them at the end of a test run.

Let's add a calls mapping to our handler that will count each call to our handler functions, a countCall(bytes32) modifier to log them, and a callSummary() function that will print a summary:

import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";

contract Handler is CommonBase, StdCheats, StdUtils {

    mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public calls;

    modifier countCall(bytes32 key) {

    function callSummary() external view {
        console.log("Call summary:");
        console.log("deposit", calls["deposit"]);
        console.log("withdraw", calls["withdraw"]);
        console.log("sendFallback", calls["sendFallback"]);

We'll apply the modifier to each handler function exposed to the fuzzer and pass the name of the function:

    function deposit(uint256 amount) public createActor countCall("deposit") {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        _pay(msg.sender, amount);

        weth.deposit{value: amount}();

        ghost_depositSum += amount;
    function withdraw(uint256 amount) public countCall("withdraw") {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(msg.sender));

        _pay(address(this), amount);

        ghost_withdrawSum += amount;

Finally, in our invariant tests, we can add an invariant_callSummary() function. Since this function is prefixed with invariant_, it will run as an invariant test, but we won't use it to make any assertions, just to log out the data we collect:

    function invariant_callSummary() public view {

If we run our tests with the -vv flag, we'll see the summary result:

$ forge test -vv -m invariant_callSummary
Running 1 test for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_callSummary()
(runs: 2000, calls: 30000, reverts: 2)
  Call summary:
  deposit 5
  withdraw 6
  sendFallback 4

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 11.54s

Looks like it worked, although the result might look odd. How should we interpret these results?

Although we performed 2000 runs, the summary printed here is a snapshot of calls made during the final run. The total number of calls in our summary should always be the same as the depth parameter set for invariant tests in foundry.toml. In our case, the depth is set to 15. So in our last run, the fuzzer made 5 calls to deposit, 6 calls to withdraw, and 4 calls to sendFallback, a total of 15 calls.

This kind of snapshot can be a helpful way to observe the distribution of calls during a fuzz run and help explore and debug our tests themselves.

So, are we ever actually exercising a nonzero withdraw in our tests? Let's find out. We can count up zero withdrawals using a ghost variable, update withdraw to increment our zero withdrawal counter, and add it to our call summary:

    uint256 public ghost_zeroWithdrawals;

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) public countCall("withdraw") {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(msg.sender));
        if (amount == 0) ghost_zeroWithdrawals++;

        _pay(address(this), amount);

        ghost_withdrawSum += amount;

    function callSummary() external view {
        console.log("Call summary:");
        console.log("deposit", calls["deposit"]);
        console.log("withdraw", calls["withdraw"]);
        console.log("sendFallback", calls["sendFallback"]);

        console.log("Zero withdrawals:", ghost_zeroWithdrawals);

Run our tests:

Running 1 test for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_callSummary()
(runs: 2000, calls: 30000, reverts: 13)
  Call summary:
  deposit 8
  withdraw 2
  sendFallback 5
  Zero withdrawals: 2

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 9.40s

Both calls to withdraw were zero withdrawals. Let's crank up the depth to 100 calls:

Running 1 test for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_callSummary()
(runs: 2000, calls: 200000, reverts: 24)
  Call summary:
  deposit 31
  withdraw 33
  sendFallback 36
  Zero withdrawals: 33

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 192.91s

All our calls were still zero withdrawals! We'll need to constrain our tests a bit further to test our invariants in a meaningful way.

Reusing actors

Let's update the way we're using and tracking actors. Rather than letting the fuzzer choose any random address to call withdraw, let's ensure that the caller of withdraw is an address in the _actors set. This should prevent zero withdrawals from random addresses.

To start, we'll add a rand(uint256) function to LibAddressSet that takes a random seed and selects an actor address from the stored set. This still gives us an element of randomness, but selects from a constrained set of addresses. (If we don't want tests to revert when we call rand() before an address has been saved, we can hardcode a return address for the case when the set is empty):

library LibAddressSet {

    function rand(AddressSet storage s, uint256 seed) internal view returns (address) {
        if (s.addrs.length > 0) {
            return s.addrs[seed % s.addrs.length];
        } else {
            return address(0xc0ffee);

Next, let's remove msg.sender from withdraw and update it to instead select a random caller from our _actors set. To do so, we'll add an extra uint256 callerSeed argument to the handler function, and pass this through to rand():

    function withdraw(uint256 callerSeed, uint256 amount) public countCall("withdraw") {
        address caller = _actors.rand(callerSeed);
        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(caller));
        if (amount == 0) ghost_zeroWithdrawals++;

        _pay(address(this), amount);

        ghost_withdrawSum += amount;

Now, the fuzzer will generate a random callerSeed, we'll use it to retrieve a random, but known address from our _actors set, and use this address as the caller using prank when we call the WETH contract.

