
Terraform module to fetch audit logs from SaaS providers

APACHE-2.0 License



Terraform module to fetch audit logs from SaaS providers.

This module will create the necessary resources to fetch audit logs from SaaS providers and store them in an S3 bucket. Currently these providers are supported:

  • GitLab
  • Okta
  • Terraform Cloud

[!NOTE] This module was created as a way to store audit logs in a central location for compliance purposes. At this time the lambdas collect logs for the previous day and can only be scheduled once per day. In a future version we will add log deduplication and the ability to fetch logs more frequently.


The module requires at least var.kms_key_arn and one source configured in var.sources. Below shows the most minimal configuration for each source:

module "saas_audit_logs" {
  source = "schubergphilis/mcaf-saas-audit-logs/aws"

  kms_key_arn = module.kms_key.arn

  sources = {
    gitlab = {
      api_token = var.gitlab_api_token

    okta = {
      api_token = var.okta_api_token
      api_url   = "https://yourorg.okta.com"

    terraform-cloud = {
      api_token = var.terraform_api_token

With this configuration the module will

  • Create 3 buckets:
    • A bucket for audit logs
    • A bucket for the audit logs access logs
    • A bucket for the lambda packages
  • Deploy a lambda per source to fetch the logs and store in the audit log bucket, using the provider name as a bucket prefix
  • Schedule the lambdas to run at 9am UTC every day

Optionally you can create a bucket per source, by setting var.create_bucket_per_source to true, or bring your own bucket by populating the var.created_bucket_names:

created_bucket_names = {
  audit_logs     = "your-audit-logs-bucket"
  lambda_package = "your-lambda-packages-bucket"


Each source can be tuned by setting the following optional fields:

field description
bucket_prefix Set a custom prefix for the stored logs for this source (defaults to source name)
compress_audit_logs Store logs as compressed files (defaults to true)
lambda_name Set a custom name for the lambda function
lambda_memory_size Set the memory size for the lambda function (defaults to 256)
lambda_log_level Set the log level for the lambda function (defaults to INFO)
secret_name Set a custom secret name for the lambda function (defaults to /audit-log-tokens/${source_name))
tags Any additional tags to apply to the created resources


Name Version
terraform >= 1.9
aws ~> 5.32


Name Version
aws ~> 5.32


Name Source Version
bucket_for_access_logs schubergphilis/mcaf-s3/aws ~> 0.14.1
bucket_for_audit_logs schubergphilis/mcaf-s3/aws ~> 0.14.1
bucket_for_lambda_package schubergphilis/mcaf-s3/aws ~> 0.14.1
lambda ./modules/audit-lambda n/a


Name Type
aws_lambda_event_source_mapping.terraform_audit_sqs_trigger resource
aws_sqs_queue.terraform_cloud_audit_log resource
aws_sqs_queue.terraform_cloud_audit_log_dlq resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.terraform_cloud data source


Name Description Type Default Required
kms_key_arn The ARN of the KMS key used to encrypt the resources string n/a yes
sources Map of sources to fetch audit logs from map(object({ api_token = string api_url = optional(string) bucket_prefix = optional(string) compress_audit_logs = optional(bool) lambda_name = optional(string) lambda_memory_size = optional(number) lambda_log_level = optional(string, "info") secret_name = optional(string) tags = optional(map(string)) })) n/a yes
bucket_base_name The base name for the S3 buckets string "saas-audit-logs" no
compress_audit_logs Whether to compress the audit logs before uploading to S3 bool true no
create_bucket Whether to create the S3 bucket(s) bool true no
create_bucket_per_source Whether to create separate buckets per source bool false no
created_bucket_names Names of existing S3 buckets to use object({ audit_logs = string lambda_package = string }) null no
lambda_log_retention The number of days to retain the logs for the Lambda function number 365 no
object_locking Object locking configuration for S3 log and access-log buckets object({ mode = optional(string, "GOVERNANCE") years = optional(number, 1) }) { "mode": "GOVERNANCE", "years": 1} no
scheduled_time Time of day to trigger the audit Lambda functions (runs once a day) string "09:00" no
tags A map of tags to assign to created resources map(string) {} no


No outputs.


Copyright: Schuberg Philis

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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