
Parse AWS CloudTrail events and send alerts to Slack for events that match pre-configured rules

APACHE-2.0 License


Terraform module to deploy lambda that sends notifications about AWS CloudTrail events to Slack

Why this module?

This module allows you to get notifications about:

  • actions performed by root account (According to AWS best practices, you should use root account as little as possible and use SSO or IAM users)
  • API calls that failed due to lack of permissions to do so (could be an indication of compromise or misconfiguration of your services/applications)
  • console logins without MFA (Always use MFA for you IAM users or SSO)
  • track a list of events that you might consider sensitive. Think IAM changes, network changes, data storage (S3, DBs) access changes. Though we recommend keeping that to a minimum to avoid alert fatigue
  • define sophisticated rules to track user-defined conditions that are not covered by default rules (see examples below)
  • send notifications to different Slack channels based on event account id

Example message


The module has three variants of notification delivery:

Slack App (Recommended)

  • Offers additional features, such as consolidating duplicate events into a single message thread. More features may be added in the future.
  • The Slack app must have the chat:write permission.
  • Terraform configuration example

Slack Webhook

  • Provides all the basic functionality of the module, but does not offer additional features and is not recommended by Slack.
  • Terraform configuration example


  • An optional feature that allows sending notifications to an AWS SNS topic. It can be used alongside either the Slack App or Slack Webhook.

All three variants of notification delivery support separating notifications into different Slack channels or SNS topics based on event account ID.


Rules are python strings that are evaluated in the runtime and should return the bool value, if rule returns True, then notification will be sent to Slack.

This module comes with a set of predefined rules (default rules) that users can take advantage of:

Default rules:

# Notify if someone logged in without MFA but skip notification for SSO logins
default_rules.append('event["eventName"] == "ConsoleLogin" '
                     'and event.get("additionalEventData.MFAUsed", "") != "Yes" '
                     'and "assumed-role/AWSReservedSSO" not in event.get("userIdentity.arn", "")')
# Notify if someone is trying to do something they not supposed to be doing but do not notify
# about not logged in actions since there are a lot of scans for open buckets that generate noise
default_rules.append('event.get("errorCode", "").endswith(("UnauthorizedOperation"))')
default_rules.append('event.get("errorCode", "").startswith(("AccessDenied"))'
                     'and (event.get("userIdentity.accountId", "") != "ANONYMOUS_PRINCIPAL")')
# Notify about all non-read actions done by root
default_rules.append('event.get("userIdentity.type", "") == "Root" '
                     'and not event["eventName"].startswith(("Get", "List", "Describe", "Head"))')

# Catch CloudTrail disable events
default_rules.append('event["eventSource"] == "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com" '
                     'and event["eventName"] == "StopLogging"')
default_rules.append('event["eventSource"] == "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com" '
                     'and event["eventName"] == "UpdateTrail"')
default_rules.append('event["eventSource"] == "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com" '
                     'and event["eventName"] == "DeleteTrail"')
# Catch cloudtrail to slack lambda changes
default_rules.append('event["eventSource"] == "lambda.amazonaws.com" '
                     'and "responseElements.functionName" in event '
                     f'and event["responseElements.functionName"] == "{function_name}" '
                     'and event["eventName"].startswith(("UpdateFunctionConfiguration"))')
default_rules.append('event["eventSource"] == "lambda.amazonaws.com" '
                     'and "responseElements.functionName" in event '
                     f'and event["responseElements.functionName"] == "{function_name}" '
                     'and event["eventName"].startswith(("UpdateFunctionCode"))')

User defined rules to match events

Rules must be provided as a list of strings, each separated by a comma or a custom separator. Each string is a Python expression that will be evaluated at runtime. By default, the module will send rule evaluation errors to Slack, but you can disable this by setting 'rule_evaluation_errors_to_slack' to 'false'.

Example of user-defined rules:

locals = {
  rules = [
    # Catch CloudTrail disable events
    "event['eventSource'] == 'cloudtrail.amazonaws.com' and event['eventName'] == 'StopLogging'"
    "event['eventSource'] == 'cloudtrail.amazonaws.com' and event['eventName'] == 'UpdateTrail'"
    "event['eventSource'] == 'cloudtrail.amazonaws.com' and event['eventName'] == 'DeleteTrail'"
    rules = join(",", local.rules)

Events to track

This is much simpler than rules. You just need a list of eventNames that you want to track. They will be evaluated as follows:

f'"eventName" in event and event["eventName"] in {json.dumps(events_list)}'

Terraform example:

  # EC2 Instance connect and EC2 events
  ec2 = "SendSSHPublicKey"
  # Config
  config = "DeleteConfigRule,DeleteConfigurationRecorder,DeleteDeliveryChannel,DeleteEvaluationResults"
  # All events
  events_to_track = "${local.ec2},${local.config}"

events_to_track = local.events_to_track

Custom Separator for Rules

By default, the module expects rules to be separated by commas. However, if you have complex rules that contain commas, you can use a custom separator by providing the rules_separator variable. Here's how:

locals {
  cloudtrail_rules = [
  custom_separator = "%"

module "cloudtrail_to_slack" {
  rules = join(local.custom_separator, local.cloudtrail_rules)
  rules_separator = local.custom_separator

Ignore Rules

Note: We recommend addressing alerts rather than ignoring them. However, if it's impossible to resolve an alert, you can suppress events by providing ignore rules.

