
Tx (LINQ to Events)

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Tx (LINQ to Logs and Traces)

Tx allows you to do Language Integrated Query (LINQ) directly on raw event sources:

  • ad-hoc query on past history in trace and log files
  • standing queries on real-time feeds, such as Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) sessions

The Tx approach is different than Databases, Hadoop, Splunk, Dapper, etc. which all require a stage of uploading before the events become available to queries.

Instead, mixing Reactive Extensions (Rx) and LINQ-to-Objects allows the query to be embedded anywhere including:

The following picture shows the dependencies among the main Tx components:


  • Dark green is .Net
  • Light green is mature open source
  • Light grey are framework components, also available on NuGet
  • Darker gray are tool experiences that come with Tx
  • White are samples

For more see the documentation


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