
This package aims to provide a comprehensible, simple and expandable way of creating in-game settings for any Unity game.

MIT License


This package aims to provide a comprehensible and expandable way of creating in-game settings for any Unity game. To do so, it uses Scriptable Objects and generics, the latter of which Unity can serialize since version 2020.1. The package will not work in pre-2020.1 versions!

Table of contents


  • Flexible and extensible way of setting up game settings
    • Intuitive editor for creating and managing settings
    • ScriptableObject-based architecture, no need to manage scene objects
    • Settings can be grouped together
    • No code changes or recompilation required for creating or referencing setting instances
    • Easy creation of custom setting types and setting group types
    • Type-safety through use of generics
    • Values of custom settings can easily be validated before they are assigned
  • Staged value changing allows reverting a setting to its previous state before a new value is applied
  • Multiple ways of referencing settings
    • As a reference in a wrapper class, that also provides a fallback value
    • With direct references to Settings objects
    • Through code by their respective ID
  • Utility for automatically creating UI menus from a Settings asset
    • UI controls can be chosen automatically, based on setting type
    • UI controls are designed to work with Unity's UI events
    • Show, hide, or disable individual settings or entire groups in the UI
  • Built to easily adapt to the way you save and load your game
    • Settings can implement an arbitrary number of serialization methods
    • Built-in JSON and binary serializers
  • Little memory overhead: Setting objects are not cloned during runtime
  • Additional settings can be added during runtime by loading a json string (great for modding support)
  • [Version 3.0.0+] Component-based workflow to allow for easier extending of Setting or Setting Group behaviour


This package can be installed through the Unity Package Manager using the following URL:


Or you could download the ZIP Archive, unpack it, and add the contents to your Unity project's "Assets" directory.


  • Unity 2020.1 or later
  • Newtonsoft Json 2.0.0 or later

For the "Localization Setting" sample:

For the "Volume Setting FMOD" sample:

  • Unity FMOD plugin (any recent version should work, tested with 2.02.22)

For the "Keybind Setting" sample:

  • Input System package (any version should work, tested with 1.2.0)
  • Credits: The Keybind Control prefab currently uses an icon by Icons8, which is subject to their license terms


1. Creating a Settings Asset

A SettingsAsset will hold all of your individual Settings and Settings Groups. To create one, simply use the create menu Create > Scriptable Objects > Zenvin > Settings Asset

2. Editing a Settings Asset

Once you have created the SettingsAsset, you can use the Settings Editor Window (Window > Zenvin > Settings Asset Editor) to add, delete, move and group Settings. Double-clicking SettingsAssets will open the editor. Note that changing the Settings' hierarchy is only permitted during edit-time. The corresponding popup menus will not appear during runtime. If there is no asset being edited currently, the editor will show a list of available instances.

3. Initializing a Settings Asset

When your game first starts, you will need to initialize any SettingsAsset whose nested settings you intend on using. This is done through the SettingsAsset.Initialize() method. (Calling it multiple times will not have any effect) For performance reasons, it is recommended to load external Settings during initialization, rather than afterwards.

4. Using Settings

Generally speaking, there are 3 different ways of referencing Settings:

  • As a SettingBase<T> reference that is assigned in the editor or through code.
  • Wrapped in a SettingReference<T> instance, whose value is assigned in the editor. This has the advantage that a default value can be given, even if the Setting is null.
  • Accessed by its GUID using SettingsAsset.TryGetSettingByGUID(string, out SettingBase), assuming that the containing SettingsAsset has been initialized.

Each Setting object contains 2 essential values that are managed by the Framework:

  • CurrentValue: The value that is currently applied to the Setting.
  • CachedValue: The value that the Setting will have once applied.

To get a Setting's value, you would usually poll CurrentValue. This can be done either continuously, or every time SettingBase<T>.OnValueApplied is invoked.

