
Customizable Real-time Communication Engine/SFU library focused on WebRTC.

APACHE-2.0 License


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Membrane RTC Engine

Customizable Real-time Communication Engine/SFU library focused on WebRTC.


For usage examples, please refer to:

Repository structure

This repository currently holds the following packages:

  • engine -
    RTC Engine, the main package responsible for exchanging media tracks between Endpoints,
  • webrtc -
    WebRTC Endpoint, responsible for establishing a connection with some WebRTC client (mainly browser) and exchanging media with it,
  • hls -
    HLS Endpoint, responsible for receiving media tracks from all other Endpoints and saving them to files by creating HLS playlists,
  • rtsp -
    RTSP Endpoint, responsible for connecting to a remote RTSP stream source and sending the appropriate media track to other Endpoints,
  • file -
    File Endpoint, responsible for reading track from a file, payloading it into RTP, and sending it to other Endpoints,
  • sip -
    SIP Endpoint, responsible for establishing a connection with some SIP device (e.g. phone) and exchanging media with it,
  • recording -
    Recording Endpoint, responsible for saving incoming tracks to pointed storages.

For more info about a given Endpoint, refer to its documentation.

Each Endpoint is a separate package with its own source files, dependencies and tests. To use a certain Endpoint in your app, you have to declare it in your dependencies list (as well as the Engine), e.g.

def deps do
    {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.22.0"},
    {:membrane_rtc_engine_webrtc, "~> 0.8.0"}

The integration_test/ directory contains test scenarios utilising multiple Endpoints of different types.

Extracted from project README
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