
A SoundFont MIDI synthesizer written in pure Zig

OTHER License



ZiggySynth is a SoundFont MIDI synthesizer written in pure Zig, ported from MeltySynth for C#.


  • Suitable for both real-time and offline synthesis.
  • Support for standard MIDI files.
  • No dependencies other than the standard library.
  • All the functionality is in a single file.





Some useful aliases:

const ziggysynth = @import("ziggysynth.zig");
const SoundFont = ziggysynth.SoundFont;
const Synthesizer = ziggysynth.Synthesizer;
const SynthesizerSettings = ziggysynth.SynthesizerSettings;
const MidiFile = ziggysynth.MidiFile;
const MidiFileSequencer = ziggysynth.MidiFileSequencer;

An example code to synthesize a simple chord:

// Load the SoundFont.
var sf2 = try fs.cwd().openFile("TimGM6mb.sf2", .{});
defer sf2.close();
var sound_font = try SoundFont.init(allocator, sf2.reader());
defer sound_font.deinit();

// Create the synthesizer.
var settings = SynthesizerSettings.init(44100);
var synthesizer = try Synthesizer.init(allocator, &sound_font, &settings);
defer synthesizer.deinit();

// Play some notes (middle C, E, G).
synthesizer.noteOn(0, 60, 100);
synthesizer.noteOn(0, 64, 100);
synthesizer.noteOn(0, 67, 100);

// The output buffer (3 seconds).
const sample_count: usize = @intCast(3 * settings.sample_rate);
var left: []f32 = try allocator.alloc(f32, sample_count);
defer allocator.free(left);
var right: []f32 = try allocator.alloc(f32, sample_count);
defer allocator.free(right);

// Render the waveform.
synthesizer.render(left, right);

Another example code to synthesize a MIDI file:

// Load the SoundFont.
var sf2 = try fs.cwd().openFile("TimGM6mb.sf2", .{});
defer sf2.close();
var sound_font = try SoundFont.init(allocator, sf2.reader());
defer sound_font.deinit();

// Create the synthesizer.
var settings = SynthesizerSettings.init(44100);
var synthesizer = try Synthesizer.init(allocator, &sound_font, &settings);
defer synthesizer.deinit();

// Load the MIDI file.
var mid = try fs.cwd().openFile("flourish.mid", .{});
defer mid.close();
var midi_file = try MidiFile.init(allocator, mid.reader());
defer midi_file.deinit();

// Create the sequencer.
var sequencer = MidiFileSequencer.init(&synthesizer);

// Play the MIDI file.
sequencer.play(&midi_file, false);

// The output buffer.
const sample_count = @as(f64, @floatFromInt(settings.sample_rate)) * midi_file.getLength();
var left: []f32 = try allocator.alloc(f32, @intFromFloat(sample_count));
defer allocator.free(left);
var right: []f32 = try allocator.alloc(f32, @intFromFloat(sample_count));
defer allocator.free(right);

// Render the waveform.
sequencer.render(left, right);


  • Wave synthesis
    • SoundFont reader
    • Waveform generator
    • Envelope generator
    • Low-pass filter
    • Vibrato LFO
    • Modulation LFO
  • MIDI message processing
    • Note on/off
    • Bank selection
    • Modulation
    • Volume control
    • Pan
    • Expression
    • Hold pedal
    • Program change
    • Pitch bend
    • Tuning
  • Effects
    • Reverb
    • Chorus
  • Other things
    • Standard MIDI file support
    • Performace optimization


ZiggySynth is available under the MIT license.