Let's look at the call summary:

$ forge test -vv -m invariant_callSummary

Running 1 test for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_callSummary()
(runs: 3, calls: 300, reverts: 0)
  Call summary:
  deposit 31
  withdraw 35
  sendFallback 34
  Zero withdrawals: 9

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 40.61ms

Looking better! Note that there will still be some zero withdrawals, since it's also possible to make zero value deposits. We could choose to constrain the tests further to prevent these, too, but as long as we're regularly generating runs with mostly nonzero withdrawals, we're probably OK for now.

To wrap up, let's add a modifier that selects a random actor from a seed and sets their address as currentActor:

    modifier useActor(uint256 actorIndexSeed) {
        currentActor = _actors.rand(actorIndexSeed);
    function withdraw(uint256 actorSeed, uint256 amount) public useActor(actorSeed) countCall("withdraw") {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(currentActor));
        if (amount == 0) ghost_zeroWithdrawals++;

        _pay(address(this), amount);

        ghost_withdrawSum += amount;

Including transfers

We still haven't exposed approve, transfer, and transferFrom from our handler. Let's do that now. We'll want to constrain these to known actors like we did with withdraw:

    function approve(
        uint256 actorSeed,
        uint256 spenderSeed,
        uint256 amount
    ) public useActor(actorSeed) countCall("approve") {
        address spender = _actors.rand(spenderSeed);

        weth.approve(spender, amount);

    function transfer(
        uint256 actorSeed,
        uint256 toSeed,
        uint256 amount
    ) public useActor(actorSeed) countCall("transfer") {
        address to = _actors.rand(toSeed);

        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(currentActor));

        weth.transfer(to, amount);

    function transferFrom(
        uint256 actorSeed,
        uint256 fromSeed,
        uint256 toSeed,
        uint256 amount
    ) public useActor(actorSeed) countCall("transferFrom")
        address from = _actors.rand(fromSeed);
        address to = _actors.rand(toSeed);

        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(from));
        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.allowance(caller, from));

        weth.transferFrom(from, to, amount);

Some of these require multiple seed arguments in order to select multiple actors.

Note that we call bound twice in transferFrom to ensure the transfer value is less than the from account's balance and that currentActor has a sufficient allowance to perform the third-party transfer. If you look carefully at this, you may notice we have a similar problem to the zero amount issue we just solved for withdraw: even though we're reuising known callers, most of the time amount will be zero, since it's unlikely the caller has an approval from the from account. (You can use the same call summary process to debug yourself if you're interested).

Let's add a branch in the handler function that ensures nonzero transferFrom amounts at least some of the time, by approving the caller before making the transferFrom call. We'll add one more argument to the handler function, a boolean _approve that will sometimes pre-approve the caller:

    function transferFrom(
        uint256 actorSeed,
        uint256 fromSeed,
        uint256 toSeed,
        bool _approve,
        uint256 amount
    ) public useActor(actorSeed) countCall("transferFrom")
        address from = _actors.rand(fromSeed);
        address to = _actors.rand(toSeed);

        amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.balanceOf(from));

        if (_approve) {
            weth.approve(currentActor, amount);
        } else {
            amount = bound(amount, 0, weth.allowance(currentActor, from));

        weth.transferFrom(from, to, amount);

Don't forget to add these new selectors to our configuration in setUp:

    function setUp() public {
        weth = new WETH9();
        handler = new Handler(weth);

        bytes4[] memory selectors = new bytes4[](6);
        selectors[0] = Handler.deposit.selector;
        selectors[1] = Handler.withdraw.selector;
        selectors[2] = Handler.sendFallback.selector;
        selectors[3] = Handler.approve.selector;
        selectors[4] = Handler.transfer.selector;
        selectors[5] = Handler.transferFrom.selector;

            addr: address(handler),
            selectors: selectors

Running 4 tests for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 8)
[PASS] invariant_depositorBalances()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 8)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyBalances()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 8)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyDeposits()
(runs: 1000, calls: 15000, reverts: 8)
Test result: ok. 4 passed; 0 failed; finished in 5.87s

Testing our tests

We've changed quite a lot of supporting infrastructure and our tests still pass. But are we sure we can really trust them? Unlike unit tests, where mapping one specific input to one expected output is usually pretty clear, I find that invariant tests can sometimes be tricky and accidentally pass when we've introduced an incorrect assumption about the system or a condition that is vacuously true.

One way to ensure our tests are really working is to test our tests by introducing artificial bugs. Let's intentionally break deposit accounting in WETH9, run our tests, and see if they fail. Instead of issuing msg.sender an amount of WETH equal to msg.value, let's give them just 1 wei instead:

    function deposit() public payable {
        balanceOf[msg.sender] += 1;
        emit Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);

If our invariant tests are any good, they should catch the bug we introduced:

$ forge test
Running 4 tests for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH()
(runs: 2000, calls: 29974, reverts: 3)
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.]

