
A YouTube Clone using Ruby on Rails 5



A YouTube Clone using Ruby on Rails


Ophelia is a video sharing platform built using Ruby on Rails. It provides the basic functionalities of YouTube such as uploading a video, liking a video, commnting on a video, and checking the views for a video.

It has four models:

  • Video:

    • Upload Video
    • Edit Video
    • Delete Video
    • View a Video
  • User:

    • Create user (Sign in)
    • Delete user
    • Update information for user
    • Login
    • Sign out
  • Comment:

    • Create a comment
    • Delete a comment
    • View a comment
  • Like:

    • Like a video
    • Dislike a video


    The platform was built using: RoR as a web framework, MySQL as DBMS, bulma as a CSS framework. In order to deploy the application, please follow these steps after making sure that Ruby, Rails, and MySQL are installed:

    • git clone https://github.com/Lekssays/ophelia.git
    • cd ophelia
    • bundle install
    • rake db:create
    • rake db:migrate


    • Main page:
    • Discover page:
    • Video page
    • Edit profile page
    • Upload video page
    • Comment field

    Collaboration and Security

    Please feel free to submit issues and PRs in case of any security issue.