
test run of t3 stack tutorial


t3 stack tutorial

Who am I

  • Full stack developer
  • Self taught
  • Before that teacher/lecturer
  • Contributor to create-t3-app which we will be using to bootstrap the project
  • TKTK other stuff to make people want to follow this video
  • This is my first time teaching WEB DEV, so if you decide to watch this and follow along I'd love your feedback in the end

Who is this for?

  • New developers with a bit of self teaching Web Dev experience (freeCodeCamp etc)
    • you've learned the basics but now it feels like there's a huge gap stopping you from making 'real' apps
    • You should have basic understanding of both frontend, backend, and databases (for example you have made a React app, and an Express API that talks to a SQL or Mongo database in the past)
  • More experienced web developers who are new to the T3 stack (you might want to fast forward in a few places)
  • Experienced non-web Developers who want to learn a web stack that is modern but easy

If you're not there yet

  • If you don't know React yet - Jack Herrington's series
  • If you don't know TypeScript yet - also Jack Herrington's series, or just follow along here anyway
  • If you don't know APIs yet - FreeCodeCamp, and TomDoesTech
  • If you don't know DBs yet - Also FreeCodeCamp? Or CS50x

What will this cover?

  • Not just code-along, but also explaining concepts!
  • All the main parts of the t3 stack
    • TypeScript - but we won't be writing much of it - hopefully this makes it less scary
    • Full stack Next.js - we use it on the frontend and backend
    • tRPC v10 - creating an end-to-end typesafe API
    • React Query (wrapped by tRPC) - consuming that API, and some advanced patterns
    • Prisma - ORM, CRUD operations
    • Next-Auth - using the GitHub Provider
    • Tailwind - very basic usage
  • Deploying to Vercel

What will this not cover?

  • Nice styling/UI/UX
  • Production database (I'd recommend PlanetScale or Amazon RDS)
  • Testing
  • Advanced Next-Auth patterns
  • Websockets (due to Lambdas - use an external service!)
  • Other deployment options
  • Let me know if you are interested in a follow-up that covers any of these things

What will we be doing?

  • Take a look at the finished app
  • Introduce tech stack
  • Build the app, explain concepts where necessary
  • Deploy the app to Vercel (this won't take long!)

What do you need?

  • a package manager (we will use yarn classic, but you can also use npm or pnpm)
  • a postgres (or mysql but you have to change it in the schema) database for development (see TKTK link)
  • if you want to deploy it, a postgres (or other sql) database


  • Docs
    • Next.js
    • tRPC
    • React Query
    • TKDodo
    • Tailwind
    • Next-Auth
    • Zod

Features to show

  • Next.js / React
    • _app.tsx
    • pages
    • components
    • custom hooks
  • tRPC
    • Routing
    • Queries & Mutations
    • Protected routes
    • inferQueryOutput
    • custom inferred types w/ generics
  • React Query
    • Query
    • Mutation
    • Optimistic Updates
    • Infinite Query
    • A query that doesn't fire automatically
  • Next-Auth
    • Discord Provider
    • Login, logout
    • Custom login page
  • Prisma
    • Making models
    • Using Postgres
    • CRUD
    • Prisma Studio
    • Aggregate
    • Add/remove relations
  • Zod
    • creating schema
    • inferring types from schema
    • using variables in schema
  • Tailwind
    • Just basic stuff


  • Auth
  • Custom Auth Page
  • Post schema
  • Create a post
  • get all posts - timeline on homepage
  • invalidate posts onComplete
    • [*] afterwards show in video that its stil slow on 3g
  • actual optimistic update
  • textbox styling
  • get all posts, this time with pagination (maybe do this later?)
  • bugfix: make post update the data again
  • user profile
    • with temp posts
    • with create post box if we're on our own profile
    • load in real posts later as infinite query and invalidate the right thing on new post
    • proper error on nonexistent user
  • fix console error (breaking hooks rules?)
  • edit post
    • without optimistic update
    • with optimistic update
  • make infinite query limit global
  • count of followers, following, posts on profile - use prisma count
  • you can follow other users, including optimistic updates
  • you can unfollow other users, including optimistic updates
  • FIX: follow button visible on own profile
  • view timeline of only posts by people you're following
  • Search
    • Basic
    • Infinite Query
  • Show some TS generic stuff to simplify trpc inferred types
  • can like/unlike posts
    • with optimistic updates
  • Extract some mutations into hooks (explain why you might want to do this)
  • Refactor DB access code
    • Paginated Searches
    • CreatePost
    • EditPost
    • Like/Unlike
    • All Searches
  • fix homepage auth bug

HOMEWORK after watching the video

  • can reply to posts, add a single post view page that shows replies
  • post can show how many replies it has and what it is a reply to
  • add count of how many liked posts a user has, clicking this opens /user/[...id]/liked
  • a page /user/[...id]/liked that shows anyone's liked posts
  • pages or modals that shows who a user's followers are, or who a user is following
  • make the app look good
  • Likes: Having to modify prisma calls in 4 different functions shows that there's probably a better way to generalize some of this stuff