
A fully typed HTTP client with explicit behavior & error handling.


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A fully typed HTTP client with explicit behavior & error handling.

[!IMPORTANT] If you only want to support browser environment, you should use package @lylajs/web instead of lyla.

Environment Package Note
web @lylajs/web
node @lylajs/node
toutiao miniprogram @lylajs/tt
weixin miniprogram @lylajs/wx
qq miniprogram @lylajs/qq
zhifubao miniprogram @lylajs/my
uni-app @lylajs/uni-app
web + nodejs lyla Unless you have explicit cross-platform isomorphic requirements, please don't use this package.


  • Won't share options between different instances, which means your reqeust won't be unexpectedly modified.
  • Won't transform response body implicitly (For example transform invalid JSON to string).
  • Won't suppress expection silently (JSON parse error, config error, eg.).
  • Explicit error handling.
  • Supports typescript for response data.
  • Supports upload progress (which isn't supported by fetch API).
  • Friendly error tracing (with sync trace, you can see where the request is sent on error).
  • Access typed custom context object in the whole process.

For difference compared with other libs, see FAQ.


# you can install `lyla` or `@lylajs/xxx`
npm i @lylajs/web # for npm
pnpm i @lylajs/web # for pnpm
yarn add @lylajs/web # for yarn


[!IMPORTANT] Lyla use json field to config request data, not body! Also, there's no data field in lyla.

body field is used to set raw body of the request such as string or Blob, which is not a common case.

import { createLyla } from '@lylajs/web'

// For request which need default options, hooks or custom context info,
// it's recommended using `createLyla` to create lyla instance.
// If you only need the simplest usage, you can use
// import { lyla } from '@lylajs/web'
const { lyla } = createLyla({ context: null })
const { json } = await'', {
  json: { foo: 'bar' }

// TypeScript
type MyType = {}

// `json`'s type is `MyType`
const { json } = await<MyType>('', {
  json: { foo: 'bar' }


createLyla(options, ...overrides)

function createLyla<C>(
  options: LylaRequestOptions<C> & { context: C },
  ...overrides: LylaRequestOptions<C>[]
): { lyla: Lyla; isLylaError: (e: unknown) => e is LylaError }

lyla<T>(options: LylaRequestOptions): LylaResponse<T>

lyla.get<T>(options: LylaRequestOptions): LylaResponse<T><T>(options: LylaRequestOptions): LylaResponse<T>

lyla.put<T>(options: LylaRequestOptions): LylaResponse<T>

lyla.patch<T>(options: LylaRequestOptions): LylaResponse<T>

lyla.head<T>(options: LylaRequestOptions): LylaResponse<T>

lyla.delete<T>(options: LylaRequestOptions): LylaResponse<T>

lyla.connect<T>(options: LylaRequestOptions): LylaResponse<T>

lyla.options<T>(options: LylaRequestOptions): LylaResponse<T>

lyla.trace<T>(options: LylaRequestOptions): LylaResponse<T>

Type LylaRequestOptions

type LylaRequestOptions<C = undefined> = {
  url?: string
    | 'get'
    | 'GET'
    | 'post'
    | 'POST'
    | 'put'
    | 'PUT'
    | 'patch'
    | 'PATCH'
    | 'head'
    | 'HEAD'
    | 'delete'
    | 'DELETE'
    | 'options'
    | 'OPTIONS'
  timeout?: number
   * True when credentials are to be included in a cross-origin request.
   * False when they are to be excluded in a cross-origin request and when
   * cookies are to be ignored in its response.
  withCredentials?: boolean
  headers?: LylaRequestHeaders
   * Type of `response.body`.
  responseType?: 'arraybuffer' | 'blob' | 'text'
  body?: XMLHttpRequestBodyInit
   * JSON value to be written into the request body. It can't be used with
   * `body`.
  json?: any
   * Query object, also known as search params.
   * Note, if you want to set `null` or `undefined` as value in query,
   * use object like `query: { key: "undefined" }` instead of `query: { key: undefined }`.
   * Otherwise, the k-v pair will be ignored.
  query?: Record<
    | string
    | number
    | boolean
    | Array<string | number | boolean>
    | null
    | undefined
  baseUrl?: string
   * Abort signal of the request.
  signal?: AbortSignal
  onUploadProgress?: (progress: LylaProgress<C>) => void
  onDownloadProgress?: (progress: LylaProgress<C>) => void
   * Whether to allow get request with body. Default is false.
   * It's not recommended to use GET request with body since it doesn't conform HTTP
   * specification.
  allowGetBody?: boolean
  hooks?: {
     * Callbacks fired when options is passed into the request. In this moment,
     * request options haven't be normalized.
    onInit?: Array<
        options: LylaRequestOptions<C>
      ) => LylaRequestOptions<C> | Promise<LylaRequestOptions<C>>
     * Callbacks fired before request is sent. In this moment, request options is
     * normalized.
    onBeforeRequest?: Array<
        options: LylaRequestOptions<C>
      ) => LylaRequestOptions<C> | Promise<LylaRequestOptions<C>>
     * Callbacks fired after headers are received.
     * only work in @lylajs/web @lylajs/node and lyla.
    onHeadersReceived?: Array<
        payload: {
          headers: Record<string, string>
          originalRequest: M['originalRequest']
          requestOptions: LylaRequestOptionsWithContext<C>
        reject: (reason: unknown) => void
      ) => void
     * Callbacks fired after response is received.
    onAfterResponse?: Array<
        response: LylaResponse<any>,
        reject: (reason: unknown) => void
      ) => LylaResponse<any> | Promise<LylaResponse<any>>
     * Callbacks fired when there's error while response handling. It's only
     * fired by LylaError. Error thrown by user won't triggered the callback,
     * for example if user throws an error in `onAfterResponse` hook. The
     * callback won't be fired.
    onResponseError?: Array<
      (error: LylaResponseError<C>, reject: (reason: unknown) => void) => void
     * Callbacks fired when a non-response error occurs (except
    onNonResponseError?: Array<
      (error: LylaNonResponseError<C>) => void | Promise<void>
   * Custom context of the request.
  context?: C
   * Extra requestion options, these options will be passed to the corresponding
   * request method of the platform. Its type depends on the platform.
  extraOptions?: {}

