
Database viewer web component

MIT License



Database schema viewer web component. This web component can be used to view interactive database diagrams. See an example.

Note: This component doesn't work on old browsers that don't support web components.


In the case of webpack, import the package in your main js file.

import 'db-viewer-component';

in html:

<db-viewer src="/awesome-schema.json"></db-viewer>

The schema for viewer can be specified either with src attribute as shown above or by schema property of db-viwer html object like this:

document.querySelector('db-viewer').schema = awesomeSchema;

The json schema for db-veiwer schema can be found here. An example of schema can be found here.

A simple usage example can be found here. An example usage with the React can be found here. An example usage with the Svelte can be found here.



Name Description
src Viewer-schema url. It should follow this json schema. An example of schema can be found here.
disable-table-movement If this attribute exist. Table movement will be disabled.
viewport Viewport positioning strategy on initial load. Can be "noChange", "centerByTablesWeight", "center" or "centerByTables".


Name Description event.detail
tableClick Clicking on a table. {tableName, pos: {x, y}, width, height}
tableDblClick Double clicking on a table. {tableName, pos: {x, y}, width, height}
tableContextMenu Right clicking on a table. {tableName, pos: {x, y}, width, height}
tableMove Moving table. {tableName, pos: {x, y}, width, height}
tableMoveEnd Moving table ends. {tableName, pos: {x, y}, width, height}
relationClick Clicking on a relation. {fromTable, toTable, fromColumn, toColumn}
relationDblClick Double clicking in a relation. {fromTable, toTable, fromColumn, toColumn}
relationContextMenu Right clikc on a realtion. {fromTable, toTable, fromColumn, toColumn}
zoomIn Zooming in view
zoomOut Zooming out view
load Schema file has been successfully fetched from server.
ready Db viewer component has been loaded.
viewportClick Clicking on the viewport. {x, y}


Name Description
schema Get and set schema for viewer. This will override the html src attribute. Note: src attribute accepts the address of viewer-schema and schema property accepts javascript object as viewer-schema. The viwer-schema should follow this json schema. Note the only way that db-viewer can alter the schema is by adding position of tables.
src Set viewer-schema url. It should follow this json schema. An example of schema can be found here. It has the same effect as the src attribute.
scrollLeft Get and set scrolling position from left.
scrollTop Get and set scrolling position from top.
disableTableMovement Disables table movement if true.
viewport Viewport positioning strategy on initial load. Can be "noChange", "centerByTablesWeight", "center" or "centerByTables".


Name Description Arguments
getTablePos Get position of table. table name
setTablePos Set position of table. table name, x cord, y cord
zoomIn Zoom in view.
zoomOut Zoom out view.
getZoom Get amount of zoom


Styles can be applied by the following CSS variables.

Name Description
--table-boarder-color Table border color
--viewer-background-color Viewer background color
--relation-color Relation color
--relation-color-highlight Relation color on mouse hover
--font-family Font
--color Text color

To run

  1. yarn
  2. yarn start
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:9998
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Top 10.93% on Npmjs.org
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