
❀ ~/.πŸ› πŸˆ the daily jam 🍞πŸ₯œπŸ‡πŸž

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β€’ wiki β€’ Installation β€’ apps β€’ File Structure β€’ Useful Links β€’ arch β€’ TODOs β€’ Contact β€’


Warning 🚧 πŸ‘· install script is incomplete, do the good ol StackOverflow to experiment with repo files.

curl \ \
| /bin/sh;

echo "quickly add tmux configuration file, in a pinch 🀏";
curl \ \
> ~/.tmux.conf;


🌹πŸͺ¨ apps i use on various operating systems

apps macos gnu+linux windows
wm spectacle i3 default
builtin flameshot default
🎧️ background music ??? ???
fe thunar explorer
iMessage bluebubbles ???
karabiner elements interception / dual function keys ???
βœ‚οΈ clipy copyq ???
πŸ“ΊοΈ arandr

File Structure

Certain files and folders are omitted for brevity & security, most notably the pack directory polluting the File Structure with vim plugin files.

191 directories, 488 files

Useful Links no particular order


  • #neovim, update config init.lua when using control+p to search for files in cwd to work with both git repos and non git repo dirs. as of right now i have use <leader>p+f to search / list files in a non git dir (repo)
  • #neovim when the cmd gcc use // style comments instead of /* */
  • #fish #theme #neolambda, if origin is the same git remote as another remote name then update git status prompt for both, not just origin
  • #nvim #neovim is there an elegant way to switch a word from single quotes ' to double quotes " and vise versa
  • #linux #screencasting #i3, setup binding to toggle showkey, and auto launch showkey after i3 starts ala copyq
  • #tmux how not move window title names when prefix key is pressed and label ^S is shown in the left side of the status bar.
  • #tmux only display window index numbers after the pressing prefix key (this gunna be a tricky one) πŸ€”
  • #i3 #polybar put cpu / gpu fan speeds in my bar
  • #nvim WTF, when i've been running :e on my open buffer ( it's been resetting my foldlevel=2 😑
  • #arch xrandr + arandr is it possible to have auto probe monitors to load layouts on the fly a la how macos does it
  • #arch #emote how to make the gui for my emoji picker larger πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦―
  • #nvim plugin / #nvim-ufo can not fold html tags contained with a markdown document out of the box
  • #i3 when launching an app that is defined for a specific workspace and already on that workspace the app launches on the previously active workspace WTF?
  • #arch #systemd, come to a peaceful solution on why i can't set the perms i want for my log files
  • a much better solution for ricing my arch install ie. editing config files that require a reboot would be to edit in a virtual machine or even using a docker container to not require a full reboot πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  • #arch #i3, how to change the outline color of the active window on the screen?
  • #tmux setup a custom code fold function using vimscript or possible lua for my tmux.conf reference the stock html and c lang syntax files for how the use different types of expressions for code folds πŸ€”
  • #webdev, side quest, 🀺 figure out reimp search so a site such autozone can find b12 chemtool instead having to type b-12
  • #arch map left control key on keychron to fn key ala macbook builtin keyboard
  • #milliondollaridea πŸ€‘, some way to search the youtube transcript in browser to find a specific spot of a video
  • #arch #tmux add key binding to toggle window display numbers
  • #hammerspoon #karabiner #cmake it'd be nice to swap the [] with the {} when capslock is activated similiar to how i swapped underbar _ with hyphen -
  • #fish it'd be cool to remove all entries from my fish history that were invalid commands thus when searching through history i don't repeat the same mistake
  • #alacritty does not properly highlight, select URLs when wrapped
  • #freecad create asciinema of configuring and building freecad from source on macos
    • #freecad make an additional cast of runing through the test suite after building/installing freecad
  • #mpv #hammerspoon, setup a env var for mpvsocket to make interacting the mpv socket a little less brittle 🧊
  • #arch #archlinux #linux go through the following procedures to see if the intel crystalwell igpu is properly being used on my archbox
  • #vim #neovim #nvim, specific, add or implement goto definition function when editing homebrew formula files to have a go to definition when cursor is on a depends_on block, ie. open that respected formula file
  • display some sort message, alert, or menubar icon when caps lock is activated "for all that is sane" πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βš•οΈ
  • [vnc viewer] using vnc on macos sucks when using an external mouse to scroll through the terminal history.
    • is ther some setting where the sensitivity can be set, so scroll begins with one click of the mouse wheel.
  • #vim #nvim when toggling the tagbar leader+\ move the cursor/focus to the tagbar buffer automatically.
  • #tmux #fish possible to restore scroll back history after closing tmux server and terminal alacritty
  • #arch, set lshift+rshift to toggle caps-lock on/off
  • #fish, possible to detach current pane in a tmux window from shell history, or write commands run from certain directory to specific history file to keep commands ran in a specific directory quickly accessible, ie. useful when working with a node or ruby based project.
  • [alacritty] [fish] [tmux] [karabiner] [hammerspoon] double tap esc, ie. escΒ², to run the keyboard shortcut of clearing the scree, ie. prefix (tmux), then control+l
  • #vim implement func to decrypt / encrypt GPG files
  • #macos #homebrew howto search for homebrew taps
  • #neovim review the below highlight settings, obviously time permitting of course
    • Folded
    • GitGutterAdd
    • GitGutterChange
    • GitGutterDelete
    • LineNr
    • Number
  • [fish, dots] # TODO: migrate all mac, mac- related abbrs, alias, shell scripts to use apl prefix
  • [vim, tmux, or macos] some form of icon / notification of caps lock being enabled
  • [tmux] add space at the end of window names to prevent moving of text in status bar
    • Q can tmux separate all panes within a window from the global command history fish shell
  • [nvim] references text when working with JS files, toggle with leader+h as other hidden chars are toggled
  • [vim, javascript] Q how to make certain javascript lang keywords appear in italics using color / font scheme
    • className, const, return, this.state, onClick, import
  • [tmux] put short synopsis of current weather in tmux status bar, right side
  • vivaldi / voilentmonkey
    • youtube script, to switch view mode on viewer window hover with mouse or mash a key to bring focus to viewer window so playback shortcuts become active.
  • #tmux getting closer it'd be nice to have a quick double tap of either shiftkey thenshift to toggle between remote and local tmux sessions
  • [python] [fish] [virtualenv] setup keybinding control+d to exit virtualenv but not exit terminal / shell session, ie. make control+d local to the virtualenv
  • #python #fish #neolambda update prompt to remove Ξ» and put name of virtualenv instead
  • see if there is a fish function of omf or fisher plugin that supports sharing command history between bash and fish
  • make abe graphic more personal.
  • spend an hour or two working on install script for aiding the process of setting up my dotfiles on fresh box πŸ“¦.