Known Issues

  • When a project is opened and contains compiler errors, or a package is imported that introduces compiler errors, a SettingsAsset may lose references to any child object whose type is not built into the package.
    I have attempted to provide a method of solving this, but it may not work in all instances. Using version control is recommended.


Settings are represented by Scriptable Object instances that inherit Zenvin.Settings.Framework.SettingBase<T>. They each contain a number of properties by default, but can be extended to contain further members by creating own classes inheriting the aforementioned base class.

Settings Groups can be used to group Settings together. Just like Settings, they are Scriptable Objects (inheriting Zenvin.Settings.Framework.SettingsGroup), and it is possible to extend the built-in SettingsGroup type by inheriting from it. When creating UI for your Settings, Groups can be used to separate them into tabs or sub-headers.

Shared serialized Properties

Below is a list of properties shared between Zenvin.Settings.Framework.SettingBase and Zenvin.Settings.Framework.SettingsGroup, that show up in the inspector.

Property Type Description
GUID string The GUID provides a unique identifier for each Setting or Group. By default, it will be assigned a pseudo-random, unique hexadecimal string which can be changed through the Setting Editor window.However, the value cannot be empty and it must be unique among all Settings/Groups within the same SettingsAsset. Should that not be the case, the system will reset the GUID to its previous value.
Name string The Name is supposed to be the default label for the Setting on UI. Is also will show up in the hierarchy of the Settings Editor window.Setting names do not need to be unique.
NameLocalizationKey string The NameLocalizationKey can be used to add localization to your Settings menus. Just as the Name, it can have an arbitrary value.

SettingBase serialized properties

Below is a list of properties unique to Zenvin.Settings.Framework.SettingBase<T>, that show up in the inspector.

Property Type Description
DefaultValue T The DefaultValue is a generically typed value, and will be assigned to the Setting by default during runtime initialization.

SettingsGroup serialized properties

Below is a list of properties unique to Zenvin.Settings.Framework.SettingsGroup, that show up in the inspector.

Property Type Description
Icon Sprite The Icon is a sprite that can be used to represent the Group on UI, either instead or along with the name.

Creating your own Setting types

There are basic types of settings built into the framework. In case that this is not sufficient for your project, you can easily create your own type of setting by creating a class that inherits Zenvin.Settings.Framework.SettingBase<T>.

See below for more info on what you can do in custom settings:

Processing Setting values

In some cases, it is necessary that your Setting value adheres to specific rules. For example, when your Setting refers to an array using its value. ProcessValue(ref T) in SettingBase<T> is a virtual void method allows to process a given value, before the Setting is updated with it. By default, this method does nothing, so it does not have to be overridden if you just want to use the value as-is.

Setting, Applying, Reverting and Resetting values

  • When SetValue(T) is called on a given SettingBase<T>, it will update the Setting's CachedValue and mark the Setting as dirty.
  • Dirty Settings can be applied with a call to ApplyValue(). This will remove the dirty flag, update the Setting's CurrentValue with whatever CachedValue was set to, and invoke OnValueApplied.
  • Reverting a dirty Setting with a call to RevertValue() will set its CachedValue to its CurrentValue.
  • A Setting can be reset by calling ResetValue(). This will set its value to the DefaultValue it was given in the editor.
  • Reverting or resetting will invoke OnValueReverted or OnValueReset, respectively. They will also both mark the Setting as dirty.

Saving and Loading Setting values

Settings can be serialized in any number of ways. The Framework uses the ISerializer<T> and ISerializable<T> interfaces to facilitate a most abstract approach to this. You can have a look at the included JSON and binary serializers to get an idea of how to implement ISerializer<T>, and check out any of the built-in Setting types to see, how ISerializable<T> may be implemented. See below for a more in-depth explanation.


