
A flexible state manager



A flexible state manager

Quickstart 👇


Install with npm:

npm i -S @klaxon/atom


Atoms represent small pieces of reusable state, and maintain their own internal store. Whenever an update is triggered (by calling the setter function of that Atom), the Atom store dispatches an event. All components that are subscribed to that Atom will get the event, trigger an update, and cause only the relevant components to update and rerender.

import { atom } from '@klaxon/atom';

const [count, setCount] = atom({
  key: 'count',
  default: 1

console.log(count.getState()); // 1


setCount(old => old + 1);

console.log(count.getState()); // 3


Selectors don't maintain their own internal store, instead they are dependent on Atoms. Whenever an Atom changes, any Selector that depends on that Atom will be notified, and execute the Selectors get function to return a new value. Selectors can be thought of as pieces of derived state, or computed state.

import { atom, selector } from '@klaxon/atom';

const [count, setCount] = atom({
  key: 'count',
  default: 1

const doubleCount = selector({
  key: 'doubleCount',
  get: ({getAtom}) => {
    const originalCount = getAtom(count);
    return originalCount * 2;

Basic usage with LitElement

You can use Atoms by registering them to a component in the static atoms getter, this will subscribe the component to updates for that Atom. Whenever an update for the Atom has occured, your component will set the new value of the Atom on the component, and cause the element to update.

  import { LitElement, html } from "lit-element";
  import { LitAtom, atom } from "@klaxon/atom";

  const [count, setCount] = atom({
    key: 'count',
    default: 0

  export class MyCounter extends LitAtom(LitElement) {
    static atoms = [count];

    render() {
      return html`
        <button @click="${() => setCount(old => old - 1)}">-</button>
        <button @click="${() => setCount(old => old + 1)}">+</button>

  customElements.define("my-counter", MyCounter);

Todo app demo

  import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
  import { LitAtom, atom, selector } from '@klaxon/atom';

  export const [todoListFilter, setTodoListFilter] = atom({
    key: 'todoListFilter',
    default: 'Show All',

  export const [todoList, setTodoList] = atom({
    key: 'todoList',
    default: [
      {text: 'not done', isComplete: false, id: 0},
      {text: 'done', isComplete: true, id: 1},

  const filteredTodoList = selector({
    key: 'filteredTodoList',
    get: ({getAtom}) => {
      const filter = getAtom(todoListFilter);
      const list = getAtom(todoList);

      switch (filter) {
        case 'Show Completed':
          return list.filter((item) => item.isComplete);
        case 'Show Uncompleted':
          return list.filter((item) => !item.isComplete);
          return list;

  class TodoList extends LitAtom(LitElement) {
    static atoms = [todoListFilter];
    static selectors = [filteredTodoList];
    render() {
      return html`
          <button @click=${() => setTodoListFilter("Show All")}>show all</button>
          <button @click=${() => setTodoListFilter("Show Completed")}>show completed</button>
          <button @click=${() => setTodoListFilter("Show Uncompleted")}>show uncompleted</button>
          <button @click=${() => setTodoList((oldTodoList) => [...oldTodoList, {text: 'New todo', isComplete: false, id: 1}])}>add</button>
            ${this.filteredTodoList?.map(todo => html`<li>${todo.text}</li>`)}

  customElements.define('todo-app', TodoList);