 (runs: 2000, calls: 29974, reverts: 3)
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.]
                args=[0x6D50393ED4ed2f7A64e40bdCA11E430dC276bbf3, 26589664]

 invariant_solvencyBalances() (runs: 2000, calls: 29974, reverts: 3)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyDeposits() (runs: 2000, calls: 29974, reverts: 3)
Test result: FAILED. 2 passed; 2 failed; finished in 16.18s

Looks like they do: we broke the "depositor balances" and "balance solvency" invariants.

A technique I like to use here is to save a few bugs in the contract under test as git .patch files in a bugs folder inside our project repo. We can then reapply them from time to time to double check that our test suite still works as expected:

$ git diff > bugs/bug1.patch
$ cat bugs/bug1.patch
diff --git a/src/WETH9.sol b/src/WETH9.sol
index cd55b98..ccb40cb 100644
--- a/src/WETH9.sol
+++ b/src/WETH9.sol
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ contract WETH9 {

     function deposit() public payable {
-        balanceOf[msg.sender] += msg.value;
+        balanceOf[msg.sender] += 1;
         emit Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);

Let's add a few more bug patches. We'll alter withdraw to send back only 1 wei:

diff --git a/src/WETH9.sol b/src/WETH9.sol
index cd55b98..961f03b 100644
--- a/src/WETH9.sol
+++ b/src/WETH9.sol
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ contract WETH9 {
     function withdraw(uint256 wad) public {
         require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= wad);
         balanceOf[msg.sender] -= wad;
-        payable(msg.sender).transfer(wad);
+        payable(msg.sender).transfer(1);
         emit Withdrawal(msg.sender, wad);

Remove the call to deposit in the fallback function:

diff --git a/src/WETH9.sol b/src/WETH9.sol
index cd55b98..6e74bd5 100644
--- a/src/WETH9.sol
+++ b/src/WETH9.sol
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ contract WETH9 {
     mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;

     fallback() external payable {
-        deposit();

     function deposit() public payable {

And remove auth checks and change the balance logic in transferFrom:

diff --git a/src/WETH9.sol b/src/WETH9.sol
index cd55b98..26cec99 100644
--- a/src/WETH9.sol
+++ b/src/WETH9.sol
@@ -59,15 +59,8 @@ contract WETH9 {

     function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint256 wad) public returns (bool) {
-        require(balanceOf[src] >= wad);
-        if (src != msg.sender && allowance[src][msg.sender] != type(uint256).max) {
-            require(allowance[src][msg.sender] >= wad);
-            allowance[src][msg.sender] -= wad;
-        }
-        balanceOf[src] -= wad;
-        balanceOf[dst] += wad;
+        balanceOf[src] -= wad;
+        balanceOf[dst] += 1;

         emit Transfer(src, dst, wad);v

If we git apply each patch in turn and verify that our tests really do catch each artificial bug, we can be pretty confident that they are working:

$ git apply bugs/bug2.patch
$ forge test
Running 4 tests for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.]
 invariant_conservationOfETH() (runs: 6, calls: 84, reverts: 1)
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.]
 invariant_depositorBalances() (runs: 6, calls: 84, reverts: 1)
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.]
 invariant_solvencyBalances() (runs: 6, calls: 84, reverts: 1)
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.]
 invariant_solvencyDeposits() (runs: 6, calls: 84, reverts: 1)
Test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 4 failed; finished in 212.99ms

Encountered a total of 4 failing tests, 0 tests succeeded

We can add a simple Makefile that will apply a given patch and run tests:

	git apply "bugs/$(bug).patch" && forge test

	git checkout src/WETH9.sol

To apply a patch and run tests, run:

$ make bug=bug1 check

To undo changes, run:

$ make clean

This is a quick and dirty form of mutation testing, which may be coming as a native Foundry feature some time soon).

Accounting for selfdestruct

Our tests seem to be pretty comprehensive, but there is one final boss battle before we can call them complete.

There is one intuitive invariant that famously does not hold for the WETH contract. It has to do with the way WETH9 calculates totalSupply():

    function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
        return address(this).balance;

Rather than storing the total token balance in a separate state variable, the WETH contract uses its total Ether balance as the total token supply. This saves gas, but actually breaks the invariant that weth.totalSupply() equals the sum of all balances!

There is one clever way to force WETH9 to increase totalSupply() without creating new WETH tokens: calling selfdestruct on a contract to force push Ether to its contract balance.