Serializing Settings starts with a call to SettingsAsset.SerializeSettings. This method needs to be passed an ISerializer<T> instance. That instance is responsible for managing save data for all Settings that implement ISerializable with the same T. From this follows, that any Settings that do not implement ISerializable of the required type will be ignored during the serialization process. When Settings are serialized, a new instance of T will be created for each Setting and passed to the Setting's implementation of ISerializable<T>.OnSerialize to be manipulated (i.e. receive information about the Setting's state). After that, it is passed on to the given ISerializer<T> instance, along with the currently serialized Setting's GUID via ISerializer<T>.Serialize(string, T). From that point on, it is the serializer's task to store this information.


Deserializing Settings starts with a call to SettingsAsset.DeserializeSettings. This method needs to be passed an ISerializer<T> instance. That instance then has to provide a collection of all saved GUIDs, along with their associated data in the form of an instance of T, via ISerializer<T>.GetSerializedData(). Subsequently, that collection will be iterated and any Setting whose GUID was found in the data and that implements a fitting ISerializable<T> will receive the respective data to read from. This again means that any Settings that do not implement ISerializable of the required type will be ignored during the deserialization process. Just with serialization, the specific way of deserialization will have to be implemented by the consumer, using ISerializable<T>.OnDeserialize. Important Due to the generic nature of the deserialization process, Settings' values cannot automatically be assigned to the loaded data. This means that calling SettingBase<T>.SetValue manually is required at the end of the ISerializable<T>.OnDeserialize method, if that method is supposed to fulfil its function. The Framework will however automatically call ApplyValue on each deserialized Setting.

Hooking into the Serialization/Deserialization process

Sometimes, the serialized or deserialized data might need to be processed, such as loading data from a file before deserialization, or writing it to a file after serialization. For this purpose, any class implementing ISerializer<T> may also implement ISerializerCallbackReceiver (not to be confused with Unity's ISerializationCallbackReceiver!). This interface implements the following four methods, which can be used to respond to specific steps of the serialization process:

  • InitializeSerialization() will be called before serialization starts.
  • FinalizeSerialization() will be called after serialization has finished.
  • InitializeDeserialization() will be called before deserialization starts.
  • FinalizeDeserialization() will be called after deserialization has finished.

See JSON File Serializer or Binary File Serializer for examples on how to implement the interface.

Note that none of the above methods will be invoked, if the serialization/deserialization fails instantly, due to the executing SettingsAsset not being initialized.

Loading external Settings

The Framework allows loading one or multiple Settings and Setting Groups from one or several JSON strings. Loading will ignore all Settings and Groups whose GUIDs already exist. However, it is possible to load external Settings and Groups as children of existing Groups, as well as loading external Settings as children of external Groups from the same or a previous load process. However, loading is only possible during the initialization process of the SettingsAsset. To load, first subscribe to SettingsAsset.OnInitialize, then call SettingsAsset.Initialize().

Setting Factories

In order to load external Settings, the RuntimeSettingLoader needs to know how to translate the string values it gets from the parsed JSON objects into SettingBase<T> instances. That is where the ISettingFactory interface comes into play:

  • ISettingFactory.GetDefaultValidType(): This method returns the default type string which this factory can translate into a Setting object. This value can be overridden while calling RuntimeSettingLoader.LoadSettingsIntoAsset.
  • ISettingFactory.CreateSettingFromType(string, StringValuePair[]): Should return an instance of your desired Setting class.

Group Factories

Loading external Groups happens similarly to the way external Settings are loaded, with the main difference being that the RuntimeSettingLoader will fall back to the built-in SettingsGroup type, if it cannot translate the JSON values into Group instances. Translating the values again, is where an interface is used - respectively IGroupFactory:

  • IGroupFactory.GetDefaultValidType(): This method returns the default type string which this factory can translate into a Group object. This value can be overridden while calling RuntimeSettingLoader.LoadSettingsIntoAsset.
  • IGroupFactory.CreateGroupFromType(StringValuePair[]): Should return an instance of your desired Group class.