  • #fish #neovim #tree-sitter properly highlight the word NOTE:
  • #arch #linux #rofi figure out how to add additional directories to search path
  • #gitsecret reencodes secret files on every commit, boo πŸ‘» WHY
  • #nvim RIP πŸͺ¦ packer.nvim looks i need to migrate to lazy.nvim sooner than later πŸ˜‘
  • [fish] detach fish shell instance from command history
    • prefix commands with a ie. ls instead of ls
  • [vim, json] adjust default conceal settings for json files
  • #arch how to side scroll with standard wired USB mouse with only a vertical scroll wheel πŸ€” ?
    • shift+wheel works well enough with firefox
  • #fish, possible to add a key binding to toggle the display of the right side prompt?
  • #fish add a keyboard shortcut to toggle the right prompt on / off
  • #nvim, using gcc in normal mode to toggle code comments in a tsconfig.json file inserts // instead of /* */
  • #nvim need to disable highlight color for markdown docs
  • [vim, markdown] have basic code folding for certain HTML tags when editing markdown documents

    nvim-ufo FTW πŸ₯³

  • [phys] reapply liquid metal to local cpu and gpu, run geekbench test before after, and exp with copper shims for gpu + cpu

    shits old what can i sayℒ️, cleaned main box aug 24 2023, applied new liquid metal

  • [macos] [afloat] [ke] [hammerspoon] double tap right shift, toggle keep window atop
  • [vim] navigating documents with line wraps makes jumping through buffer by line number inaccurate, wrapped lines are displayed as one line, but the jump cmd treats them as multiple
  • [vim] jump to open curly brace then jump back to close curly brace

