
Research publication code for "Least Squares Binary Quantization of Neural Networks"

OTHER License



This repository is a PyTorch implementation of Least Squares Binary Quantization of Neural Networks and can be used to reproduce the results in the paper.

The code is written to use Python 3.6 or above.


To install Quant you first need to clone our repository.

We suggest you first create a virtual environment and install dependencies in the virtual environment.

# Go to repo
cd <path/to/quant>
# Create virtual environment ...
python -m venv .venv
# ... and activate it
source .venv/bin/activate
# Upgrade to the latest versions of pip and wheel
pip install -U pip wheel
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then install quant with these commands:

pip install flit
flit install -s

Quick Start

To run MNIST training on the local machine, do this:

python examples/mnist/ --config examples/mnist/mnist_fp.yaml --experiment-name mnist-fp

One can also resume an existing experiment. For example, here we restore an experiment trained locally on local. The --restore-experiment argument points to the path of a previous experiment, and --skip-training means for the resumed job we would like to only perform evaluation (i.e., no training).

python examples/mnist/ --restore-experiment experiments/mnist-fp --skip-training

For CIFAR-100 and ImageNet, the CLI interface is the same. Simply use the configs in the examples/{mnist,cifar100,imagenet}/ directories.

mnist_fp.yaml, cifar100_fp.yaml and imagenet_fp.yaml include comments that list configuration choices for some important parameters with references to documentation sections that explain them in more detail.

All experiments store the configurations used, overall metrics, checkpoints, and copy of TensorBoard logs in a directory with the experiment name. The experiment name can be optionally specified using --experiment-name <name>. If it is not specified, the current datetime with config name is used.

The experiments artifacts directory looks like this:

$ ls experiments/my_experiment_name/
checkpoints  config.yaml  metrics  tensorboard

Experiment Results


We can first train a teacher using:

python examples/cifar100/ --config examples/cifar100/cifar100_fp.yaml --experiment-name cifar100-teacher

Then, we can train a quantized student model using a teacher checkpoint in the experiments artifacts directory. The student config has paths that point to the teacher config / checkpoint. If you used the command above, the paths in the default config files should refer to the checkpoint you just trained:

    teacher_config_path: examples/cifar100/cifar100_fp.yaml
    teacher_checkpoint_path: experiments/cifar100-teacher/checkpoints/

Then we can train a quantized student model, for example with 2-bits activation:

python examples/cifar100/ --config examples/cifar100/cifar100_ls1_weight_ls2_activation_kd.yaml --experiment-name cifar100-ls2

All configs ending with *_kd.yaml use Knowledge Distillation (KD) and require a pre-trained teacher checkpoint. If you want to train without knowledge distillation, just remove the kd_config section from the corresponding config file. cifar100_fp.yaml is a config that does not have this kd_config section, for example.

Here are the results we obtained using the configs in the examples/cifar100 directory.

Config k^a k^w top-1 accuracy top-5 accuracy
cifar100_ls1_kd.yaml 1 1 71.5 92.0
cifar100_ls1_weight_lsT_activation_kd.yaml T 1 73.5 92.8
cifar100_ls1_weight_gf2_activation_kd.yaml 2 1 74.3 93.1
cifar100_ls1_weight_ls2_activation_kd.yaml 2 1 74.4 92.9
cifar100_ls1_weight_fp_activation_kd.yaml 32 1 76.2 93.7
cifar100_fp.yaml 32 32 77.8 93.9


The configs in this repo for ImageNet use 8 GPUs. Please adapt this setting as needed for your setup.

We can first train a teacher using:

python examples/imagenet/ --config examples/imagenet/imagenet_fp.yaml --experiment-name imagenet-teacher

Then, we can train a quantized student model using a teacher checkpoint in the experiments artifacts directory. The student config has paths that point to the teacher config / checkpoint. If you used the command above, the paths in the default config files should refer to the checkpoint you just trained:

    teacher_config_path: examples/imagenet/imagenet_fp.yaml
    teacher_checkpoint_path: experiments/imagenet-teacher/checkpoints/

Then we can train a quantized student model, for example with 2-bits activation:

python examples/imagenet/ --config examples/imagenet/imagenet_ls1_weight_ls2_activation_kd.yaml --experiment-name imagenet-ls2

All configs ending with *_kd.yaml use Knowledge Distillation (KD) and require a pre-trained teacher checkpoint. If you want to train without knowledge distillation, just remove the kd_config section from the corresponding config file. imagenet_fp.yaml is a config that does not have this kd_config section, for example.

Here are the results we obtained using the configs in the examples/imagenet directory. These configs can be used to reproduce the results in the paper. The ls-2 240 epochs job can take around 9 days, while the ls-1 240 epochs job can take around 6 days on 8 x NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs.

Config k^a k^w top-1 accuracy top-5 accuracy
imagenet_ls1_kd.yaml 1 1 58.9 81.4
imagenet_ls1_weight_lsT_activation_kd.yaml T 1 62.0 83.6
imagenet_ls1_weight_gf2_activation_kd.yaml 2 1 62.6 84.0
imagenet_ls1_weight_ls2_activation_kd.yaml 2 1 63.4 84.6
imagenet_ls1_weight_fp_activation_kd.yaml 32 1 66.1 86.5
imagenet_fp.yaml 32 32 69.8 89.3


The config files in examples/ all have the TensorBoard server turned on by default. While training is running, you can go to http://localhost:6006 to view TensorBoard. If the TENSORBOARD_PORT environment variable is set, it overrides the default port.

By default, TensorBoard logs are saved under runs/ (configured via tensorboard_root in config files). You can also run your own tensorboard instance pointing to this log directory if you do not want TensorBoard to terminate after training finishes. The logs are copied to the experiment directory when a run finishes.


To run the tests, make sure you have followed the installation instructions and then run the pytest from the root directory of this package. This will run all our tests, static analysis, coverage analysis and style checks.


To build the docs you only need to make a directory adjacent to this repo in the parent directory and run the make html command.

mkdir -p ../quant-docs-build
cd doc
make html



    author = {Pouransari, Hadi and Tu, Zhucheng and Tuzel, Oncel},
    title = {Least Squares Binary Quantization of Neural Networks},
    booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
    month = {June},
    year = {2020}