1. Creating a Setting based on an int to serve as a dropdown

Make a new script and paste the below code into it:

using System;
using Zenvin.Settings.Framework;

public class DropdownSetting : SettingBase<int>	 // declare custom Setting type
	[SerializeField] private string[] values;	   // expose field in the editor to allow assigning dropdown values

After you let Unity recompile, the new Setting type should show up in your create setting context menu.

2. Clamping a Setting's value

Assume you have the class from Example 1, and now you would like to make sure your Setting's CurrentValue does not go out of the values' bounds. All you need to do to achieve this, is override the ProcessValue method like this:

protected override void ProcessValue(ref int value)
	value = Mathf.Clamp (value, 0, values.Length - 1);

3. Loading external Settings on runtime

First, create factories for your custom Setting types. For the class from Example 1, this could look somewhat as follows:

public class DropdownSettingFactory : ISettingFactory
	string ISettingFactory.GetDefaultValidType() => "dropdown";	 // make default type string "dropdown"
	SettingBase ISettingFactory.CreateSettingFromValue(string defaultValue, StringValuePair[] values)
		if (!int.TryParse(defaultValue, out int val)) {	 // try parsing the json default value to an int
			val = 0;	// if not possible, use 0 as default
		return DropdownSetting.CreateInstanceWithValues<DropdownSetting>(val, values);  // create a new instance.

The above factory can create an instance of DropdownSetting. By default, it will respond to the json type string "dropdown". Note that the factory uses SettingBase<T>.CreateInstanceWithValues, rather than ScriptableObject.CreateInstance. This is necessary, because the Setting needs to be initialized. Setting instances created with the latter method will not be considered during loading. Next, make a MonoBehaviour to initialize your Settings Asset and load Settings using the Zenvin.Settings.Loading.RuntimeSettingLoader class:

using UnityEngine;
using Zenvin.Settings.Framework;
using Zenvin.Settings.Loading;

public class SettingsInitializer : MonoBehaviour
	[SerializeField] private SettingsAsset asset;
	[SerializeField, TextArea (10, 10)] private string json;  // this is for the JSON string you want to load
	private void Start ()
		SettingsAsset.OnInitialize += OnInitialize; // static event, hence the SettingAsset parameter
	private void OnInitialize (SettingsAsset asset)
		var options = new SettingLoaderOptions (asset)						  // initialize options object with the target asset
			.WithData (json)													// set the options' data from the json string 
			.WithSettingFactory ("bool", new BoolSettingFactory ())			 // add factories provided by the package
			.WithSettingFactory ("int", new IntSettingFactory ())			   // for the Int and Bool factories, the "type" they are used for will be overwritten
			.WithSettingFactory (new FloatSettingFactory ())					// for the Float factory, its default "type" value will be used

			.WithSettingFactory ("dropdown", new DropdownSettingFactory ());	// add the factory we created earlier

		RuntimeSettingLoader.LoadSettingsIntoAsset (options);   // load settings into the asset, using the options created above

Note that the LoadSettingsIntoAsset method can override individual factories' target types. This allows using the same factory for multiple types of Settings. Last, create a JSON string for the Settings you want to load and assign it to that MonoBehaviour, along with the Settings Asset. Such a JSON string could look like this:

	"Groups": [
			"GUID": "_graphics",
			"Name": "Graphics",
			"LocalizationKey": "",
			"ParentGroupGUID": "",
			"IconResource": ""
	"Settings": [
			"GUID": "anti_aliasing",
			"Name": "Anti-Aliasing",
			"LocalizationKey": "",
			"ParentGroupGUID": "_graphics",
			"Type": "dropdown",
			"DefaultValue": "2",
			"Values": [
					"Key": "",
					"Value": "Disabled"
					"Key": "",
					"Value": "2x Multisampling"
					"Key": "",
					"Value": "4x Multisampling"
					"Key": "",
					"Value": "8x Multisampling"

This would first try to create a new Group called Graphics with GUID _graphics, and then to make a Setting from a hypothetical dropdown factory, give it a default value of 2 and try to set it up with an array of values. Assuming both were successful, the new Setting would become a child of the new Group. If there already was a Group with GUID _graphics, no new Group will be created, and the Setting will be added to the existing one instead.

