
A reusable Svelte component for displaying a list of items with alphabet filtering.


Alphabet List Svelte Component

Alphabet List is a versatile and customizable Svelte component designed to enhance your application's user experience. It provides an intuitive alphabet navigation bar, allowing users to quickly filter and navigate through a list of items by their starting letter. The component includes powerful features like search functionality, pagination, and customizable styles, making it an ideal solution for large datasets and interactive lists.

Demo Link

Key features

  1. Alphabet Navigation: Quickly filter items by selecting letters from an A-Z and # navigation bar.
  2. Search Bar: Integrated search functionality to filter items by name.
  3. Pagination: Efficiently handle large datasets with built-in pagination.
  4. Loading State: Display a loading indicator while data is being fetched or processed.
  5. Customizable Styles: Easily apply custom styles to match your application's design.
  6. Item Click Handling: Define custom actions when items are clicked.
  7. Empty State Message: Display a customizable message when no items match the filter criteria.

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You can install the Alphabet List component via npm:

npm install alphabet-list-svelte


To use the Alphabet List component in your Svelte project, simply import it and include it in your Svelte template:

  import AlphabetList from 'alphabet-list-svelte';

  let sampleItems = [
    { name: "Apple" },
    { name: "Apricot" },
    { name: "Avocado" },
    { name: "Banana" },

<AlphabetList {sampleItems}/>


The Alphabet List component accepts the following props:

  1. sampleItems (Array): An array of objects with a "name" key and its value. Example: [{ name: "Apple" }, { name: "Banana" }]
  2. customStyles (Object): Custom styles for various parts of the component. Example: { mainContainer: "background-color: red;", searchBar: "color: blue;" }
  3. onItemClick (Function): A callback function for item clicks, allowing you to customize actions for individual items.
  4. loading (Boolean): A boolean value to indicate a loading state. Default is false.
  5. emptyStateMessage (String): A message to display when no items match the filter criteria. Default is "No sample items found."
  6. searchBar (Boolean): A boolean value to enable or disable the search bar. Default is true.
  7. itemsPerPage (Number): The number of items to display per page for pagination. Default is 30.

Example with Custom Props

  import AlphabetList from 'alphabet-list-svelte';

  let sampleItems = [
    { name: "Apple" },
    { name: "Apricot" },
    { name: "Avocado" },
    { name: "Banana" },

  let customStyles = {
    mainContainer: "padding: 2rem;",
    searchBar: "border: 2px solid blue;",

  function handleItemClick(item) {
    console.log("Item clicked:", item);

  emptyStateMessage="No items found."


The Alphabet List component emits the following events:

  1. None currently.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, improvements, or bug fixes, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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