
A native-like select field, but better

MIT License



A native-like select field, but better.

Mostly behaves like native <select> but accepts custom markup for the options and the opener button.

The options are navigatable from the keyboard. The opener text is easily customizable.

The package versions of 2 and higher work with Vue3. For Vue2, use prior versions of the package.


See the demo:

See the demo sources in demo/

The Problem

When you think about a custom selector, you usually come to provide the options as an array. For sure, it resolves some reactivity issues by default but also has some pitfalls.

One such pitfall that in most cases, you need to map your data list to an array of something like { label, value } thus spending extra resources. Additionally, you write dummy code to display an options selector.

The second pitfall is that default <select> provides a more natural way to render lists - just by giving the elements by themselves, not the arrays.

The third pitfall is the poor customization capabilities of the options. Which mostly looks similar to the problem of default <select> but a bit milder.

VuePicker resolves all of these issues.


Currently, VuePicker comes with no TS declarations because of the poor TS support within Vue infrastructure. Please contact me or craft an issue if you think the times have changed or you have any other arguments of introducing TypeScript to the package. Also, you're welcome to contribute.


Using unpkg:

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <!-- optional css -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

  <div id="app"></div>
    const App = {
        '<div>' +
          '<h3>Hello world</h3>' +
          '<VuePicker v-model="mv">' +
            '<VuePickerOption value="opt0">Option 0</VuePickerOption>' +
            '<VuePickerOption value="opt1">Option 1</VuePickerOption>' +
          '</VuePicker>' +
      data: function () { return { mv: 'opt1' } },
    const app = Vue.createApp(App)

Using npm:

npm i --save @invisiburu/vue-picker

Import in your project:

import { VuePicker, VuePickerOption } from '@invisiburu/vue-picker'
// optional css
import '@invisiburu/vue-picker/dist/vue-picker.min.css'

const app = createApp(/* ... */)
app.component('VuePicker', VuePicker)
app.component('VuePickerOption', VuePickerOption)



<VuePicker v-model="color" :isAutofocus="true">
  <VuePickerOption value="">Empty</VuePickerOption>
  <VuePickerOption value="red">Red</VuePickerOption>
  <VuePickerOption value="green">Green</VuePickerOption>
  <VuePickerOption value="blue">Blue</VuePickerOption>
  <VuePickerOption value="yellow" :isDisabled="true">Yellow</VuePickerOption>
  <VuePickerOption value="teal" text="Teal">
    How about teal (Teal will be shown instead)

Custom options:

  <VuePicker v-model="variant">
    <VuePickerOption value="italic-bold">
      Some <i>italics</i> or <b>bold</b>?

    <VuePickerOption value="special" text="Special! Yes!">
      <div class="grid">
        <span class="title">Or something more special?</span>
        <span class="subtitle">I am a subheading!</span>

<style scoped>
.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid: auto-flow auto / auto;
  gap: 4px;

.title {
  font-size: 1.05em;
  font-weight: bold;

.subtitle {
  font-size: 0.9em;
  color: lightgray;

Custom opener:

  <VuePicker v-model="custom">
    <template #opener="{ opener }">
        <i>{{ opener.value }}</i>
        <b>{{ opener.text }}</b>

    <VuePickerOption value="value-1">Value 1</VuePickerOption>
    <VuePickerOption value="value-2">Value 2</VuePickerOption>




  • modelValue - the value, should be a string. The behaviour is not defined for
    values that do not exist within provided options.
  • placeholder - a text to show when value is null, undefined or an
    empty string.
  • isAutofocus - focus the opener on mount.
  • isDisabled - disable the component.
  • onKeyDown - accepts a function to run before the default key-down listener.
    Please see the onKeyDown() section for more details

Emitted events:

  • input - an option selected. Carries the new value to assign.
  • open - dropdown open.
  • close - dropdown closed. Carries true if closed by the outer click.


  • default - a picker option. Should be a <VuePickerOption>.
  • opener - override the displayed opener text.
    Provides the opener scope var with { value, text, opt }, where:
    • value - the selected value.
    • text - the text that was intended to display by the opener
      (HTML stripped). Content of the placeholder attribute prevails over
      empty option values.
    • opt - context of the current option.
  • openerIco - override the default expand arrow
  • dropdownInner - use if you want a custom dropdown inner container



  • isDisabled - disable the option. Disabled options cannot be picked or
  • value - value to set on when the option selected.
  • text - text to be displayed instead of the content of the default slot.
    Also overrides the optHtml and optTxt computed properties of the


  • default - content to be displayed in the options list and in the opener
    when the option is selected. Can contain any markup, the opener will
    display it as is. Please consider using the text prop if you plan complex
    things in here.


You can use these computed properties within the opt param of the opener slot.

  • optHtml - returns the HTML from the default slot of the component.
  • optTxt - returns the HTML from the default slot of the component.
    Mostly the same as text param of the opener slot but does not respect
    placeholder attr of the picker.

onKeyDown prop

Accepts a function like the following:

function onKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent, dropdown: any, options: any) => boolean

The listener is fired in two cases:

  1. When the dropdown in open
  2. When the dropdown is closed but the opener is focused

Return false from your onKeyDown() function to prevent the default key-down handler.


In case of a bug or a suggestion, please report on the Issues page or contact me by email.


Check the changes in


  • TS definitions
  • Better onKeyDown description
  • Unit tests
  • Search
  • Handle keys: Page down, Page up
  • Animation support
  • Dropdown position switch if does not fit the screen
  • Outer label[for=""] support
  • Readonly attr - ?
  • iOS, Android full screen style - ?