4. Setting up a dynamic Setting

Sometimes, a default value alone is not enough to set up an external Setting with. Because of that, the SettingBase<T> class allows you to override its OnCreateWithValues(StringValuePair[]) method. Sticking with the class from the previous examples, you could use the Values of all the StringValuePairs you get, to populate your values. In code, this can look like this:

protected override void OnCreateWithValues (StringValuePair[] _values)
	this.values = new string[_values.Length]; // assign a new array with appropriate length to values
	for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)   // iterate through either array
		values[i] = _values[i].Value;		 // set content of values

5. Automatically spawning UI for registered Settings

The Framework does not provide a way to do this, but it has a tool to help: Zenvin.Settings.UI.SettingControlCollection This class provides a way to reference SettingControl prefabs and get the fitting prefab for any given SettingBase sub-class, as long as there is one referenced. Below is a simple example for how that can be used in a dynamically created settings menu:

using Zenvin.Settings.Framework;
using Zenvin.Settings.UI;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class SettingsMenu : MonoBehaviour
	[SerializeField] private SettingsAsset asset;   // the asset to source the Settings from
	[SerializeField] private SettingControlCollection prefabs;  // a collection of available Setting control prefabs
	[SerializeField] private LayoutGroup parent;	// the layout group to parent the spawned Setting controls to

	private void Start ()
		asset.Initialize();	// initializing Settings could be done somewhere else as well.

	private void SpawnSettings ()
		var settings = asset.GetAllSettings();
		foreach (var setting in settings)   // iterate over all registered Settings
			if (prefabs.TryGetControl(setting.GetType(), out SettingControl prefab))	// try get a SettingControl prefab matching the current Setting
				if (prefab.TryInstantiateWith (setting, out SettingControl control))	 // try instantiating the found prefab with the given Setting. If successful, this will automatically spawn and initialize the prefab.
					control.transform.SetParent (parent.transform); // make instance a child of the layout group
					control.transform.localScale = Vector3.one; // reset instance scale, because parenting UI elements likes to mess that up

This could be expanded to utilize the Settings' group structure to implement tabs and/or headers in the menu as well. Have a look into SettingsMenu.cs to see how that might work.

6. Creating a SettingControl for a specific Setting type

In Example 1, we implemented a Setting to represent a dropdown. In order to properly display it on UI, a SettingControl is required that can take that Setting's values and represent them. To achieve this, we first need a way of accessing the DropdownSetting's values. A simple way to do this is by adding the following property:

public string[] Options => values; // return the values

With that, creating a control for that Setting type is simply a matter of making a new class that inherits Zenvin.Settings.UI.SettingControl<TControlType, THandledType> and using either UnityEngine.UI or TMPro.TMP_Dropdown to actually display the values:

public class DropdownControl : SettingControl<DropdownSetting, int> // DropdownSetting is the SettingBase this Control is meant for, and int is the value type ultimately managed by the Setting
	[SerializeField] private TMP_Dropdown dropdown;

	protected override void OnSetup () {	// OnSetup is called when the Control is spawned via TryInstantiateWith()
		dropdown.ClearOptions ();
		dropdown.AddOptions (new List<string> (Setting.Options));   // Setting is provided by the base class. It will have the type given in the class declaration, so DropdownSetting in  this case.
		dropdown.SetValueWithoutNotify (Setting.CurrentValue);

	protected override void OnSettingValueChanged (SettingBase.ValueChangeMode mode) {  // called whenever the assigned Setting's value changes
		dropdown?.SetValueWithoutNotify (Setting.CachedValue);  // make sure the dropdown's selection is "in sync" with the Setting's value

To have the dropdown update the Setting's value, you can hook it up to the SetValue(THandledType) method provided by SettingControl<TControlType, THandledType> - which simply calls Setting.SetValue(THandledType) - or implement your own way.