
Personal neovim configs

MIT License


NOTE: this readme is outdated.

Plugins (sort by alphabet)


  • gb Jump to the bottom of the buffer

  • gh Jump backward to the head of the line

  • gl Jump forward to the last of the line

  • gj Jump down to the visible bottom of the window

  • gk Jump up to the visible top of the window

  • gp Go to preview

  • s Vision scoped jump within current buffer via Leap

  • S Vision scoped jump across windows via Leap

  • <leader>a Add harpoon mark

  • <leader>c Code Actions - LSP, node actions, etc

  • <leader>e Tree file explorer

  • <leader>gg Lazygit

  • <leader>i

  • <leader>j Split window down

  • <leader>k Split window up

  • <leader>l Split window right

  • <leader>m Harpoon marks

  • <leader>n Annotations

  • <leader>o Oil file / folder manipulation

  • <leader>p Switching projects

  • <leader>q Quit current buffer

  • <leader>r Refactor selected code /

  • <leader>s Live grep search

  • <leader>th Toggle terminal horizontally

  • <leader>tv Toggle terminal vertically

  • <leader>u Urls

  • <leader>y Yank history

  • <leader>z Toggle Zen Mode

  • <leader>? Help tags via fzf-lua

  • <leader>/ Find keymaps via fzf-lua

  • <leader>\ Lazy plugins

  • <leader>. Commands

  • <leader><CR> New lines below without entering insert mode

  • <leader><BS> New lines above without entering insert mode

  • <C-a> Select all

  • <C-t> Toggle terminal

  • <C-w> Save current buffer


  • all
  • dart
  • rust
  • typescript


  • properly set events for different plugins, see :help events
  • write commonly used snippets for rust, flutter / dart and typescript/tsx/react
  • config vscode like indent
  • graphql / rest client for neovim
  • unify shared icons for different plugins
  • unify builtin ui with dressing.nvim
  • fully remove noice
  • Batch rename
  • Add dial.nvim
  • Reduce startup time (currently between 50 - 100 ms, on M1 Max)