
Ancient City Ruby -- Talk Repo -- Jamon Holmgren / Morgan Laco


Ancient City Ruby 2019

This is the repo for the live coding talk by Jamon Holmgren and Morgan Laco.

Rails App -- Part 1

  • Go in the ./AcrRails folder
  • You'll need the latest Ruby and Yarn installed


  • Start from master branch
  • Add gem "graphql" to the Gemfile if it's not already there
  • Run bundle install
  • Run yarn
  • Run rails g graphql:install
  • Run rails g scaffold Post title:string body:string
  • Run rails db:migrate

Create GraphQL types and query

  • Run rails g graphql:object Post id:ID title:String body:String
  • Edit graphql/types/query_type.rb:
module Types
  class QueryType < Types::BaseObject
    field :posts, [PostType], null: true do
      description "Find all posts"

    def posts

Check it out!

  posts {

Dump the GraphQL Schema file

  • Run rails g task graphql dump
  • Edit lib/tasks/graphql.rake:
namespace :graphql do
  desc "Dump GraphQL Schema File"
  task dump: :environment do
    schema_dump = AcrRailsSchema.to_definition
    schema_path = Rails.root.join("./acr.graphql")
    File.write(schema_path, schema_dump)
    puts schema_path
  • Run rake graphql:dump
  • You'll see the path of the new schema file.
  • Edit the app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb file to remove the CSRF protection so we can use it as an API:
class GraphqlController < ApplicationController
  protect_from_forgery with: :null_session

  # ...

React Native -- Part 1

  • Now switch to the AcrReactNative directory.
  • You'll need the latest Yarn and CocoaPods installed.


  • Run yarn and cd ios; pod install; cd -
  • Run yarn add [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
  • Now we want to generate our MST models from our GraphQL dump file.
  • Run yarn mst-gql --format ts ../AcrRails/acr.graphql --outDir=app/models/gql
  • Note: if you run it again, it'll skip some files and write to the .base files. It's idempotent; in other words, run as often as you'd like.
  • Now we need to import the base MobX-State-Tree model to the RootStore properly. In app/models/root-store/root-store.ts:
// .. omitted above

import { RootStoreBase } from "../gql/RootStore.base"

 * A RootStore model.
export const RootStoreModel = RootStoreBase.props({
  navigationStore: types.optional(NavigationStoreModel, {}),

// .. omitted below
  • Let's set up the API connection. In app/models/environment.ts, remove anything to do with the API, and in the constructor, point to the running localhost server:
import { Reactotron } from "../services/reactotron"
import { createHttpClient } from "mst-gql"
import { GraphQLClient } from "graphql-request"

export class Environment {
  reactotron: Reactotron
  gqlHttpClient: GraphQLClient

  constructor() {
    this.reactotron = new Reactotron()
    this.gqlHttpClient = createHttpClient("http://localhost:3000/graphql")

  async setup() {
    await this.reactotron.setup()
  • Ensure that MST is using the right context by editing app/models/root-store/root-store-context.ts:
import { createStoreContext, createUseQueryHook } from "mst-gql"
import React from "react"

export const RootStoreContext = createStoreContext<RootStore>(React)
export const useQuery = createUseQueryHook(RootStoreContext, React)
  • Edit app/screens/welcome-screen/welcome-screen.tsx to show the posts:
// ...
import { useStores, useQuery } from "../../models/root-store"

// ...
export const WelcomeScreen: React.FunctionComponent<WelcomeScreenProps> = observer(props => {
  const rootStore = useStores()
  const { query } = useQuery(store => store.queryPosts())

  // ... in the JSX portion:
    {Array.from(rootStore.posts).map(([k, p]) => (
      <Text key={k} style={CONTENT}>{p.title}</Text>

  // ... and update the continue button to allow refreshing:
  <SafeAreaView style={FOOTER}>
    <Button style={CONTINUE} textStyle={CONTINUE_TEXT} text="Refresh" onPress={query.refetch} />

Rails -- Part 2

  • Now let's go back to the Rails app and create a new mutation to allow us to delete posts.
  • Run rails g graphql:mutation DeletePost
  • Edit app/graphql/mutations/delete_post.rb:
module Mutations
  class DeletePost < GraphQL::Schema::RelayClassicMutation
    graphql_name "DeletePost"

    field :post, Types::PostType, null: true
    field :result, Boolean, null: true

    argument :id, ID, required: true

    def resolve(**args)
      post = Post.find(args[:id])
        post: post,
        result: post.errors.blank?,
  • Now rerun the rake query dump task and mst-gql generator:
  • Run rake graphql:dump

React Native -- Part 2

  • Go back to the React Native app
  • Run yarn mst-gql --format ts ../AcrRails/acr.graphql --outDir=app/models/gql
  • Edit app/models/root-store/root-store.ts to add the deletePost action:
export const RootStoreModel = RootStoreBase.props({
  navigationStore: types.optional(NavigationStoreModel, {}),
}).actions(self => ({
  deletePost(id: string) {
    return self.mutateDeletePost({ input: { id } }, undefined, () => self.posts.delete(id))
  • Edit the app/screens/welcome-screen/welcome-screen.tsx file:
// just above the JSX
const { setQuery } = useQuery()

// in the JSX, modify this section
return (
  <View style={FULL}>
    <Wallpaper />
    <Screen style={CONTAINER} preset="scroll" backgroundColor={color.transparent}>
        {Array.from(rootStore.posts).map(([k, p]) => (
          <View key={k} style={{ flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "center" }}>
            <Text style={{ fontSize: 23 }}>{p.title}</Text>
            <TouchableOpacity onPress={()=> setQuery(rootStore.deletePost(}>
              <Text style={{ fontSize: 16 }}> - Delete</Text>

    <SafeAreaView style={FOOTER}>
      <Button style={CONTINUE} textStyle={CONTINUE_TEXT} text="Refresh" onPress={query.refetch} />
  • Now, when you refresh, you should be able to delete posts!

Cleanup/Start Over

  • Run rails db:reset
  • Run rm ./db/schema.rb
  • Now either start from master or:
  • Run rails d scaffold Post
  • Run rails d graphql:object Post