
Dependency-free web component enabling consistent interactivity of tree selection views.

MIT License



A dependency free web component enabling consistent interactivity of a tree selection view. It's usable both in client- and server side rendering settings (csr & ssr).


Table of Contents


You can install the web component's javascript into your project with your npm-manager of choice. For example:

npm install 'lse-tree-selection'

Import from the package to make sure its js contents are loaded in places of usage. After that interactivity should work for the introduced HTML tags as defined below.

import * as LseTreeSelection from "lse-tree-selection"




Attribute Description Possible Values Required
init-dimension Identifier to identify the selection hierarchy uniquely. A distinctive string yes
init-data Holder of data selection structure in csr-setting Stringified JSON string, see below csr only

The data selection structure is defined as follows in recursive manner:

// Leaf Node Example
    id: 1 // Numeric identifier of selection option, must be unique within the `<lse-tree-selection>` instance
    label: "Label for option 1" // String that is visually displayed
    children: [] // Array that holds objects of the exact structure as defined in this example or is empty in case of Leaf Nodes

Inner-HTML Characteristics

  • Empty in csr-etting
  • In ssr-setting a structure of nested <lse-tree-selection-node>


If the attribute init-data is given in <lse-tree-selection> as explained above, these nodes are automatically rendered, when the <lse-tree-selection> DOM node is mounted.

In a ssr-setting the following characterics must be satisfied.


Attribute Description Possible Values Required
id Identifier to identify the selection node uniquely within the lse-tree-selection instance A numeric identifier yes

Inner-HTML Characteristics

The Inner-HTML must contain an <input> element of type checkbox and with a value that corresponds to the id-attribute of the containing <lse-tree-selection-node> DOM node.


With each selection the <lse-tree-selection> element dispatches a custom TreeSelectionChangeEvent. Hierarchically higher DOM Nodes should listen to lse-tree-selection-change to get notified about selection changes as well.


This is a custom Event, whose detail property refers to an object with the following properties

  • dimension_key: Corresponds to the attribute value init-dimension of <lse-tree-selection>
  • selected_ids : An Array numbers, that correspond to the selected leaf nodes identifiers of the corresponding selection hierarchy.


The component doesn't make any assumptions about its CSS styling. As showed in the examples CSS can leverage the high specificity of the introduced selection tags, which should help to define enterprise-wise consistent styling of such components. The component doesn't make use of any shadow DOM feature.