Type LylaResponse

type LylaResponse<T = any, C = undefined> = {
  requestOptions: LylaRequestOptions<C>
  status: number
  statusText: string
   * Headers of the response. All the keys are in lower case.
  headers: Record<string, string>
   * Response body.
  body: PlatformRelevant
   * JSON value of the response. If body is not valid JSON text, access the
   * field will cause an error.
  json: T
   * Custom context of the request
  context?: C

Type LylaProgress

type LylaProgress<C> = {
   * Percentage of the progress. From 0 to 100.
  percent: number
   * Loaded bytes of the progress.
  loaded: number
   * Total bytes of the progress. If progress is not length-computable it would
   * be 0.
  total: number
   * Whether the total bytes of the progress is computable.
  lengthComputable: boolean
   * Request options of the request.
  requestOptions: LylaRequestOptions<C>

Type LylaRequestHeaders

type LylaRequestHeaders = Record<string, string | number | undefined>

Request headers can be string, number or undefined. If it's undefined, it would override default options' headers. For example:

import { createLyla } from '@lylajs/web'

const { lyla } = createLyla({ headers: { foo: 'bar' }, context: null })

// Request won't have the `foo` header
request.get('', { headers: { foo: undefined } })

Error handling

import { createLyla, LYLA_ERROR } from '@lylajs/web'

const { lyla, isLylaError } = createLyla({ context: null })

try {
  const { json } = await lyla.get('')
  // ...
} catch (e) {
  if (isLylaError(e)) {
    // ...
  } else {
    // ...

Type LylaError

// This is not a percise definition, it platform relavant. For full definition,
// see
type LylaError<C = undefined> = {
  name: string
  message: string
  type: LYLA_ERROR
  // LylaError's corresponding original error. Normally it's useless, only
  // invalid JSON will set this field. In most time, you may need `detail` field.
  error: Error | undefined
  detail: PlatformRelevant // Fail info generated by specific platform
  response: PlatformRelevant // Like LylaResponse | undefined
  // Custom context of the request
  context: C


export enum LYLA_ERROR {
   * Request encountered an error, fired by XHR `onerror` event. It doesn't mean
   * your network has error, for example CORS error also triggers NETWORK_ERROR.
   * Request is aborted.
   * Response text is not valid JSON.
   * Trying resolving `response.json` with `responseType='arraybuffer'` or
   * `responseType='blob'`.
   * Request timeout.
   * HTTP status error.
  HTTP = 'HTTP',
   * Request `options` is not valid. It's not a response error.
   * `onAfterResponse` hook throws error.
   * `onBeforeRequest` hook throws error.
   * `onInit` hook throws error.
   * `onResponseError` hook throws error.
   * `onNonResponseError` hook throws error.
   * `onHeadersReceived` hook throws error.

Global error listener

import { createLyla } from '@lylajs/web'

const { lyla } = createLyla({
  context: null,
  hooks: {
    onResponseError(error) {
      switch error.type {
        // ...
    onNonResponseError(error) {
       switch error.type {
        // ...

Aborting Request

You can use native AbortController or LylaAbortController to abort requests.

Please note that LylaAbortController doesn't polyfill all APIs of AbortController.

import { createLyla, LylaAbortController } from '@lylajs/web'

const controller = new LylaAbortController()

const { lyla } = createLyla({ context: null })

lyla.get('url', {
  signal: controller.signal



You can access a context object in hooks, responses & errors.

const { lyla, isLylaError } = createLyla({
  context: {
    startTime: -1,
    endTime: -1,
    duration: -1
  hooks: {
    onInit: [
      (options) => {
        options.context.startTime =
        return options
    onResponseError: [
      (options) => {
        options.context.endTime =
        options.context.duration =
          options.context.endTime - options.context.startTime
        return options
    onAfterResponse: [
      (options) => {
        options.context.endTime =
        options.context.duration =
          options.context.endTime - options.context.startTime
        return options

lyla.get('/foo').then((response) => {


  • Why not axios
    • axios.defaults will be applied to all axios instances created by axios.create, which means your code may be influenced unexpectedly by others. The behavior can't be changed by any options.
    • axios.defaults is a global singleton, which means you can't get a clean copy of it. Since your code may run after than others' code that modifies it.
    • axios will transform invalid JSON to string sliently by default.
    • axios can't access an typed context object in request processes.
  • Why not ky
    • ky is based on fetch, it can't support upload progress.
    • ky is based on fetch, it can't access headers before response is fully resolved.
    • ky's Response data type can't be typed.
    • ky can't access an typed context object in request processes.