
keybindings of VS Code


VSCode vimrc

Install on macOS

sh ./install_vscode_settings_for_macos.sh

Install on Linux

sh ./install_vscode_settings_for_linux.sh
  • Please make a backup of your current configuration files before installing.

Key Mappings

The leader is <space>, so whenever you see <leader> it means <space>.

File mappings on Explorer

  • (a)dd a file: m a
  • add a (f)older: m f
  • (r)ename: m r
  • (d)elete: m d
  • (c)opy: m c
  • (p)aste: m p

Editor mappings

  • split a editor (h)orizontally: s h
  • split a editor (v)ertically: s v
  • Move the cursor to the editor above: ctrl+k
  • Move the cursor to the right editor: ctrl+l
  • Move the cursor to the editor below: ctrl+j
  • Move the cursor to the left editor: ctrl+h
  • close (o)ther editors: ctrl+w o
  • close the (c)urrent editor: ctrl+w c

Search Editor mappings

  • Search in all files: <leader>g
  • Open Results in Editor: <enter> (on Search Box)
  • Go to the target file: ctrl+] (on Search Results)

Terminal mappings

  • Focus Next Terminal: shift+cmd+[ (on Terminal)
  • Focus Previous Terminal: shift+cmd+] (on Terminal)
  • Increase Terminal size: ctrl+e k (on Terminal)
  • Decrease Terminal size: ctrl+e j (on Terminal)

Normal mode mappings

  • Fast saving of a file: <leader>w
  • Toggle explorer: <leader>nn
  • Open explorer and focus a current file: <leader>nf
  • (f)ind a file by name: ctrl+f
  • Search in a file: /
    • Focus next a search result: n
    • Focus previous a search result: shift+n
    • Clear search highlights: <leader><enter>
  • Jump to definition: ctrl+]
  • Open definition to the side: ctrl+cmd+]
  • Paste: p or shift+p

Visual mode mappings

  • Copy: y

Insert mode mappings

  • Set to normal mode: jj

Debug mode mappings

  • Show Hover: g h

Show autocomplete list before typing




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