Ignore rules have the same format as the rules, but they are evaluated before them. So, if an ignore rule returns True, then the event will be ignored and no further processing will be done.

locals {
  ignore_rules = [
    # Ignore events from the account "111111111".
    "'userIdentity.accountId' in event and event['userIdentity.accountId'] == '11111111111'",
  ignore_rules = join(",", local.ignore_rules)

About processing Cloudtrail events

CloudTrail event (see format here, or find more examples in src/tests/test_events.json) is flattened before processing and should be referenced as event variable So, for instance, to access ARN from the event below, you should use the notation userIdentity.arn

  "eventVersion": "1.05",
  "userIdentity": {
    "type": "IAMUser",
    "principalId": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
    "arn": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXX:user/xxxxxxxx",
    "accountId": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
    "userName": "xxxxxxxx"
  "eventTime": "2019-07-03T16:14:51Z",
  "eventSource": "signin.amazonaws.com",
  "eventName": "ConsoleLogin",
  "awsRegion": "us-east-1",
  "sourceIPAddress": "",
  "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:67.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/67.0",
  "requestParameters": null,
  "responseElements": {
    "ConsoleLogin": "Success"
  "additionalEventData": {
    "LoginTo": "https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home?XXXXXXXXXXX",
    "MobileVersion": "No",
    "MFAUsed": "No"
  "eventID": "0e4d136e-25d4-4d92-b2b2-8a9fe1e3f1af",
  "eventType": "AwsConsoleSignIn",
  "recipientAccountId": "XXXXXXXXXXX"

Slack App configuration:

  1. Go to https://api.slack.com/
  2. Click create an app
  3. Click From an app manifest
  4. Select workspace, click next
  5. Choose yaml for app manifest format
  name: CloudtrailToSlack
  description: Notifications about Cloudtrail events to Slack.
  background_color: "#3d3d0e"
    display_name: Cloudtrail to Slack
    always_online: false
      - chat:write
  org_deploy_enabled: false
  socket_mode_enabled: false
  token_rotation_enabled: false
  1. Check permissions and click create
  2. Click install to workspace
  3. Copy Signing Secret # for slack_signing_secret module input
  4. Copy Bot User OAuth Token # for slack_bot_token module input

Terraform specs


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.1
aws >= 4.8
external >= 1.0
local >= 1.0
null >= 2.0


Name Version
aws 5.8.0


Name Source Version
cloudtrail_to_slack_dynamodb_table terraform-aws-modules/dynamodb-table/aws 3.3.0
lambda terraform-aws-modules/lambda/aws 4.18.0


Name Type
aws_lambda_permission.s3 resource
aws_s3_bucket_notification.bucket_notification resource
aws_sns_topic.events_to_sns resource
aws_sns_topic_subscription.events_to_sns resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.s3 data source
aws_kms_key.cloudtrail data source
aws_region.current data source
aws_s3_bucket.cloudtrail data source


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_sns_topic_subscriptions Map of endpoints to protocols for SNS topic subscriptions. If not set, sns notifications will not be sent. map(string) {} no
cloudtrail_logs_kms_key_id Alias, key id or key arn of the KMS Key that used for CloudTrail events string "" no
cloudtrail_logs_s3_bucket_name Name of the CloudWatch log s3 bucket that contains CloudTrail events string n/a yes
configuration Allows the configuration of the Slack webhook URL per account(s). This enables the separation of events from different accounts into different channels, which is useful in the context of an AWS organization. list(object({ accounts = list(string) slack_hook_url = string })) null no
dead_letter_target_arn The ARN of an SNS topic or SQS queue to notify when an invocation fails. string null no
default_slack_channel_id The Slack channel ID to be used if the AWS account ID does not match any account ID in the configuration variable. string null no
default_slack_hook_url The Slack incoming webhook URL to be used if the AWS account ID does not match any account ID in the configuration variable. string null no
default_sns_topic_arn Default topic for all notifications. If not set, sns notifications will not be sent. string null no
dynamodb_table_name Name of the dynamodb table, it would not be created if slack_bot_token is not set. string "fivexl-cloudtrail-to-slack-table" no
dynamodb_time_to_live How long to keep cloudtrail events in dynamodb table, for collecting similar events in thread of one message number 900 no
events_to_track Comma-separated list events to track and report string "" no
function_name Lambda function name string "fivexl-cloudtrail-to-slack" no
ignore_rules Comma-separated list of rules to ignore events if you need to suppress something. Will be applied before rules and default_rules string "" no
lambda_logs_retention_in_days Controls for how long to keep lambda logs. number 30 no
lambda_memory_size Amount of memory in MB your Lambda Function can use at runtime. Valid value between 128 MB to 10,240 MB (10 GB), in 64 MB increments. number 256 no
lambda_recreate_missing_package Description: Whether to recreate missing Lambda package if it is missing locally or not bool true no
lambda_timeout_seconds Controls lambda timeout setting. number 30 no
log_level Log level for lambda function string "INFO" no
rule_evaluation_errors_to_slack If rule evaluation error occurs, send notification to slack bool true no
rules Comma-separated list of rules to track events if just event name is not enough string "" no
rules_separator Custom rules separator. Can be used if there are commas in the rules string "," no
s3_notification_filter_prefix S3 notification filter prefix string "AWSLogs/" no
s3_removed_object_notification If object was removed from cloudtrail bucket, send notification to slack bool true no
slack_app_configuration Allows the configuration of the Slack app per account(s). This enables the separation of events from different accounts into different channels, which is useful in the context of an AWS organization. list(object({ accounts = list(string) slack_channel_id = string })) null no
slack_bot_token The Slack bot token used for sending messages to Slack. string null no
sns_configuration Allows the configuration of the SNS topic per account(s). list(object({ accounts = list(string) sns_topic_arn = string })) null no
tags Tags to attach to resources map(string) {} no
use_default_rules Should default rules be used bool true no


Name Description
lambda_function_arn The ARN of the Lambda Function


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.

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Extracted from project README
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