
A userscript provided API for other HentaiVerse userscripts

MIT License


HentaiVerse User-Land API (HVULAPI)


A user-land userscript API served as a dependency. HentaiVerse User-Land API allows HentaiVerse userscript author to get required information with simple APIs. Besides a callback-style API the package also provides an asynchronous API, which allows you to build non-blocking userscript. The ultimate goal of this project is to make writing HentaiVerse userscript much simpler.


Common HentaiVerse Player

You can either download the userscript from UNPKG (Always up to date) or from forum.

Best used with tampermonkey in latest Chrome or Firefox.

HentaiVerse Userscript Author

If you are using a bundler of some kind:

$ npm i hentaiverse-userland-api
# yarn add hentaiverse-userland-api # If you prefer yarn
# pnpm add hentaiverse-userland-api # If you prefer pnpm


Common HentaiVerse Player

If you are a common HentaiVerse player, you don't have to install the script, unless another userscript explicit you to do so.

After installation, you might also make the HentaiVerse User-Land API loaded before other userscripts. Takes tampermonkey as an example:

  1. Enable Advanced Mode for tampermonkey.
  1. Drag HentaiVerse User-Land API to the first.

HentaiVerse UserScript Author

It is recommended to use a bundler or some kind, as your users won't have to install extra userscripts as a dependency. A quick example:

// CommonJS
const hv = require('hentaiverse-userland-api');
const stamina = hv.getStamina(); // 99

// ES6 Module
import * as hv from 'hentaiverse-userland-api'
const stamina = hv.getStamina(); // 99

You can also ask your user to install dependency userscript, and you can access APIs through window.HentaiVerseUserLandApi object:

const stamina = window.HentaiVerseUserLandApi.getStamina(); // 99


The project is open-sourced under MIT license.