
MIT License


Review Queue PoC

This is a demo which uses the GitHub API to generate a list of open PRs, as well as surface context to help you figure out what to focus on.


Currently this is only usable from source, so you'll need to clone this repository and run yarn to install the dependencies it requires:

$ yarn


$ GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=[token] yarn review-queue

What It's Doing

I'm currently using this to scan the GitHub Desktop pull request queue for:

  • unassigned pull requests
  • pull requests assigned to me

For each of these pull requests, I poke at the activity of the repository to identify some interesting behaviour:

  • have I contributed to this PR? (maintainers can push commits to contributor PRs, for example)
  • have I reviewed this PR already?
  • have I commented on this PR?
  • when was the last time the author commented on this PR?

This helps identify PRs that are neglected and need some eyes, or PRs that have gone stale and need a nudge.

Things To Contribute

A non-exhaustive list:

  • it's all run through yarn and ts-node - needs to emit to JS so it can be used in other situations
  • I've only tested this in iTerm2 - there's probably lots of work to uncover here on other OSes (theming?)
  • not currently exposed as a bin command - here's a quick guide on that if someone wants to take a shot
  • it's currently tied to desktop/desktop but that's parameterized - if someone wants to move that up to an parameter that can be passed in from the command line that seems like a reasonable step
  • better docs about the rules used so we can figure out how to tweak things
  • the ignorePullRequestAuthors config value is not configurable, but shouldn't be necessary unless you're GitHub staff (long story)