
Personal Portafolio MEAN Stack


Personal Portafolio

This is a MEAN Stack application. The menu is composed by: "Sobre Mi" (About Me), "Proyectos (Projects)", "Crear Proyecto" (Create Project) and "Contacto" (Contact). In the "About Me" section there is a personal introduction template. In "Projects" are displayed th projects stored at the MongoDB database, where you can delete or edit its properties. In "Create Project" there is a form to create a new project, allowing to attach one picture to it. Finally in "Contact" section you can fill a form which will create and send an email.

Getting Started

Install MongoDB and check that the port is the default: 27017. The model will be created automatically when running the application. Also is required to have NodeJS installed, as well as npm.


The libraries used are need to be installed in client side: Jquery, Toastr and RXJS.

cd client/
npm install jquery --save
npm install ngx-toastr --save
npm install rxjs --save

The libraries used are need to be installed in server side: Body-Parser, Connect-Multiparty, Express, Mongoose and Nodemailer.

cd server/
npm install body-parser --save
npm install connect-multiparty --save
npm install express --save
npm install mongoose --save
npm install nodemailer --save


It is necessary to fill both variables at '/server/util/global.js' with your email account and password. Its important to allow to Gmail Account access from Low Secure Apps, otherwise it wont work. Also is possible to change the configuration for another email account at '/server/controllers/contact.js', editing "transporter" variable (See https://nodemailer.com/about/).

Start running the API server

cd /server/
npm start

And the client

cd /client/
ng serve

Built With

  • MongDB - Database System
  • Express - Web framework
  • AngularJS - Javascript client side framework
  • NodeJS - The server-side JavaScript runtime environment


  • Guillermo Angulo


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

