
Convention-based helper functions for people authoring npm packages.



Helper functions for people authoring npm packages. They are opinionated and eccentric, but they work surprisingly well.

npm install --save-dev @maranomynet/libtools
yarn add --dev @maranomynet/libtools
bun add --dev @maranomynet/libtools



NOTE: This "features" chapter is a bit rough. It's a work in progress. The rest of this readme, however, is quite complete.

These functions are convention-based and opinionated. They are designed to help you use TypeScript to author npm packages that are easy to maintain, build and publish.

The published packages are dual-format (CommonJS and ES modules) and include type definitions, and are extremely lightweight and free of unnecessary dev-related files.

The project must contain a file called with include and exclude fields that describe the files to be treated as entrypints and added to the published package.json's exports field.

If your package contains a pkg.bin field, the buildNpmLib function will exclude its contents from the pkg.exports field.

Your package.json should be set to private: true and contain a npmPackageJson field with overrides for the dist package.json.

The project's MUST follow the same format as the one in this project.

The .gitignore file must also contain the following line:


Example pkg.npmPackageJson:

  "npmPackageJson": {
    "type": null,
    "private": null,
    "scripts": null,
    "devDependencies": null,
    "engines": null,
    "sideEffects": false,

(NOTE: Fields with null are removed from the published dist package.json file.)


  "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES2018",
    "resolveJsonModule": false,
    "noEmit": false,
    "declaration": true
  "include": ["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.tsx"],
  "exclude": [

Example pgk.scripts

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "bun install  &&  bun test --watch",
    "build": "bun scripts/build.ts",
    "publish:lib": "bun scripts/publish.ts",
    "prepublishOnly": "echo \"\nRun 'bun run publish:lib' to publish this package\n\n\"  &&  exit 1",
    "check": "bun scripts/checkErrors.ts"

(This example uses the bun runtime, but you can easily use yarn or npm if you prefer.)

Build / Publish Helpers.


Syntax: buildNpmLib(opts?: BuildNpmLibOpts): Promise<void>

Reads ./ for include and exclude patterns and uses them as entry points to build the CommonJS and ESM versions of the library into the distFolder folder.

import { buildNpmLib } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

await buildNpmLib(); // Exits on errors.


  • srcDir?: string — (Default: 'src')
    The source folder where the build entry points are located.
  • postProcess?: (jsFileContents: string, fileName: string, type: 'cjs' | 'esm') => string | undefined | Promise<string | undefined>
    — (Default: undefined)
    A function to post-process the tsc built .js files. It should return the
    new/updated content for the .js file, or undefined if no changes were
  • type?: 'esm' | 'commonjs' | 'both' — (Default: 'both')
    The type of module to build: 'esm', 'commonjs', or 'both'.
  • root?: string — (Default: '.')
    The root folder of the project/package.
  • pkgJsonSuffix?: string — (Default: '')
    Optional suffix to append to the package.json file before the .json file
  • changelogSuffix?: string — (Default: '')
    Optional suffix to append to the file before the .md file
  • readmeSuffix?: string — (Default: '')
    Optional suffix to append to the file before the .md file


Syntax: updatePkgVersion(opts?: UpdatePkgVersionOpts): Promise<void>

Auto-updates the package.json and files with a new version and release date, based on the "## Upcoming..." entries in the changelog, and their conventional commit prefixees (**BREAKING**, feat:, fix:, docs:)

Prompts the user to confirm the new version number, before writing any changes to disk.

Exits if any problems are found.

import { updatePkgVersion } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

await updatePkgVersion(); // Exits on errors.
// Now you can build and publish the package!!


  • preReleaseName?: string — (Default: '')
    Optional pre-release name to append to the version number. (e.g. 'beta.1')
  • offerDateShift?: boolean — (Default: false)
    Should the user be offered to shift the release date N days into the future.
  • root?: string — (Default: '.')
    The root directory of the project/package.
  • changelogSuffix?: string — (Default: '')
    Optional suffix to append to the file before the .md file
  • pkgJsonSuffix?: string — (Default: '')
    Optional suffix to append to the package.json file before the .json file
  • versionKey?: string — (Default: 'version')
    Optional custom pkg.* key to read.


Syntax: getPkgVersion(options?: PackageVersionOpts): Promise<string>

Reads the current version field from the ./package.json file and returns it.

