
Wompo-Router is a library that allows to create a Single Page Application using client routing with wompo.

MIT License


Wompo Router

Wompo-Router is a Wompo based library to create Single Page Applications using client routing. Wompo Router uses nested routes to create layouts, based on the famous React-Router library.


Wompo Router exposes the following components to create routes:

  • Routes - It's the component that will include the whole routing logic. Accepts a
    notFoundElement prop, which defines what to render when the router don't find a matching
    route, and an origin prop, which specifies the url location on where the routing starts.
  • Route - Define a single route. Accepts the following props:
    interface RouteProps extends WompoProps {
    	path?: string; // The path of the route.
    	index?: boolean; // True if the route is an index route (of the parent).
    	redirect?: string; // If valorized, the route will redirect to another one.
    	element?: RenderHtml; // The element to render.
    	lazy?: () => LazyCallbackResult; // If valorized, must be a callback that returns a lazy component.
    	fallback?: RenderHtml; // The fallback element to visualize while a lazy component is being imported.
    	meta?: {
    		title?: string;
    		description?: string;
  • ChildRoute - Defines where a child route should be rendered inside the parent route. Accepts no props.

It also exposes this helper components:

  • Link - The component you want to use to navigate across routes. Accepts two props: to (the link), and target.
  • NavLink - Same as Link, but will have an "active" class if the current route corresponds to the link.
    Accepts a two props: to (the link), and target..

Finally, Wompo Router has the following hooks:

  • useParams - Will return the parameters for the current route.
  • useNavigate - Will return a navigate function that you can use to manually navigate across routes.
  • useCurrentRoute - Will return the current route.
  • useRoutes - Will return the array of routes that the router can handle.

Creating an Application

This is an example of an application made with Wompo Router:

function App() {
	return (
			<Route path='/' element={<HomePage />} />
			<Route path='/docs' element={<DocsLayout />}>
				<Route path='overview' element={<Overview />} />
				<Route path='quick-start' element={<QuickStart />} />
				<Route path='hooks' element={<Hooks />}>
					<Route path=':name' element={<Hook />} />
				<Route index redirect='overview' />
			<Route path='*' element={<NotFound />} />

The above routing system will generate the following routes:

  • /
  • /docs ---> will redirect to ---> /docs/overview
  • /docs/overview
  • /docs/hooks
  • /docs/hooks/:name (where "name" is a parameter in the url)

All the other routes will fallback into the NotFound Page.

So, if you go to the url /docs/hooks/useNavigate, Womp Router will render the following nested routes where "useNavigate" is assigned to the "name" parameter:

		<Hook />

Actually, this process of nested routes will not happen automatically: the components DocsLayout and Hooks will have to tell "Womp Router" where to render the nested route. To do that, you use the ChildRoute component.

Example of DocsLayout:

  <ChildRoute />