
Watch all of ヒカル's videos


Hikaru Challenge


This app is two things:

  1. An easy way to watch all Hikaru videos and keep track of where you are. It uses LocalStorage, so progress is saved between sessions.
  2. It can easily be adjusted to track any other playlist of videos by using a different JSON file.

What's the point?

YouTube playlist functionality utterly breaks when the playlist reaches above some very large number of videos. A couple of Immersion Language Learners wanted to watch all 1500+ hours of the YouTuber "ヒカル", so the Hikaru Challenge was born.

Installation and Setup

Clone down this repository. You will need node and npm installed globally on your machine.

Installing Dependencies:

npm install

To Start Server:

npm start

To Visit App:


To deploy to GitHub Pages:

See Create-React-App Documentation


  • Actual Good Styling
  • A way to create the required JSON files without requiring YouTube API access