Errors (but does not exit) if the string does not roughly match the semver format.

import { getPkgVersion } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

const version: string = await getPkgVersion();


  • root?: string — (Default: '.')
    The root directory of the project/package.
  • pkgJsonSuffix?: string — (Default: '')
    Optional suffix to append to the package.json file before the .json file
  • versionKey?: string — (Default: 'version')
    Optional custom pkg.* key to read.


Syntax: publishToNpm(opts?: PublishToNpmOpts): Promise<void>

Publishes the library to npm (using npm publish) and commits the and package.json changes to the local git repo.

Exits if any problems are found.

import { publishToNpm } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

// First, update the package version and run build and tests, etc.
await publishToNpm(); // Exits on errors.


  • showName?: boolean — (Default: false)
    Should the package name be displayed in the "release:" commit message.
  • root?: string — (Default: '.')
    The root directory of the project/package.
  • pkgJsonSuffix?: string — (Default: '')
    Optional suffix to append to the package.json file before the .json file
  • changelogSuffix?: string — (Default: '')
    Optional suffix to append to the file before the .md file


Syntax: distFolder: '_npm-lib'

The directory where the built package will be placed.

import { distFolder } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

console.log(distFolder); // '_npm-lib'

This directory is not configurable, and should be added to your .gitignore file and VSCode's search.exclude setting:

  "search.exclude": {
     "_npm-lib/*": true

Code Quality Helpers.

This package offers a few tools to ensure code quality. They assume you have ESLint and Prettier installed and configured.

Shared options:

  • continueOnError — (Default: false)
    Controls whether the check should hard exit on errors, or merely reject the
    promise to allow you to handle the error (and possibly exit) manually.


Syntax: errorCheckSources(opts?: { tsWorkspaces?: Array<string>, continueOnError?: boolean }): Promise<void>

Error-checks the project's sources using ESLint and the TypeScript compiler. It ignores warnings, but exits if errors are found. Does NOT auto-fix anything.

Exra Options:

  • tsWorkspaces?: Array<string> — (Default: [])
    An array additional TypeScript workspaces to type-check.
    Can be either a relative path to a tsconfig file, or a folder that containings
    a file called tsconfig.json.
import { errorCheckSources } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

await errorCheckSources(); // Exits on errors.

// or...
await errorCheckSources({ continueOnError: true }).catch((err) => {
  // do something custom

// multi-workspace:
await errorCheckSources({
  tsWorkspaces: ['api-server', './tsconfig.testserver.json'],
// Runs tsc for:
//  - `./tsconfig.json`  (<-- always checked!)
//  - `./api-server/tsconfig.json`
//  - `./tsconfig.testserver.json`


Syntax: typeCheckSources(opts?: { tsWorkspaces?: Array<string>, watch?: boolean, continueOnError?: boolean }): Promise<void>

Type-checks the project's sources using TypeScript's tsc.

Has the same options as errorCheckSources, plus:

  • watch?: boolean — (Default: false)
    If true, the type-checker will watch the files for changes.
import { typeCheckSources } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

await typeCheckSources(); // Exits on errors.

// or...
typeCheckSources({ watch: true }); // Does not exit on errors.

// multi-workspace:
await typeCheckSources({
  tsWorkspaces: ['api-server', './tsconfig.testserver.json'],
  watch: true,
// typechecks and watches all workspaces


Syntax: lintSources(opts?: { continueOnError?: boolean }): Promise<void>

Lints the project's sources using ESLint and Prettier. Reports all warnings and errors, but DOES NOT EXIT. Does NOT auto-fix anyting.

import { lintSources } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

await lintSources();


Syntax: formatSources(opts?: { continueOnError?: boolean }): Promise<void>

Formats auto-fixes the project's sources using Prettier and ESLint. Auto-fixes all auto-fixable issues, but does NOT report anything. Exits if errors are found.

import { formatSources } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

await formatSources(); // Exits on errors.

// or...
await formatSources({ continueOnError: true }).catch((err) => {
  // do something custom

Misc Utilities

args Object

Syntax: Record<string, string | boolean | undefined>

The command line arguments passed to the script, parsed into an object where the keys are the argument names and the values are the argument values.

For example, if you call your script like this:

bun  my-script.ts  --foo=bar  --baz  --smu=false

…then in my-script.ts:

import { args } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

// {
//   foo: 'bar',
//   baz: true,
//   smu: false
// }

argStrings Object

Syntax: Record<string, string | undefined>

Filtered convenience clone of args with all boolean values removed.

