



TL;DR | What is included? | How to apply? | Screenshots

These are all of my personal hand-crafted and non-bloated dotfiles I use at home as well as at work.

Before applying my dotfiles on an untouched system, I provision it in one go with ansible-debian.


$ ./

What is included?

dotfile description
autorunner Configurable and notification aware autostart helper
bash Shell configuration files
compton Compositor for Xorg
ctags Generate tag files for source code. Integrates well into vim and neovim
dunst Notification manager for i3-wm
git gitconfig
gnupg gnupg configuration
gtk GTK 2.0 and GTK 3.0 theme configuration
i3 i3 / i3-gaps configuration
i3blocks i3blocks (status bar for i3) configuration
neovim The last editor
profanity Console based XMPP client
qt QT theme configuration
readline Terminal key configuration
redshift Turns the screen red when working during night. Keeps your eyes intact
sublime Fast gui-based editor
sxiv Small, fast and low-dependency image viewer with vim binding
thunar Gui-based and leight-weight file explorer
tmux Terminal multiplexer
X11 X11 configuration files (Xresources, Xmodmap, xinitrc and xsession). They also configure dpi, fonts, colors, rofi and urxvt
xdg Sets my prefered default applications
zathura Small, fast and low-dependency pdf viewer with vim bindings

How to apply?

Running will just symlink every configuration file from this repository to its respective location. Before doing so it will take care about confirmation and backups.

  1. Each symlink must be confirmed and can be skipped
  2. Backing up the currently existing config file to ~/dotfiles-backup_<YYY-MM-DD_hh_mm_ss>/
# Install with confirmation
$ ./

Symlink bash? (Y/n)
Symlink compton? (Y/n)
Symlink ctags? (Y/n)
Symlink dunst? (Y/n)

You can also run everything without confirmation by supplying -y argument to the script.

# Install without confirmation and always assume yes
$ ./ -y






Sublime Text 3

Gimp & LibreOffice