
html boilerplate w/ pwa + firebase deployment specific + scss + customizable material web components etc. Useful to bootstrap www (static parts)

GPL-3.0 License



Pure Html5 Boilerplate w/

  • Material icon css
  • Material components used w/ flex
  • basic PWA capabilities
  • scss w/ npm to css generation
  • Tiles capabilities in internet explorer
  • optimized normalizer instead of css resets or normalizer
  • add to home screen in safari browser
  • add to home screen in chrome browser for android
  • firebase hosting deployment
  • customize Material Theming (typography, shape and color)

This can be used for *static html parts of an angular material app. So It will be SEO friendly due to separating www and web-app parts.

How to start

After fork,

  1. Get packages: such as to generate scss-2-css w/ node-sass
    • npm install
      • webpack: Bundles Sass and JavaScript, Builds html etc.
        • webpack-dev-server: Development server
        • sass-loader: Loads a Sass file and compiles it to CSS
        • node-sass: Provides binding for Node.js to Sass, peer dependency to sass-loader
        • css-loader: Resolves CSS @import and url() paths
        • extract-loader: Extracts the CSS into a .css file
        • file-loader: Serves the .css file as a public URL
      • webpack plugins
        • html-webpack-plugin: generate index.html
        • copy-webpack-plugin: copy files under dist/ folder
        • workbox-webpack-plugin: generate service-worker.js using workbox-config.js.
      • in order to add vendor specific styles
        • autoprefixer: Parses CSS and adds vendor prefixes to CSS rules
        • postcss-loader: Loader for Webpack used in conjunction with autoprefixer
      • material-components-web: to customize material theming
      • babel: bundle ES2015 into standart JS
        • @babel/core
        • babel-loader: Compiles JavaScript files using babel
        • @babel/preset-env: Preset for compiling es2015
    • npm install -g workbox-cli, then workbox generateSW workbox-config.js to update service-worker.js locally. Read more

How to Customize

  1. Use material.theme.scss to change variables w/ your colors, shape requirements etc.
  2. Prepare assets
  3. then, start changing index.html and creating new html files if needed!
  • webpack.config.js: webpack configuration for scss-2-css, es2015js-2-js, copy some files, generate html files etc...
  • style.scss: contains all .scss files, and imports below scss files. Webpack converts it and all other scss-2-css into bundle.css
    • material.theme.scss: all global variables to change material design look and feel. (colors, shapes etc.)
    • normalize.scss: to reset browser specific css things. optimized version of npm install normalizer.
    • material.layout.scss: specific to the layout
    • material.components.scss : specific to the material components
  • main.js: access components w/ querySelectorAll('.className') then do whatever you want!. Webpack converts it into bundle.js
    • It has, routing table for dev, release, demo and prod redirections. So change w/ your own urls. And here, naming is critical. It parses domainNames to route.
  • icons : npm install -g cli-real-favicon to generate all favicons for ms, ios, android. You just need 1 high resolution transparent .png file
    • logo-transparent.png master png file
    • favicon-description.json : parameters for favicon generation. Change w/ your values
    • : generation script. creates .xyz folder and all images. Copy them manually to related paths!
    • assets/icons/*.png
    • favicon*
    • apple-touch*
  • dist/: npm run build creates for deployments. Then copy-webpack-plugin to copy some files into it. This part is critical for firbase, cause it need to see 404.html and index.html and related files to them!
    • bundle.js
    • bundle.css

How to Run

  • for development only and serve from local run npm run start
  • for production, npm run build to create dist/ folder. Then deploy it to firebase w/ ./deploy-to- scripts or somewhere else

How to Deploy

to deploy Firebase: 2 files are critical. firebase init creates them. You should customize them too.

  • .firebaserc: configurations about targets, firebase projects ids, and hostings. In a real scenario, you have more than one web sites in a hosting.
  • firebase.json: Deployment config to firebase
  •,,, To decrease deployment risks such as firebase users, projects and related websites etc..
    • In a ci/cd scenario, you will use some parts of scripts to handle more elegant way !

general architecture will be similar to below:

  • The branches will be dev, release, demo, prod
  • then, your firebase architecturee will be,
    • for the main part will cover dev (dev-13df7), release (release-15dx7), demo (demo-3f567), prod (prod-4fg56)
      • Above have 1 hosting w/ multiple websites + default firestore db + same Authentication + GA enabled
      • blaze pricing tier for gcp access
    • in a microservices scenario, you gonna need separate projects dedicated to dbs
      • i.e. merchandiser-dev, merchandiser-release, merchandiser-demo, merchandiser-prod
      • merchandiser's app or www is inside dev, release, demo and prod !!
  • So then, your GCP structure will be under 1 billing account w/ 1 organization
    • dev, release, demo, prod as gcp projects.
    • if you delete firebase project, gcp part, default behaviour, will be deleted !
  • So then, your GA structure will be under 1 account
    • dev, release, demo, prod as properties and all web sites view inside.
    • in GA, correct namings. They will have same ids in firebase.
  1. Install Firebase CLI w/ npm install -g firebase-tools
  2. firebase login to switch firebase user. or firebase logout to change firebase user.
    • firebase list to see firebase projects
    • then, firebase init to initialize firebase settings w/ hosting, public=./dist, no route to index.html, no overwrite 404.html, no overwrite index.html
  3. In a real scenario you will have dev, release, prod, demo stages. And i.e. in dev (as firebase project), you will have 1 hosting which contains 2 apps such as www (static parts) and core-app (dynamic parts).
    So you should consider:
    • every links in www must be redirected correct core-app urls, regarding to stages of core-app !
    • deployment of www must be routed to correct project and correct hosting app !
  4. Copy and edit .firebaserc, firebase.json files. Basicly, below steps are...
    • Do not add site: ... to the firebase.json. Instead, Use target: ... !
    • Add index.html firebase js before
    • Run firebase use --add, for all projects in related firebase account ! This will define alias for --project .... So you can use easily
    • Run firebase deploy --project development --only hosting:...
    • for local test use firebase serve.

About Fork strategy

Once you forked, do your customizations and manually get changes from upstream.