
Hotel management app - full-featured React web application that allows hotel employees to manage cabins, bookings, and guests.


Technologies Used

  • React js
  • React Query
  • React Router
  • Context Api
  • React Hook form
  • React hot toast
  • React icons
  • Styled-Components
  • supabase
  • Recharts
  • date-fns library
  • vite
  • User Authentication: secure login for hotel employees and every employee can create or edit account information like password, profile Avatar and Full name .
  • Cabin Management: employees can create, edit and delete cabin.
  • Booking Management: employees can manage booking status, can make check in or check out or delete booking for guests.
  • Setting Management: employees control the change of settings like min and max nights per booking, maximum guests per booking and breakfast price.
  • The app features a dashboard showing recent stats on bookings, check-ins, and sales.
  • Real-time updates for cabins and bookings using Supabase.
  • Visual statistics with charts displaying sales, occupancy rates, and other important data.
  • Fully functional dark mode for a customized user experience.

If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us:

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