
MIT License



Bindings to the Lua C API.

The primary goal of Lunaro to provide a stable, agnostic, and idiomatic interface to the Lua C API. Code using Lunaro can link against any Lua >= 5.1 library and work without issue.


Documentation is available at


Add lunaro to your list of dependencies in build.zig.zon by adding it to the list of dependencies.

    .name = "project",
    .version = "0.0.1",
    .dependencies = .{
        .lunaro = .{
            .url = "",

The following sections contain code for a build.zig for the different ways to link against Lua.

As a Library

First, link against Lua dynamically (as seen in the Dynamic Linking section).

Then add the following to your library:

const lunaro = @import("lunaro");


fn mylibrary(L: *lunaro.State) c_int {

comptime {
    _ = lunaro.exportAs(mylibrary, "mylibrary");

This exports the mylibrary function (following lunaro.wrapFn rules) as luaopen_mylibrary so that it can be required from lua.

Dynamic Linking

Using System Libraries

const lunaro = b.dependency("lunaro", .{});


// TODO: the following is no longer applicable, I need to find a way for the user to pass this information into lunaro.

exe.linkSystemLibrary("lua"); // or whatever the name of the lua library is under pkg-config

// if pkg-config isn't available, you'll need to add the include path and library path manually
// exe.addIncludePath("/usr/include/lua5.3"); // this directory should contain lua.h
// exe.addLibraryPath("/usr/lib/lua5.3"); // this directory should contain the required
// exe.linkLibrary("lua5.3"); // this should be the name of the lua library to link against

Using a compiled dynamic library

const lunaro = b.dependency("lunaro", .{
    .lua = .lua51, // request the version of lua here, valid values are: lua51, lua52, lua53, lua54, luajit
    // .strip = true, // strip all debug information from the lua library
    // .target = ... // build lua for a non-native target


Static Linking

const lunaro = b.dependency("lunaro", .{
    .lua = .lua51, // request the version of lua here, valid values are: lua51, lua52, lua53, lua54, luajit
    // .strip = true, // strip all debug information from the lua library
    // .target = ... // build lua for a non-native target



For the most part, Lunaro's API is close to the Lua C API with a few exceptions. The Lua 5.3 API was the base for Lunaro, any function that has a direct replacement in 5.3 has been replaced with that function (for example: lua_equal is replaced with lua_compare).


All functions have been stripped of their lua_ and luaL_ prefixes. These functions are all in the State or Buffer namespaces. Most functions have been slightly renamed, or removed in favor of more idiomatic Zig.

However, function names still follow the lua convention of all lowercase with no separation between words.

Lua C API Lunaro
lua_newstate State.initWithAlloc
lua_type State.typeof
lua_error State.throw
luaL_checktype State.ensuretype
luaL_checkany State.ensureexists
luaL_checkstack State.ensurestack
luaL_newmetatable State.newmetattablefor
luaL_setmetatable State.setmetatablefor
luaL_error State.raise
luaL_loadbuffer State.loadstring
luaL_newstate State.init
luaL_len State.lenof
luaL_typename State.typenameof
luaL_getmetatable State.getmetablefor
luaL_checkudata State.checkResource

Missing Functions

lua_tolstring has been replaced with tostring lua_pushlstring has been replaced with pushstring and pushstringExtra luaL_loadstring has been replaced with State.loadstring

lua_gc is not yet implemented.

lua_isyieldable is not implementable in Lua 5.1 and 5.2. lua_setwarnf is not implementable in Lua 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 without polyfilling the entire warning API. lua_warning is not implementable in Lua 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 without polyfilling the entire warning API. lua_upvalueid is not implementable in Lua 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. lua_upvaluejoin is not implementable in Lua 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3.

luaL_argerror replaced with State.check. luaL_typeerror replaced with State.check. luaL_checknumber replaced with State.check. luaL_optnumber replaced with State.check. luaL_checkinteger replaced with State.check. luaL_optinteger replaced with State.check. luaL_checklstring replaced with State.check. luaL_optlstring replaced with State.check. luaL_checkoption replaced with State.check. luaL_testudata replaced with State.checkResource.


To deal with the change in LUA_GLOBALSINDEX and LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS, State.pushglobaltable is provided to push the global table onto the stack.

A generic State.push function is provided to push any type onto the stack, include structs as a table. A generic State.check and State.checkAlloc function is provided to check the type of any value on the stack. Usually used to check arguments of a function.

Resource Mechanism

Lunaro provides a mechanism to manage userdata resources in Lua.

State.registerResource registers a type as a resource and creates a metatable for it. State.resource creates a resource (from a registered type) and pushes it onto the stack and returns a pointer to it. State.checkResource checks if the value on the stack is a resource of the given type and returns a pointer to it.