
A social network with MEAN stack


🗣️ Social Network MEAN

This application is a social network developed with MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express, AngularJs and Node.js). Allows to follow people´s publications, which can include photos. Also it implements one message panel to send private messages to users, and also a global chat to talk in a public way.


Developed in NodeJS, an API Rest that attend requests from the web version of the frontend.


Developed in AngularJS, the main components are:

Login / Register

Two main options at the right-top side of the app, where you can register yourself and login as well. In case of password forgotten, the login component allows to follow a link for password reset: First an email is sent to the email address of the user with a token. This token is used to reset the user´s password in the next step (this token is set to be valid only for 60 minutes).


Its possible to update user data at any time, including the profile photo.


The publications of the people followed by the user is shown. Also at the right side of the page the "user panel" sidebar is displayed.


The list of people registered at the app. A button for follow or unfollow is enabled. Again, the current user panel is displayed.


By clicking the name of an user or entering the own name, the profile page is shown. All publications and stats of the user are displayed.


Shows a panel with the messages sent and received by the user. It´s possible to send messages only to people who is already following the current user.


This global chat connects everybody together for chatting in a public way.


How to run

It´s necessary to have installed: Node.js (LTS) and NPM: It´s also recommended Angular-CLI.


cd server/
npm start


The client can be run also with Angular-CLI command "ng serve", or simply (will run "start" script at package.json):

cd client/
npm start

🧱 Built With

  • MongDB - Database System
  • Express - Routing framework
  • Angular - Application framework for client-side, developed in typescript.
  • NodeJS - The server-side JavaScript runtime environment

📸 Screens

💬 Live Demo

You can test it here

📹 Video