The Foundry fuzzer can do a lot of things, but it won't do that. We'll need to simulate this scenario in our handler ourselves. Let's add a ForcePush contract that will selfdestruct and send Ether to the WETH contract:

contract ForcePush {
    constructor(address dst) payable {

This contract will immediately destroy itself at construction time and send any balance to the dst address in its constructor.

We'll add a handler function to invoke it:

    function forcePush(uint256 amount) public countCall("forcePush") {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        new ForcePush{ value: amount }(address(weth));

And finally, register our handler functon's selector with the fuzzer:

    function setUp() public {
        weth = new WETH9();
        handler = new Handler(weth);

        bytes4[] memory selectors = new bytes4[](7);
        selectors[0] = Handler.deposit.selector;
        selectors[1] = Handler.withdraw.selector;
        selectors[2] = Handler.sendFallback.selector;
        selectors[3] = Handler.approve.selector;
        selectors[4] = Handler.transfer.selector;
        selectors[5] = Handler.transferFrom.selector;
        selectors[6] = Handler.forcePush.selector;

        targetSelector(FuzzSelector({addr: address(handler), selectors: selectors}));


Our tests now fail, and it looks like they're failing in the places we should expect:

Running 4 tests for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH()
(runs: 5000, calls: 74986, reverts: 9)
[PASS] invariant_depositorBalances()
(runs: 5000, calls: 74986, reverts: 9)
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.]

 invariant_solvencyBalances() (runs: 5000, calls: 74986, reverts: 9)
[FAIL. Reason: Assertion failed.]

 invariant_solvencyDeposits() (runs: 5000, calls: 74986, reverts: 9)
Test result: FAILED. 2 passed; 2 failed; finished in 68.53s

"Conservation of ETH" still passes. Since it's a property of weth.totalSupply() and the handler balance, it's not affected by the balance inconsistency, as weth.totalSupply() accounts for the full address(weth).balance. So does our depositor balance invariant, since it's still the case that no depositor's balance can exceed weth.totalSupply().

But our two solvency invariants will need an update. We could simply relax the invariant to check that the WETH contract's Ether balance is at least as much as the individual deposits/balances. This is a reasonable property, and still means the contract is solvent. But we have the ability to account for the amount of force-pushed Ether exactly, so let's do so.

We'll add one more ghost variable to our handler and increment it when we force push Ether:

    uint256 public ghost_forcePushSum;

    function forcePush(uint256 amount) public countCall("forcePush") {
        amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
        new ForcePush{ value: amount }(address(weth));
        ghost_forcePushSum += amount;

And update our invariants to account for this extra Ether:

    // The WETH contract's Ether balance should always be
    // equal to the sum of all individual deposits
    // minus all individual withrawals, plus any
    // force-pushed Ether in the contract
    function invariant_solvencyDeposits() public {
            handler.ghost_depositSum() +
            handler.ghost_forcePushSum() -

    // The WETH contract's Ether balance should always be
    // equal to the sum of individual balances plus any
    // force-pushed Ether in the contract
    function invariant_solvencyBalances() public {
        uint256 sumOfBalances = handler.reduceActors(0, this.accumulateBalance);
            address(weth).balance - handler.ghost_forcePushSum(),

Invariant tests are a powerful tool, but this case is an interesting illustration of one of its blind spots. A symbolic execution test that models Ether sends via selfdestruct would catch this bug pretty quickly, but we nearly missed it with the fuzzer and had to rely on our own knowledge about the WETH contract to cover it. On the other hand, invariant tests are much faster to run than tests using a prover/constraint solver, and allow us to build up a suite of reasonably high confidence invariant properties that we might want to further verify using even more powerful tools.

However, it's important to remember that all fuzz tests are probabilstic: unlike a symbolic test that explores all possible execution paths, fuzz tests are only as good as the random data they generate. This is still very, very, good most of the time! But as with all smart contract testing, we should do it all when we can: unit tests, fuzz tests, fork tests, invariant tests, and formal verification.

Let's give our final tests one good, long, run: 25000 runs with a depth of 25 calls:

Running 4 tests for test/WETH9.invariants.t.sol:WETH9Invariants
[PASS] invariant_conservationOfETH()
(runs: 25000, calls: 625000, reverts: 15)
[PASS] invariant_depositorBalances()
(runs: 25000, calls: 625000, reverts: 15)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyBalances()
(runs: 25000, calls: 625000, reverts: 15)
[PASS] invariant_solvencyDeposits()
(runs: 25000, calls: 625000, reverts: 15)
Test result: ok. 4 passed; 0 failed; finished in 6995.00s

Success! Next time Crypto Twitter starts spreading FUD about "unbacked WETH," send them this repo and tell them to kick rocks.

More resources

Thanks to msolomon44, zachobront, gakonst, and lucasmanuel_eth for reviewing earlier drafts of this guide.