    in normal mode press % to jump from opening to closing brace

  • #rice, created a new branch firewood for place to store things that are no longer required
  • #webdev #react #nvim properly setup comment.nvim to make the correct comments using :gcc in JSX
  • #tmux change the format of the tmux clock from 24 to 12 hour
  • #copypasta #fish #tmux, when logged in to a remote system via ssh, and running tmux locally and on a remote system copying the STDOUT to the local clipboard DOES NOT WORK!!!!!, need that
  • #tmux since working with multiple sessions it'd be nice to have tmux present a modal to quickly show all windows in all sessions and type the name of the window to quickly jump between tmux windows that aren't presently visible in the current tmux session. (one can dreamβ„’)
  • #nvim put :yy in system clipboard
  • [macos] look into creating a lazy mouse hover function, if the mouse is hovering a application specific window for a certain period of time (threshold) bring that application to focus, ie. a pseudo auto hover.
  • [tmux] nesting tmux sessions, finish exploring (if possilbe) get a working tmux setup that allows nesting sessions.
  • init.lua remember code fold settings when closing then reopening a buffer
  • #ssh #tmux copy/paste it seems using my fish abbr on a remote box (arch) pbpaste is unable to paste the contents of my local clipboard it'd be much coolerℒ️ if clipboard worked seemlessly across ssh (one can dream πŸ¦„)
  • #neovim Question, why does neovim always open new files with all code folds collapased?
  • #arch #emojis some how my key binding for launching my emoji picker emote NO LONGER WORKS!!!!!
  • #arch enable inteliommu as a grub boot line param
  • #treesitter, how to add a commentstring for a specific file ie. polybar.ini
  • Q does changing path to open buffers within a saved session file find new buffers with old neovim configuration files
    • short answer, no there's some automagic inside the init.lua either setting or plugin
  • #treesitter, #tmux config, tmux.config needs same love as polybar.ini
  • #arch how to print the battery level of BT headphones, and BT keyboard

    TL;DR upower -d

  • #arch when generating a list of installed packages from aur, only put packages that were specifically specified, ie. dont put deps of top level packages, ie. just but cheat and not all the haskell deps

    List all explicitly installed packages: pacman -Qe

  • #arch #i3 when i3 starts firefox loads on 2nd workspace labled 1 instead of 2:web
    • ...need to wait for al to finish loading or something of that nature πŸ€”
  • #nvim, code folds in this readme % do not work when relaunching nvim, have to change html tag for them to work πŸ‘Ž

not sure what the fix was but since relaunching nvim and loading session, code folds seem to be working with markdown files 🀞

  • [arch], set timeout for git credential cache so i don't have to keep inputting github username/password
  • #alacritty #macos for the love g0d, can we please support the emoji context menu ..."we can have nice thingsℒ️"
    • ended up forking alacritty myself and pulling a PR that allow emoji context menu πŸŽ‰
  • #arch #linux #archlinux, git push always prompts for username / password, boooooo πŸ‘»
  • [mpv] #mpv, add global shortcuts for pausing and muting mpv regardless of the front most application, use karabiner elements for macos
    • use fn+option+f8 for pause and fn+option+f10 for mute
  • [vim] [neovim] [vnc] how to paste from local to remote host when using vnc on macos
    • okay, my vim chops are rusty, when using terminal vim/neovim make sure mouse= and view the registers with :reg and locate the text that you'd like to paste, ie. "*p" is a common register that holds copied text
  • [keyboard] [keytron] remap control_l fn1 because i already have mapped caps lock to control_l no need to two left controls. [insert emoji of person wearing eyepatch, ...ohhh wait there isn't one]
  • [hardware] [keytron] [k6], remamp esc to ` as my caps lock key is already mapped to esc on tap
  • [fish] exp with using colors for function to distinguish misspelling of word
  • [vim] [neovim] keep the lcd / pwd to the directory nvim was launched from especially if nvim was launched with no args
    • disabled autochdir, check with :verbose set autochdir?
  • [macos, wm, spectacle] cmd,option,+ have to mash + multiple times to increase window size, would like hold the key down to increase size, looking at your karabiner-elements / hammerspoon out of my control
  • [vim] #vim, using my cmd+v in vim/neovim always adds an extra line πŸ‘Ώ
  • [tmux] [ke] left double tap shift, toggle max/min pane within window [shit broke with tmux update at some point]
  • [vim] change commenting for .gitignore files from /* wrong */ to # right
  • [vim] update colorscheme to see if it solves the neovim gutter white colored pipes for code folds. neovim folding doc
    • did not update the gutter symbol colors related to code folds. booo
  • [vim] keybinding: use ctrl+w, z to maximize / minimize split
  • [vim] remamp split command key bindings to use similar keys as tmux pane splitting, ie. | and -
  • pack up spring-dev branch into a release and begin summer-dev branch
  • [vim] figure out why colorscheme or syntax file is causing red block backgrounds
  • [tmux] search and see if it supports key chord style shortcuts, tired of using shift+arrow keys to navigate between windows, prefer ctrl+l then l
  • [fish] come up with sane way to check for misspelling of brew cask outdated --greddy
  • Vim Sesssions, Folds, and Conceals will be the death of me πŸ’€

Contact πŸ”

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Arrow: booooooo!