
Today Microsoft has two technologies which achieve seemingly unrelated goas:

  • the Kusto Query Language (KQL) which allows the user to store, and then query petabytes of data. This language is used in Azure Data Explorer, Azure Monitor, Log Analytics, Azure Sentinel, etc.
  • Reactive Extensions, which works on push mode streams, processing one event at the time without storage. This is useful to build real-time applications with microseconds or milliseconds response time.

These technologies have very different developer entry bar - learning KQL is no more difficult than learning how to use a database, while using Rx.Net requires advanced C# knowledge about LINQ, lambda expressions, Disposables, etc.

Rx.KQL is a C# library which brings the benefits of true-real-time into the simpler world of KQL users.


To bridge the gap to KQL users, the Rx.KQL library needs to be hosted in some C# application or system that has the streams of events. These samples illustrate how to do this.

Mouse move

This sample illustrates the usage of Rx.KQL on stream of mouse-move events in a local WinForms application. Advanced C# user with understanding of Rx and LNNQ can mix KQL in their real-time push pipelines.

See Readme and demo movie


This sample illustrates hosting Rx.KQL in a console app for processing infinite, real-time stream of stock tickers.

The main point is that we can run practically infinite number of real-time querues simultaneously. Each query is a push pipeline that processes each event as it arrives, and produces the result with microseconds delay.

See Readme and demo movie


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