
REST plugin for client app/game to communicate with single or multiple remote servers using SOLID principles and clean code. Only JSON format is supported for data sending/receiving.

MIT License


Unity Network REST

REST plugin for client app/game to communicate with single or multiple remote servers using SOLID principles and clean code. Only JSON format is supported for data sending/receiving.


  • ✅ Supported REST requests
    • ✔️ GET
    • ✔️ POST
    • ✔️ PUT
    • ✔️ DELETE
  • ✅ JSON serialization/deserialization
  • ✅ Headers control
  • ✅ Requests in a dedicated background thread

How to install - Option 1 (RECOMMENDED)

  • Install ODIN Inspector
  • Install OpenUPM-CLI
  • Open the command line in Unity project folder
  • openupm add extensions.unity.network

How to install - Option 2

  "dependencies": {
    "extensions.unity.network": "1.4.3",
  "scopedRegistries": [
      "name": "package.openupm.com",
      "url": "https://package.openupm.com",
      "scopes": [

How to use

STEP 1: Create Server representation as ScriptableObject instance

Create a class for representing the server, let's call it RemoteServerSO. Extend the class from NetworkSO. Press the right mouse click on the project in Unity Editor, and create a new instance of server representation using the menu: Tools/Remote Server. Select the instance and put it into the server endpoint. We will use the instance for sending requests to the server.

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "RemoteServer", menuName = "Tools/Remote Server", order = 0)]
public class RemoteServerSO : NetworkSO


STEP 2: Create request

Let's imagine the server by the Endpoint api/data returns the JSON.

Each unique request in REST API should be represented as a C# class. Let's create one GET request as an example. Need to override Endpoint for this specific request.

public class GetDataRequest : RequestGet<Data>
    protected override string Endpoint => $"api/data";

    public GetDataRequest(RemoteServerSO remote) : base(remote) { }

Optional data processing

If needed to process received data from the request, need to override OnDataReceived

public class GetDataRequest : RequestGet<Data>
    protected override string Endpoint => $"api/data";

    public GetDataRequest(RemoteServerSO remote) : base(remote) { }
    protected override UniTask OnDataReceived(Data data)
        // doing something with data
        return base.OnDataReceived(data);

STEP 3: Send request

Creating request instance and providing server instance

var request = new GetRemoteConfigs(remoteServer);

Option 1 - just send a request


Option 2 - send request and wait for a response with valid data deserialization

var data = (await request.SendRequest()).ResponseData;

Option 3 - send and subscribe on callback

request.SubscribeOnSuccess(data =>
    // doing something with data
}, this).SendRequest().Forget();

Request callbacks

Subscription should be done before calling SendRequest()

// Response received, data successfully serialized from JSON to C# object
request.SubscribeOnSuccess(data =>
    // doing something with data
}, this);

// Response received, raw JSON data provided
request.SubscribeOnSuccessRaw(rawJson =>
    // doing something
}, this);

// Response received, JSON can't be deserialized for any reason
request.SubscribeOnSerializationError(rawJson =>
    // doing something
}, this);

// HTTP error
request.SubscribeOnHttpError(httpError =>
    // doing something
}, this);

// Network error, related to an internet connection, can't reach the server at all
request.SubscribeOnNetworkError(networkError =>
    // doing something
}, this);

// Progress is a float number in the range from 0.0f to 1.0f
request.SubscribeOnProgress(progress =>
    // doing something with data
}, this);

// Request completed with boolean "success" status (true or false)
request.SubscribeOnComplete(success =>
    // doing something with data
}, this);