
🔥 Firebase Expenses Manager :React 16.12 , Firebase 7.6.1 , Bootstrap 4 , Babel 7.8.3 , WebPack 4.41.5


AlexKent Support me joining PI Network app with invitation code AlexKent AlexKent

Expenses Add Expense
msedge_2020-01-03_16-18-43 msedge_2020-01-03_16-18-53


How start the application

1 To run the application locally in development you can use :

npm run start_local

It will actually start webpack-dev-server on the port 9000 (which you can convfigure through wepack.config.js) :

2 To run the application on production mode i have used Heroku .

Tutorial on how to deploy in Heroku

  1. You have to create an account.
  1. You have to install Heroku Cli

  2. You have to login with heroku cli :

    heroku login

  3. Create app in heroku :

    heroku create my-app-name-here

  4. Set Heroku Environment keys (copy pasta from .env.development) comma separated us you can see in the picture below :

    heroku config:set KEY=VALUE 
  1. There you got a new remote for Heroku from now and then you can just use :

    git push heroku master

  2. You can view your app remote url in console or in the Heroku Dashboard :

  1. Visit the site and get excited Expentour

3 To run the application with tests

//TODO not yet ready

Tutorial for Firebase

As database we are using Firebase . We are having two seperate databases , one for testing and one for development/production .

You can see the credentials at : .env.development and .env.test i left intetionally there working keys so you can run your app locally.

How you can get your own firebase api keys for your own project ?

  1. Create Google Account and go to Firebase
  2. Add a Project (ex. MyAwesomeProject )
  3. For that project add an new web app so you can get keys :
  1. Then there your have your new credentials which you can add on the .env.development or .env.test file :
  1. You are ready .

Technologies used

Firebase (7.6.1) Link

Babel (7.8.1) Link

React (16.12) Link

Webpack (4.41.5) Link

Bootstrap (4) Link

SCSS (6.0.0) Link