
Template for creating private npm packages for React

MIT License


Example TypeScript / React npm package

This is an example TypeScript Package ready to be published as a npm package in the GitHub Package Repository. It has been set up with automated tests and package publishing workflow using GitHub Actions CI/CD. It is made for GitHub + VS Code users.

This template demonstrates a react component to display playing cards. The playing cards originated from and are released under the CC0 license.

This template also demonstrates a jpg photo of a bridge, which originated from and is free for commerical use with no attribution required.


  • Clone the project as a template, or to save space, copy the files to a new repo excluding the images.
  • Install Visual Studio Code, optionally with ES Lint and Prettier.
  • Be sure to remove/update the license if necessary


Add js/ts/jsx/tsx files to the src folder. Dependencies can be added by installing them via npm install, but then you may also need to define them as external modules within config/webpack.config.js. React is already set up. Be sure to install developer dependencies with npm install --save-dev so that they are not included in the package.


Images and fonts should already be configured properly to be included in the package. They can be placed anywhere in the src folder, such as within src/images.


Tests can be added in the test folder, or alongside the component in the src folder. Tests must have an extension of .test.tsx (or ts/js/jsx). Please review testing examples at or elsewhere.

When a pull request is created, tests will run on GitHub for the package.


When committing to main, master, or develop, the project will be packaged and published to GitHub Package Repository as beta-### where the number is the run number of the workflow.


To publish a package, issue a release on GitHub with a tag number that corresponds to a semantic version number, such as 1.0.0. The package will be built with the specified version number and published to GitHub Package Repository for the active repo. The package will be scoped to the repo owner name and have a package name identical to the repo name. So for the repo SampleCompany/SampleProject, the npm name will be @samplecompany/sampleproject.


The repository is configured as follows:

  • Husky with prettier is used to reformat scripts before a commit; see .husky/pre-commit to disable.
  • Husky is used to enforce passing of tests before a commit; see .husky/pre-commit to disable.
  • Packages build for cjs, esm, and umd -- CommonJS, ES Modules, and Universal Module Definition formats. Typescript definitions are also included.
    • The umd module is webpacked, so it is minified and images may be inlined, etc. See config/webpack.config.js.
    • The cjs/esm modules are simply compiled by typescript, with the content bundled in their folders as well.
  • There are tools used by the building process under tools
    • cleanup empties and removes the distribution folders; used prior to building
    • packagejson can rewrite the package.json file with a changed setting; currently unused
    • updateurl changes the package.json file as necessary based on the active repository name and specified version number; used when publishing
    • prepare-publish deletes all of the keys from the package.json file that should not be included in the published file, such as scripts
  • There are GitHub CI scripts in .github/workflows:
    • test.yml executes npm run test and can be configured to run on different OSes or with different versions of Node. Currently set to Ubuntu and Node 18/20/22.
    • build.yml updates the package name and version via the updateurl tool, and then builds and publishes the package to GitHub Package Repository as a beta build.
    • publish.yml updates the package name and version via the updateurl tool, and then builds and publishes the package to GitHub Package Repository.
  • .editorconfig, .eslintrc are used to configure editor options.
  • Jest is used for tests; see jest.config.js and config/fileTransformer.js.

Required tools and environment

You need to have Node.js installed. Node includes npm as its default package manager.

Open the whole package folder with a good code editor, preferably Visual Studio Code. Consider installing VS Code extensions ES Lint and Prettier.

  • In the VS Code top menu: Terminal -> New Terminal
  • The VS Code shortcut to format a code file is Shift + Alt + F on windows.


To use the npm package you've created within an application, you'll need to authenticate to GitHub Packages and configure npm to pull scoped packages from the proper registry:

  1. Create a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) as described here with the read:packages permission.

  2. Create add a .npmrc file in the same or parent folder as your application's package.json file as follows, assuming a repo of SampleCompany/SampleProject:


Then you can add this package to your application simply by using npm install. Please consider security implications when committing a .npmrc file containing your PAT to a repository.

More notes

See for more information about the basis of this template.