
A tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator. Now available in pure Zig.

MIT License


Nano ID in Zig

A battle-tested, tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator. Now available in pure Zig.

  • Freestanding. zig-nanoid is entirely freestanding.
  • Fast. The algorithm is very fast and relies just on basic math, speed will mostly depend on your choice of RNG.
  • Safe. It can use any random generator you want and the library has no errors to handle.
  • Short IDs. It uses a larger alphabet than UUID (A-Za-z0-9_-). So ID length was reduced from 36 to 21 symbols and it is URL friendly.
  • Battle Tested. Original implementation has over 18 million weekly downloads on npm.
  • Portable. Nano ID was ported to 20+ programming languages.


Basic usage with std.crypto.random:

const std = @import("std");
const nanoid = @import("nanoid");

pub fn main() !void
    const result = nanoid.generate(std.crypto.random);

    std.log.info("Nanoid: {s}", .{result});

Comparison to UUID

Nano ID is quite comparable to UUID v4 (random-based).

It has a similar number of random bits in the ID (126 in Nano ID and 122 in UUID), so it has a similar collision probability.

It also uses a bigger alphabet, so a similar number of random bits are packed in just 21 symbols instead of 36.

For there to be a one in a billion chance of duplication, 103 trillion version 4 IDs must be generated.

How to use

Generating an id with the default size

The simplest way to generate an id with the default alphabet and length is by using the function generate like so:

const result = nanoid.generate(std.crypto.random);

If you want a custom alphabet you can use generateWithAlphabet and pass either a custom alphabet or one from nanoid.alphabets:

const result = nanoid.generateWithAlphabet(std.crypto.random, nanoid.alphabets.numbers); // This id will only contain numbers

You can find a variety of other useful alphabets inside of nanoid.alphabets.

The result is an array of size default_id_len which happens to be 21 which is returned by value.

There are no errors to handle, assuming your rng object is valid everything will work. The default alphabet includes the symbols "-_", numbers and English lowercase and uppercase letters.

Generating an id with a custom size

If you want a custom alphabet and length use generateEx or generateExWithIterativeRng.

The function generateEx takes an rng, an alphabet, a result_buffer that it will write the id to, and a step_buffer. The step_buffer is used by the algorithm to store a random bytes so it has to do less calls to the rng and step_buffer.len must be at least computeRngStepBufferLength(computeMask(@truncate(u8, alphabet.len)), result_buffer.len, alphabet.len).

The function generateExWithIterativeRng is the same as generateEx except it doesn't need a step_buffer. It will use Random.int(u8) instead of Random.bytes() to get a random byte at a time thus avoiding the need for a rng step buffer. Normally this will be slower but depending on your rng algorithm or other requirements it might not be, so the option is there in case you need but normally it is recommended you use generateEx which requires a temporary buffer that will be filled using Random.bytes() in order to get the best performance.

Additionally you can precompute a sufficient length for the step_buffer and pre-allocate it as an optimization using computeSufficientRngStepBufferLengthFor which simply asks for the largest possible id length you want to generate.

If you intend to use the default_id_len, you can use the constant nanoid.rng_step_buffer_len_sufficient_for_default_length_ids.

Regarding RNGs

You will need to provide an random number generator (rng) yourself. You can use the zig standard library ones, either std.rand.DefaultPrng or if you have stricter security requirements use std.rand.DefaultCsprng or std.crypto.random.

When you initialize them you need to provide a seed, providing the same one every time will result in the same ids being generated every time you run the program, except for std.crypto.random.

If you want a good secure seed you can generate one using std.crypto.random.bytes.

Here is an example of how you would initialize and seed std.rand.DefaultCsprng and use it:

// Generate seed
var seed: [std.rand.DefaultCsprng.secret_seed_length]u8 = undefined;

// Initialize the rng and allocator
var rng = std.rand.DefaultCsprng.init(seed);

// Generate id
var id = nanoid.generate(rng.random());

Add zig-nanoid to your project


To add the library as a package to your zig project:

  1. Download the repo and put it in a folder (eg: thirdparty) in your project.
  2. Import the library's build.zig in your build script (eg: const nanoid = @import("thirdparty/nanoid-zig/build.zig");)
  3. Add the library as a package to your steps (eg: exe.addPackage(nanoid.getPackage("nanoid"));)

Full example:

// build.zig
const std = @import("std");
const nanoid = @import("thirdparty/zig-nanoid/build.zig");

pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) void 
    const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
    const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();

    const exe = b.addExecutable("zig-nanoid-test", "src/main.zig");

Using the gyro package manager

We support the zig gyro package manager. Here is how to use it:

  1. From your terminal initialize a gyro project and add the package SasLuca/nanoid.

    gyro init
    gyro add SasLuca/nanoid
  2. In your build.zig do an import like so const pkgs = @import("deps.zig").pkgs; and call pkgs.addAllTo(exe); to add all libraries to your executable (or some other target).

  3. Import const nanoid = @import("nanoid"); in your main.zig and use it.

  4. Invoke gyro build run which will generate deps.zig and other files as well as building and running your project.

Useful links