So, if you call your script like this:

bun  my-script.ts  --foo=bar  --baz  --smu=false

…then in my-script.ts:

import { argStrings } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

// {
//   foo: 'bar',
// }

The argument parsing is currenly very simple and stupid:

  1. Spaces are used to separate arguments.
  2. Quotation marks CAN NOT be used to group arguments.
  3. Equals signs (=) between key and value must NOT have any spaces around
  4. Literal true or false (case-insensitive) values are converted to a


Syntax: shell$(cmd: string | Array<string | Falsy>, continueOnError?: boolean): Promise<void>

A wrapper around Node.js' child_process.exec command that returns a promise and pipes the output to the current process' stdout and stderr.

If you pass an array of commands, they will be joined with ' && ' (after filtering out all falsy values).

If continueOnError is true, the process will simply throw (i.e. reject the Promise) instead of exiting the process with code 1.

import { shell$ } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

await shell$('NAME=World; echo "Hello ${NAME}!"');
// Logs: "Hello World!"

const dir = 'some-dir';
// These commands are joined with ' && ' before execution
await shell$([
  `mkdir ${dir}`,
  `cd ${dir}`,
  `echo "Hello World!" > hello.txt`,
  null, // Falsy values are ignored/filtered
  `cd -`,

Script and Package Binary Runner

There are different ways of running scripts and package binaries, depending on whether you're using npm, yarn or bun.

Libtools tries to auto-detect which runner you're using, based on the presence of bun.lockb and yarn.lock files — falling back to npm as a default.

import {
} from '@maranomynet/libtools';

console.log(runner); // ??? (auto-detected for your project, defaults to 'npm')

setRunner('npm'); // Force "npm" as the runner (for example)

console.log(runner); // 'npm'
console.log(runScript); // 'npm run '
console.log(runPkgBin); // 'npm exec -- '

The runScript string is a prefix that can be used to run a package.json script using the current runner, whereas runPkgBin executes the package binary of an installed dependency. For example:

import { ruScript, runPkgBin, shell$ } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

await shell$(runScript + 'test'); // runs pkg.scripts.test
await shell$(runPkgBin + 'vitest --watch'); // runs node_modules/.bin/vitest

Logging and Errors

This package also includes a few convenience functions for handling thrown errors, rejected Promises and other script failures.

import {
} from '@maranomynet/libtools';

const rejected = Promise.reject(new Error('Oops!'));

rejected.catch(exit1); // Immediate `process.exit(1)`
// or...
rejected.catch(logThenExit1); // Logs the error, then exits with code 1
// or...
rejected.catch(logError); // Console logs the error and then continues
// or...
rejected.catch(ignoreError); // Ignores the error and continues


Syntax: promptYN(question: string, defAnswer?: 'y'|'n'): Promise<boolean>

Prompts the user with a question and returns a promise that resolves to true if the user enters "y" or "Y" and false if the user enters "n" or "N".

import { promptYN } from '@maranomynet/libtools';

const userAccepted: boolean = await promptYN('Do you want to continue?');
// Do you want to continue?  [Y]n  ▍

const deleteAll = await promptYN('Delete all the things?', 'n');
// Delete all the things?  y[N]  ▍

Type Testing Helpers

Type Expect<T>

Expects T to be true

import type { Expect } from '@reykjavik/hanna-utils';

type OK = Expect<true>;
type Fails = Expect<false>; // Type Error

Type Equals<A, B>

Returns true if types A and B are equal (and neither is any)

import type { Equals, Expect } from '@reykjavik/hanna-utils';

type OK = Expect<Equals<'same', 'same'>>;
type Fails = Expect<Equals<'not', 'same'>>; // Type Error

Type Extends<A, B>

Returns true if type A extends type B (and neither is any)

import type { Extends, Expect } from '@reykjavik/hanna-utils';

type OK = Expect<Extends<'some', string>>;
type Fails = Expect<Extends<string, 'some'>>; // Type Error

Type NotExtends<A, B>

Returns true if type A does NOT extend type B (and neither is any)

import type { NotExtends, Expect } from '@reykjavik/hanna-utils';

type OK = Expect<NotExtends<string, 'some'>>;
type Fails = Expect<NotExtends<'some', string>>; // Type Error
type FailsAlso = Expect<NotExtends<'same', 'same'>>; // Type Error


This project uses the Bun runtime for development (tests, build, etc.)

PRs are welcoms!

Change Log
