
shamir secret sharing in zig

APACHE-2.0 License



Simple zig implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm.

2 implementations exist:

  1. Uses GF(2^8). Implementation inspired by privy-io/shamir-secret-sharing and hashicorp/vault.

  2. Uses Ristretto255. Implementation inspired by coinbase/kryptology

Includes a CLI app for independent use of shamir secret sharing.

Security considerations

  1. Although the reference implementations have been audited, this implementation was NOT audited and was written for FUN. DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION.
  2. This library is not responsible for verifying the result of share reconstruction. Incorrect or corrupted shares will produce an incorrect value. Thus, it is the responsibility of users of this library to verify the integrity of the reconstructed secret.
  3. Secrets should ideally be uniformly distributed at random. If this is not the case, it is recommended to first encrypt the value and split the encryption key.


  1. Run the following command:
zig fetch --save git+
  1. Add the following to build.zig:
const shamir = b.dependency("shamir-zig", .{});
exe.root_module.addImport("shamir", shamir.module("shamir"));


zig build


We can generate shares from a given secret and later reconstruct the secret from the minimum number of shares (as configured when running generate).


./zig-out/bin/shamir generate --threshold 4 --total 10 --secret mynamejeff
# --- output ---
# 582119FAF8CD1A1B8B478B
# E2C639374D22AF2F7F9A92
# EC199A1E26F30DA8545C35
# 18D1CD0C31AB9CF5543BBA
# 21E445153208A7B8FDD341
# 445DC7E47841916D1D3B5A
# C724D4678DF493727F99D0
# B611E915CAB0609FABEC18
# 8B67CE0445E7CF07E780C3
# CF8770A2BFCCFD4712EDB2
./zig-out/bin/shamir reconstruct -s=18D1CD0C31AB9CF5543BBA,C724D4678DF493727F99D0,B611E915CAB0609FABEC18,CF8770A2BFCCFD4712EDB2
# --- output ---
# Regenerated secret: mynamejeff

Code example

test "can split secret into multiple shares" {
    var secret = std.ArrayList(u8).init(std.testing.allocator);
    defer secret.deinit();
    // Hex value of "secret"
    try secret.appendSlice(&[_]u8{ 0x73, 0x65, 0x63, 0x72, 0x65, 0x74 });
    assert(secret.items.len == 6);

    const shares = try generate(secret, 3, 2, std.testing.allocator);
    defer {
        for (shares.items) |s| {
    assert(shares.items.len == 3);

    const first_share = shares.items[0];
    assert(first_share.items.len == secret.items.len + 1);
    const second_share = shares.items[1];

    var thresholds = [2]std.ArrayList(u8){ first_share, second_share };
    const reconstructed = try reconstruct(&thresholds, std.testing.allocator);
    defer reconstructed.deinit();

    assert(std.mem.eql(u8, secret.items, reconstructed.items));

    std.debug.print("\nreconstructed (integers): ", .{});
    try std.json.stringify(&reconstructed.items, .{ .emit_strings_as_arrays = true },;
    std.debug.print("\nreconstructed (string): ", .{});
    try std.json.stringify(&reconstructed.items, .{ .emit_strings_as_arrays = false },;


This package exposes two functions: generate and reconstruct.


/// Generate `shares` number of shares from given `secret` value, requiring `threshold` of them to reconstruct `secret`.
/// @param `secret` The secret value to split into shares.
/// @param `shares` The total number of shares to split `secret` into. Must be at least 2 and at most 255.
/// @param `threshold` The minimum number of shares required to reconstruct `secret`. Must be at least 2 and at most 255.
/// @param `allocator` Allocator to allocate arraylists on the heap
/// @returns A list of `shares` shares.
pub fn generate(
    secret: std.ArrayList(u8),
    shares: u8,
    threshold: u8,
    allocator: Allocator,
) !std.ArrayList(std.ArrayList(u8))


/// Reconstruct the secret from the given shares.
/// @param `shares` A list of shares to reconstruct the secret from. Must be at least 2 and at most 255.
/// @param `allocator` Allocator to allocate arraylists on the heap
/// @returns The reconstructed secret.
pub fn reconstruct(shares: []std.ArrayList(u8), allocator: Allocator) !std.ArrayList(u8)


Apache-2.0. See the license file.