
A Full-Stack project with React JS and Supabase.


The Wild Oasis - No.1 Booking Services

Built with React + Vite + Styled Component + Supabase

This project is a Dashboard for providing booking services. I have used Supabase as a Backend Service in which PostgreSQL is used.


There are the following features in this Dashboard project:

  • Analytical Overview on Index Page.
  • Basic Settings of Dashboard
  • CRUD for CABINs
  • CRUD for Cabin Bookings
  • Auth using Supabase Authentication Service


Please note that the project may not function correctly due to the limitations of the free version of SUPABASE. If I stop using the service or if the project reaches its limits, it may stop working. If you try it and encounter any issues, please let me know if you are interested in viewing my work. I would be happy to assist you.

I'll update this section once the final version is complete.

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